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Everything posted by limaxophobiacq

  1. Oh second set on Pallegina was Kitchen Stove (with Thunderous Report) + Light Shield. In some fights I would open with that (since it also means you get the better accuracy on the first Long Nights Drink roll) but it felt to fiddly to bother with most of the time. Rekke is generally better as either of his multiclasses, so I would consider FIghter/Barbarian (maybe with Willbreaker morningstar) over single class fighter. Single class fighter is tanky and has some utility with Mule Kick vs bosses but it just doesn't do much damage.
  2. Im not sure what you mean by only being able to use one exhortation at a time? They are active targeted abilities you use on a character, the liming factor is that they generally have very high Zeal cost so just using them to buff people eats all your Zeal in a couple seconds and the buffs don't last that long but they have very fast cast times so you can use them in reaction to something bad happening to a character, generally the only ones i pick are Reviving and Liberating. Most Zeal is for Shared Flames and Lay on Hands. Because of linger you generally want 2 phrases in your chant so like Ancient Memory + Silver Knights for deflection and healing for example. For summons once you have Ancient Weapons the others become obsolete but whatever the highest one she currently has access to at any level is probably good, you want to respec chanters using summons a lot since whenever you get a new higher summon the old ones generally become obsolete. Invocations aren't very good for healing, generally stick to chants for slow team healing + lay on hands for healing a single character when they lose a lot of health. 2 handed Fighter/Monk monk Rekke with Turning Wheel, Thunderous Blows, swift flurry etc. is very good, can give him almost any good two-handed weapon and it will work. Saru-Sichr (morning star) or Voidwheel (greatsword) are both pretty nice.
  3. I had this setup for her (with Sashas Scimitar on a second chanter) last playthrough. The -1 armor rating aura of blackened plate is amazing utility and stacks with other AR reduction and it gives you another healing or damage aura. From the time she gets the ogres and then later upgrading to Ancient Instruments summoning is just stronger than any other actions she can take so you just want to stack passive abilities and tanking on her. Her subclass unique Sworn enemy upgrade is pretty terrible so her impact is really from summoning + auras + shared flames + lay on hands and the occasional Liberating Exhortation. I did have her chanting the Long Nights Drink which made me a little torn that maybe I should have used Lethandria's Devotion instead of a heavy shield but the difference in deflection from Cadhu Scalth is pretty massive.
  4. I think the purpose of a fighter/caster multi and monk/caster multi is just different. The monk/caster is primarily trying to buff up their spells with the monk self-buffs to Int/Dex/Might/Accuracy and generally does not do that many monk things while the fighter/caster multi is actually trying to be a fighter and tank while casting. Also positionally some caster abilities that hit a cone or a radius around the caster benefit by being on a character that can stay right in front of the enemies and take hits without a problem. For the Cipher multiclass though Transcendant is amazingly strong and has better synergy than Psyblade. But I would say Cleric (and single-class priest) > Contemplative. For Wizard/Chanter/Druid, fighter and monk have pretty balanced pros and cons as multiclasses in my eyes.
  5. Solid video, between you and thelee you actually convinced me paladin probably does belong down in niche. I still really like Arcane Knight but admittedly most of the power there comes from the wizard half. My biggest disagreement/nitpick would probably be that in my experience fighter/caster multiclasses + Tactical Barrage + Conquerors Stance are as good or stronger than Fighter/Martial multiclasses + Disciplined Strikes + Mob Stance.
  6. Yeah its not necessary but the recovery skipping and +3 PL is very nice and if you are getting the robe there's no reason not to get the wand. I didn't bring up unstable coil because the OP specifically wasn't interested in bugs and if you only trigger one inspiration it's not anything special 5 out of 6 times.
  7. Seeing your revised rankings honestly pretty reasonable given your criteria, I do think fighter is very good in a lot of multiclasses, though depending on how you look at it it's mediocre performance single-classed might bring it down but then the same could be said for chanter which is amazing multiclassed but doesn't really get enough for going single-classed (the dragon is really cool though).
  8. Berserker Frenzy is 30% hit-to-crit with melee IIRC. I've read the thread but going through every comment and replying is a pain so I'll just leave my general opinion here. Like others I find the high rating of ranger and fighter and low rating of druid, chanter, and paladin strange. Ranger is honestly pretty terrible single-classed (no PL scaling to speak of, bad PL 8-9 abilities) and is niche for characters who want to max out ranged weapon accuracy, which is mostly just cipher and rogue multiclasses (and for rogue I think rogue + cipher is still just better and more fun than rogue + ranger). I hate how many passives you have to spend for your pet as a non-ghost heart and for ghost heart you lose out big if you multiclass with another class that has good summons like wizard/monk/chanter. Chanter I can't agree with, 'Called to his Bidding' alone is too busted. Using all the abilities on the weapons is a pain but getting 10 knockdowns, 10 wounding shot, 10 flames of devotion every time you summon them is ridiculous in addition to the bodies. Chanters also get the best class-specific item in the game with Sashas Singing Scimitar, which with Robes of the Weyc + the Weyc's Wand makes the chanter better at granting the rest of the party the brilliant inspiration than the cipher which is largely what makes you rate it so highly (and I'm intentionally not counting the multi-proc empower bugs and Least Unstable Coil here). You talk about how good action economy is and chants are amazing action economy, "The long night's drink" is incredible as a passive debuff, the multiplicative damage boost to your party from -25% enemy health and +15% multiplicative fire damage with weapons if you go long nights drink + Mith Fyr costs you 0 actions. Also sure "Each Kill Fed His Fury" is weird with how it gives +5 to attributes instead of inspirations but +5 to three attributes for your whole party with 0.5 second cast time (letting you get it up instantly) and only 4 phrases is a amazing. I've been warming up a lot to both the chanter team-attribute buffs lately despite ones weird mechanics and the others+1 phrase cost on upgrade, its just huge to give buffs this big to your whole party. It's actually turned me off from doing monk multiclasses where a lot of the power comes from the attribute bonuses and inspirations. Sure when you have fully stacking dance of death accuracy and Thunderous Blows and 10 wounds up for +10 Int its a lot of bonuses but unless it's a frontline multiclass charging up wounds with dance of death takes a lot more time than I'd like, and it's only for the monk-multi itself. I was recently considering monk/lifegiver but after consideration felt like no-subclass chanter/lifegiver (i use the unofficial patch Troubadour nerf) simply casting the team buffs and chanting mercy and kindness + ancient memory would not only heal more but also buff the party considerably while at it.
  9. I'm a big priest fan, priest of Berath in Deadfire is solid for a single-classed caster (Wael and Skaen priests are usually better for multiclasses). Berath priest gets the very nice druid spell Touch of Rot as a bonus spells at level 1 which is very good AoE damage for a level 1 spell, and Symbol of Berath does corrosion which is not often resisted and inflicts a tier 2 constitution debuff, this effectively multiplies it's damage since it lowers enemy health and also reduces enemy fortitude saves which effectively improves its accuracy after the first hit since it rolls against fortitude. With high int and might and the White Void helm Berath priest can really melt groups of enemies at high level. Dual-wield slayers-claw (+2 penetration for spells with minor avatar) + griffins blade (with +10% spell damage enchant) while wearing Helm of the White Void (+10 accuracy) and cast minor avatar -> Symbol of Berath for maximum damage. For PoE1 priest is also really fun, how can you not be smile when you buff yourself with +10 to all attributes with Minor Avatar + Aggrandizing Radiance and your Storm of Holy Fire covers the entire screen? Edit: For deadfire only i would think monk might be the most fun though, but I'm not a big fan of them in PoE1.
  10. This is 3 months old but can at least report that Wizard/Chanter Fassina is pretty solid as backline support/AoE damage after playing with her for most of the game after doing the vault. From level 11 she can do Infuse With Vital Essence -> The Brideman Slew Thirty (solid party buff even before upgrade) -> Deleterious Alacrity -> Kalakoths Minor Blights (dual-wielded with sashas scimitar for the action speed aura) -> Essential Phantom -> Eldritch Aim (all but Essential Phantom being very fast casting) while chanting Sure -Handed Ila + Mith Fyr to buff herself and her Phantom which is amazing at mid levels and still good at higher levels esp. if you have any gun user next to her. Also as Wizard/Chanter she gets +2 Int from the ring Chameleons Touch which is nice for her.
  11. How micromanage heavy are we talking? Technically with a lot of pausing there is nothing stopping you from switching weapon-set instantly before and after every attack so you could run two hander in one set and Gladiators Sword + Cadhu Scalth in another then switch to sword + shield instantly after every attack and then two hander as soon as recovery hits 0. That's insane though since I don't think you can script it. Blunderbusses on Fighter/Rogue could work but I'd honestly go devoted (blunderbuss) for the penetration and go trickster instead of streetfighter because of the anti-synergy of not being able to use Disciplined/Tactical Barrage. Quick Switch on a non-blackjacket makes the switch time pretty reasonable anyway if you aren't switching every 5 seconds and Thunderous Report from Kitchen Stove into clear out with Fire-in-The-Hole + Tuotilos Palm would work even better with +2 Pen. For black-jacket, Black-Jacket/Skald can abuse a lot of weapon switching, very late game Sasha's Singing Scimitar + The Weycs Wand + The Robes of The Weyc (fighter is tough enough to survive at melee range in robes) at the start of every combat is pretty busted in a party and empowered Her-Tears-Fell-Like Rain isn't a bad fight opener (and before that sasha to empower then switch is very solid). Sun-and-Moon + Tuotilos Palm is great for getting phrases from crits, and Chromoprismatic Quarterstaff if good for electricity power level and if you want to do damage with Clear-Outs.
  12. I did not. Its still listed as having frost keyword in the in-game description though (Condemnation, Frost), as does the wiki. I guess it's just bugged in vanilla.
  13. I have community patch installed, but even when disabling it in menu and restarting it still happens. Works fine against other frost spells.
  14. Oh, thanks for the correction. It seems Call of Rymrgand also has faulty keywording then because it doesn't apply against it either.
  15. This is thread is ancient but since its the first result for searching for Deadfire Mundane Shell its as good a place as any for me to report that this item is bugged in that the frost resistance part of thermally stable doesn't work, you only get the resistance against fire effects. Discovered while trying to stand inside friendly call of rymrgand + maelstrom and not take damage.
  16. Yes I know, I might have been unclear but the thing is the might inspiration, specifically, does not get a duration re-fresh when re-casting the abiility after its been upgraded by slayers claw. So if casting Each Kill Fed His Fury again with say 10s left on the duration of the old one (which means the tier 3 might inspiration has ~25s left because upgrading it with Slayers Claw seems to re-set its duration), the duration of the Con and Res inspirations are refreshed, but the duration of the Might inspiraion after upgrade stays the same and instead of having a suppressed tier 1 might inspiration that kicks in when the tier 3 runs out (which is what I thought would happen) Fassina ends up with only con and res inspiration and no might inspiration after the duration of the might inspiration from the first Each Kill Fed His Fury cast runs out. Progression of ..Each Kill buff over time with first on cast with slayers claw equiped -> upgrade when blights switches element -> con and res inspiration run out -> re-cast -> might runs out I guess I just didnt really know how suppression with inspirations work, basically I thought the tier 1 might inspiration from the re-cast would exist but be suppressed and kick in when the tier 3 runs out but it seems it does not.
  17. Yeah but im using BPM which changes it to give inspiration (but doesnt increase duration on kill). Edit: I dont know how it was double posted.
  18. For this Fassina build specifically it seems a bit buggy. The Energized buff after being upgraded lasts longer than the con and resolve inspirations, but unlike the tier 1 inspirations the duration doesnt get refreshed when re-casting Each Kill Fed His Fury if it's still active so I have to wait untill it runs out to re-cast (it also doesnt give a suppressed tier 1 might inspiration which i would have thought if buffing while the tier 3 is still active).
  19. I guess it's possible everyone knew this already but I was trying a build for Fassina as loremaster using the BPM fixes to Each Kill Fed His Fury and Set to Their Purpose to focus the chanter half on team buffing. The plan was to run Slayers Claw + Sashas scimitar, open fights with empowered Set to Their Purpose into Each Kill Fed His Fury using the 3 phrase refund from Sashas, upgrading the Might inspiration to Tenacious with Slayers Claw then use Minor Blights to replace Slayers Claw in the main hand and use it as her primary source of damage. What surprised me is it starts out giving Tenacious but the first time Minor Blights switches from one element to another it upgrades the might inspiration again to Energized, presumably because there's an instant where Slayers Claw get re-equipped and upgrades the inspiration again. I tested and it also works with just switching weapons so I guess this could also be useful for any blackjacket with access to a tier 1 might inspiration like a blackjacket/skald who want's to build for crits anyway and also has access to Each Kill Fed His Fury.
  20. Hey it's not Citzal's Martial Power fault other wizard spells are too good to disable casting for +20 accuracy but it shouldn't be forgotten .
  21. You're not wrong the spells are very good but the thing is so are a lot of normal druid spells, foe only Freezing Pillar is a worthy level 9 spell but you have to choose between casting it and Great Maelstrom. You are also missing out on Form of Demelgam and Plague of Insects which are a bit situational but really strong in midgame fights like kith bounties and boardings. It's a pretty strong subclass, but so is lifegiver and a custom lifegiver gets to have good stats and a good subclass. Again as I said Tekehu as druid is perfectly adequete; he has his most important stat as his highest and a special subclass as good as any of the standard ones which is better than what some other companions get.
  22. I havent played Hierophant but the consensus seems to be that its very strong. A single class priest & druid are never wrong, and the call of rymrgand + maelstrom combo late game is excellent. For the third one I would say assassin/ascendant (of course you want kitchen stove with Thunderous Report with assassinate bonus on this one) over assassin/helwalker. The assassin wants to use high damage abilities in the opening of combat from stealth for the assassinate bonus while the helwalker part wants to get wound then use abilities with +10 int & might which is a bit of a conflict, also for weapon attacks if you are getting sneak attack and deathblows (+110% damage) already, going up to +140% from helwalker might bonus being worth taking +65% damage is questionable. Transcendant (monk/ascendant) with the hand mortars is also and option and very solid for spamming stunning surge with the +25 accuracy from borrowed instinct + tactical meld, I would not go helwalker for this combo since it's not that great for weapon damage or disintegrate (bugged might scaling on the later) and you are going to be pretty close to the front line. Since you want a second tank and a chanter have you considered War Caller (Blackjacket/Skald)? Due to the weapons skald can benefit from (Sashas scimitar for free empower and phrases at the start of combat, Sun-and-Moon for generating crits and debuffing reflex, Griffins Blade for +10% damage when casting Thrice Was She Wronged) blackjacket instant weapon switch can be quite effective and i think will work better in the role than hunter or wildrhymer. Fighter also gives tactical barrage + tankyness and action speed if you go with the Contenders armor + max athletics & armored grace, or means you are not unbearably slow with deltros cage for +2 electricity power level. Of course a herald troubadour is also never going to be wrong for a chanter and tank. Bear pet on a stalker while not fragile is not really a tank and a Wildrhymer with only the stalker +5 deflection +1 AR to protect him isn't really either when compared to the paladin or fighter multiclasses. Edit: For Tekehu specifically you definitely want the priest casting Devotions on the party (good for everyone) and one of the ascendants targeting him with tactical meld to make up for his awful perception and might when casting offensive druid spells. I don't know why exactly he is the only non-custom character you decided on (his unique spells are good but his attributes are pretty terrible). He's perfectly adequete so I'm not going to tell you to drop him if you want him for RP purpose but a custom lifegiver would be both a better healer/support and damage dealer.
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