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Everything posted by limaxophobiacq

  1. First had Distant Advantage twice, then one of the turned into 'Aloth Attack' with the same stats, saving + loading and resting don't do anything. Don't know how it occured. Removing Aloth from party and adding him again removed 'Aloth Attack', will see if it comes back. Savegame with 2x Distant Advantage: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g14evoouekgibnj/a54c9a50e7f5487f9d078d7f64b8c652%207790897%20TheBlackHound.savegame?dl=0 Savegame with Distant Advantage + 'Aloth Attack': https://www.dropbox.com/s/9lirmwlopyqcphm/a54c9a50-e7f5-487f-9d07-8d7f64b8c652%20quicksave.savegame?dl=0
  2. But that is what you can do RIGHT NOW, 'Important to all classes' doesn't mean the same as important for every application. Might f.ex. while good for every class doesn't do anything for non-damage/healing abilities so if you want to focus on that might can be deprioritised in favor of perception if you want to do lets say a CC wizard. Same with perception if you're going to play a priest who only heals and buffs since none of your casts are going to go up against a defence. Want to focus on singe-target damage? Then prioritise might/dex/per over Int.
  3. Well that's why I was going to focus on a reach weapon and not getting hit, that's what tanks are for. Might just drop it to 7 or 8 though.
  4. IMO, though I'm not a tripple-crowner myself, drop the fighter and the barbarian for 2 wizards. Two tanks is enough, and barbarians are risky as melee glass-cannons. You need the CC and DPS the wizards will bring together with your druid.
  5. I'm not saying perception giving accuracy isn't good, I'm just saying it's not gamebreaking. Compared to the short time it takes to cast Eldritch Aim or the 'sacrifice' of playing a wood elf rather than another race the price you have to pay for increasing accuracy by raising perception (dumping another attribute) is much bigger. Personally I feel Eldritch Aim could probably take being lowered to a +10 and between it and Alacrity (which could probably also take a slight nerf) elven wizards would still be the late-game CC kings. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that's not how probabilities work. I was mistaken about attack resolution, I thought it always was 50 points between graze to hit to crit but turns out graze to hit is 35 points and hit to crit is 50 so its at best a 30% chance per casting to matter rather than 20%. At worst if you are so low that you can only miss or graze with no chance of hitting its a 10% chance to matter per casting, same with if you are so high you can only hit or crit. (There seems to also be a rule that a raw roll of 96-100 is always at worst a hit and 0-5 always at best a graze but when that rule comes up accuracy doesn't really matter at all.)
  6. I think I'm going to try something like: Might 18 Con 10 Dex 12 Perception 20 Int 13 Resolve 5 with Weapon Focus: Peasant and the +20% attack speed staff now that +speed enchant works. Speed, +10 accuracy, and +30 interrupt from perception with carnage should to a decent amount of interrupts as well as good damage. Also might try dual-wielding hatchets (+10 accuracy from perception and +10 deflection from hatchets) and spears (total +15 accuracy) while I'm at it.
  7. I can't see how getting 20 perception for +10 accuracy on CC is going to break to game. +10 accuracy only matters one out of 5 castings anyway, you could very well cast ALL your 6th level spells in a row and have the 10 per vs 20 per not matter. Sacrificing everything for that last little bit of accuracy on a spell just isn't worth it the way it is for stacking deflection, stacking deflection matters because that last bit is what brings your chance of getting hit down from 10% to 0%. For Accuracy the equivalent would be the bit of accuracy that get's you just high enough that you have a chance to get a hit in at all but for CC hit vs. graze isn't all or nothing the way it is for damaging attacks vs. Deflection & DR as you still get half the duration which is oftentimes enough. Only way it would really matter is if you have a hard time hitting even a graze with your CC, and with Wood Elf bonus + Eldritch Aim that is very unlikely and if you're going up against defenses that far over your accuracy you're probably screwed even with the perception bonus (as again it only matters one out of 5 castings) and you are just hoping to get lucky. Generally you are probably better of getting 20 dex to just cast more CC faster.
  8. Armor Enchanting seems to have been fixed (this bug http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/80900-damage-reduction-enchantment-bug/). As has the +5% endurance from sacrificing durance and devouring the souls from the machine which were bugged previously. Improved quality of font text when the game is at a higher resolution than 1920x1200. I hadn't realised there was something off before but I was struck by how sharp it looks now (2560x1440).
  9. They seem to have reworked how bonus endurance works mechanically somehow. Previously these perks (before reloading when they still work) and boots of endurance would give your endurance in excess of you max, so 105/100 for +5% endurance, but now it gives 105/105.
  10. In related news, reading the description of Autumn's Decay creating 'a cone of putrefaction' lead to me google-image searching putrefaction as it was not an english word I was familiar with. I wouldn't recommend it. Between that and Infestation of Maggots I guess druids can really be kind of gross.
  11. Really? I'll have to check that out, thanks for the heads up. I hope this has been reported and the devs are aware of it? Rly. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/80900-damage-reduction-enchantment-bug/
  12. https://www.dropbox.com/s/cggy1m5ftsh09nh/59e276c78acc44f385b4c00a1c9ab83b%2014622068%20GreatHall.savegame?dl=0 There's a save of my character with both talents and no endurance to show for it.
  13. Tried this with Autumn Decay & Spirit of Decay because it was the easiest to test. Cast on Aloth wearing no armor for hit does same damage with or without Spirit of Decay, both in combat log and checking his character sheet. Savegame with character without Spirit of Decay but enough XP to level up to next level to get it + Armorless Aloth to test the lack of difference on: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0qqh6lt0y60cwwn/59e276c78acc44f385b4c00a1c9ab83b%207766467%20TheBlackHound.savegame?dl=0 Old post from 1.05 with among others the same bug: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/79960-105-multiple-bugs-with-autumn-decay-druid-spell/ and from beta https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71355-480-some-damage-over-time-spells-still-have-problems/ Is it known that this is still broken?
  14. Don't remember where I originally saw it but have tested myself casting Autumn Decay on poor Aloth and with 19 might 17 int on hit damage over time is always 70.5 with or without spirit of decay, both in combat log and when looking at his character sheet and seeing how much health he's lost. Autumns Decay would push 100 from initial damage + DoT in a cone as long as Fan of Flames if Spirit of Decay actually applied (though 90% instead of 120% but that is sometimes even beneficial) over 8-ish seconds vs Reflex +10, which is exceptional damage for a level 2 spell, Rot Skulls are probably the best 'weapon' in the game (which as a 6th-level weapon-summoning they probably should be). Relentless storm I feel is cast more for the stun than the damage since the damage is quite low and probably eaten by DR, returning storm does enough to punch through DR but takes to long to cast to be worth it in a serious fight once you have access to higher level spells. Personally I'd say druid should pretty much almost always take fire damage buff just because sunbeam is so crazy good for 1st level, and personally I'd take corrode if it actually worked. Here's a bug report fo Autumns Decay specifically: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/79960-105-multiple-bugs-with-autumn-decay-druid-spell/ from 1.05 but it seems to apply to all DoT. Here's an even older one from beta about DoT in general: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71355-480-some-damage-over-time-spells-still-have-problems/ So it seems like it's an issue they're having problems fixing, though now it does seem to match description, just not affected by elemental talents.
  15. Armor enchants to increase DR beyond what the armor comes with actually dont work currently, they only look like they do but if you look in combat log it always subtracts the original DR, so only way to have superb/exceptional armor is to use ones that come that way. Same with proofing enchants. Adra scales can still be used for shields though.
  16. With damage over time effects still being bugged (do we know if this will be fixed in 2.0?) and not affected by elemental damage talents, and all the good Corrode spells doing damage over time (Corrosive Siphon, Autumns Decay, Rot Skulls) is there any reason to take this currently? I guess if you REALLY want noxious burst and necrotic lance to do an extra 6-7 damage?
  17. Can be seen in these 2 screenshots, with 11 Constitution and both talents I should have 120x1.13=135.6 endurance but I only have 120x1.03=123.6.
  18. Oh also the +5% endurance stopped working. I don't know when this happened.
  19. Well I reloaded again but now I see where it's happening, this time with Kana. It happens after I sacrifice Durance at the bloodpool, pick up his gear, and then return with another character. For some reason this causes the gear that Durance was wearing when he was sacrificed to disappear as soon as I enter Dyrford Ruins. Stash apparently isn't safe either. Same things happen if I load a game from right after Durance is sacrificed, gear just vanishes.
  20. In this instance, the ring of +10 deflection Hiravias was wearing as well as his weapon and belt have disappeared. In the save he still has the bonus deflection even though the ring is gone but if I equipt a +5 ring and then remove it it resets to what it should be without a ring. I only noticed now with 3 hours since my last save before this. Very frustrating. Happen around Dyrford/Skaen quest. Never went to Cliaban Rilag. Edit: Now that I look at his character sheet I see that the statistics of the missing items are now noted as 'Hiravias Attack: +10 deflection', 'Hiravias Attack: +5 deflection' and 'Hiravias Attack: +15% Healing Done', see picture.
  21. Wizards are the most CC focused class in the game, makes sense that their highest level debuff would be the strongest debuff in the game. Stacking a bunch of traps OTOH is still as cheesy as it was in Throne of Bhaal, and unless the AI get some massive uppgrade to keep it from walking into them (and actually smart AI is super hard, so very unlikely) it always will be.
  22. One thing is with the way damage and DR works, having con give an equal % increase to health as might gives to damage clearly favours might over constitution, even if attacks lost only a quarter of their damage to DR on average (and they generally loose more than that), you'd need con to give 4% health/endurance increase for it to be balanced with might at 3%. To illustrate: 100 damage & 25 DR results in 75 health/endurance lost increase might by 1 and you do 103-25 = 78 lost (+4%) so you'd need to get 4% more from one point of con for it to compete. In the actual game damage absorbed by DR probably varies from a quarter up to half most of the time so it would probably have to be more like 5% to be as good an attribute as might.
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