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Everything posted by limaxophobiacq

  1. If you're still unsure exactly how this works for AoE damage/debuff spells (unless you have expert mode on): When you're aiming the spell the red part of the AoE marker shows the area that will hurt both friendlies and hostiles. The yellow outer part will only hurt enemies. For some spells the AoE is all yellow and those wont hurt friendlies anywhere in the AoE.
  2. Stats for both are fine, though personally I'd drop 2 points of Con on the first one for more Int. For weapon choice there are some great battleaxes in the game but they all come a bit late and the bonus crit damage wont do you that much good early game since your accuracy early on is pretty low and you'd almost certainly be better of with sabres or maces (though maces OTOH dont have any great late game choices).
  3. They take time to drink though. Though really if we're counting consumables I guess resting supplies rank up there.
  4. 1. Angio's Gambeson (the most powerfull thing you can do in the game is to cast priest spells and angios gambeson lets you cast the most priest spells in the shortest time) 2. Abydons Hammer 3. Gauntlets of Swift Action 4. Little Savior 5. Looped Rope
  5. Definately a priest(ess) for the first and then Devil would really be the only weak link, though as you notice you're going solo for the hardest part of the game. Probably priest for the guys too and cut Durance since his attribute allocation is just really bad. Though if you wanted to obviously you could go 2 priests since the class is more than strong enough to carry Durance despite his attributes.
  6. This is more than a little late to the party but discussing good paladin weapons I personally like The Flames of Fair Rhîan (3 fireballs/rest). Given that auto attack damage for paladins isn't really that important and that you're most likely already going for high int, might, and Scion of Flame for Sacred Immolation, your fireballs and potential AoE burst when they're combined with Sacred Immolation can be quite impactfull.
  7. IMO a more or less pure tank like that fighter without much in the way of offensive output just isn't very good in this game. If you still want a tanky heavy armor and shield character in that slot I think you'd be better of with a chanter, or if you want a fighter go for an off-tank fighter with max might and max int and use the fighter class duration based abilities and a disabling weapon like The Hours of St. Rumbalt to go toe-to-toe with single strong enemies and take them out of the fight (such a fighter also becomes really good with Abydons Hammer in the very late game). IMO you should give her Angios Gambeson. With durgan enhancement the speed with which it lets you cast spells in the big boss fights is really amazing, with high base dex and Gauntlets of Swift Action starting a boss fight with instant-activation DAoM + Minor Avatar you're casting at about 3x the rate of a dex 10 unarmored character. Edit: Also the arquebus feels like it will really just be a cumbersome waste of time while leaving her vulnerable without a shield + hatchet, and you'd be better of dumping Weapon Focus, Marksman, and Gunner (in no serious fight should your priest ever be wasting time reloading an arquebus, casting priest spells is so much more powerfull than that ever will be), and instead taking Aggrandizing Radiance, Interdiction, and Painful Interdiction for a nice self buff and a great fast AoE debuff every encounter. Edit: I also agree with Lampros that 19 resolve on a Paladin is way overkill, outside of solo play I just don't think high resolve is worth it.
  8. OTOH you get acces to non-priest spells, so while Waelite might remove Shining Beacon, she would get Confusion at level 5 which is definately a must pick if its anything like in PoE 1 (and might mean wealites wanna go int/dex/perception over int/might/dex, in which case I have to redo my PoE priest playthrough because respec is heresy). The specific spells that are must-picks might change but if the balance of the spells is anything like in PoE 1 there's gonna be a lot of spells you'd never take and some you feel you basically have to unless you're doing a really unorthodox build. While not everyone would be able to take Shining Beacon + DoTF on priest 4, no one would ever take Barring Deaths Door or Restore Major Stamina or any highly situational spells really but always focus on the generally applicable universally powerfull spells.
  9. For PoE 1 with this system there'd be so many must-have spells that after taking those there would be very little actual choice for these picks. You wouldn't make a priest without devotions or shining beacond so that would be your 4th level spells done. For druid 5 you have insect plague and relentless storm and done.
  10. I'm importing either my barb, my chanter, or my priest of Weal, and probably multiclassing some combination of those 3 classes. Troubadour seems like it would be really strong multiclassed with anything else that also wants might and int but thats assuming a lot about things like dragon trashed existing and working basically the same as in PoE 1. A 'Howler' Corpse Eater or Berserker/Troubadour would be pretty metal but I'm guessing a priest/chanter multiclass will be stronger, because priest. The idea of Priest/Berserker to punch everyone in the world in the face with HoF + minor avatar certainly has appeal but doesn't seem like it would have great synergy before that very late point in the game.
  11. I knew it worked like that in the original idea of the mutliclass system, I just thought that everything about that system was scrapped now.
  12. well, there is a bit more to it. is a frequent mistake to only consider the power o' endgame builds. even the sooper-groovy poe builds is often only genuine fantasamagoric for the last 1/3 o' the game. people observe how op ________ is w/o recognizing how mediocre or sub-par such a build is for the first 2/3 o' the game. a single-class deadfire character is gonna be receiving higher level abilities quicker than multiclasses throughout the game. like it or not, and in spite o' obsidian best efforts, classes is gonna have noticeable leaps in power at specific level thresholds 'cause o' the availability o' particular talents or abilities or whatever. single class characters is gonna hit power thresholds quicker. is a mistake to narrow focus on endgame. HA! Good Fun! OTOH, in the early game the multiclasses are very close behind single class in powerlevel, and at level 1-2 and 4 multiclass seems strictly superior.
  13. As it is presented at the moment I think that, unless you really want a high level ability that a multiclass character can't get, multiclassing seems the better option. Of course rebalancing old abilities may well change that. I think lots of the abilities will also scale with power level so single classes may have that also. Their abilities are just better even if they are the same as multiclass. Like sneak attack, prob carnage, animals, and spells (maybe not all but we know some do) scale so multiclasses will always have weaker versions So dragon trashed might be something like (Power Level)*X damage and minor avatar might give +(Power Level) to attributes rather than flat numbers? Yeah that would cut down the power level of multiclasses significantly, I was thinking it was now just a cap on the level of abilities you can take but from the description of the Lifegiver subclass it seems it still affects the strength of your spells/abilities.
  14. If spells and abilities are mostly the same as in PoE 1 (with the 'level' of abilities not being strongly correlated to the actual power level), multiclasses seem like they'll be really powerfull. A 'Celebrant' Priest/Troubadour with minor avatar dragon trashing with ~35 Might and Int and +50% linger sounds pretty good to me.
  15. Do we know how chanting works with mutliclasses? Can you just use all the non-chanter class abilites and attacks while still chanting at full power, casting wizard or priest spells while as the same time chanting Dragon Trashed? That seems like it will make chanter multiclasses incredibly powerfull since you effectively dont have to choose between which class abilities you use at a time since the chanter class power is mostly passive.
  16. I like Aloths armor for Boeroers Batsh!t Crazy druid build, I had it on Hiravias to help compensate for his relatively low Int last I used him.
  17. I was going to run a Priest + Durance I'd put Durance on the frontline with some armor just so his 19 resolve isn't a complete waste (priest has some good spells with limited range so being in at the front can be helpfull) and use your main character in the backline for buffs and AoE damage with maxed Int & Might.
  18. Anyone know what 'type' of attack speed the speed bonus from Spelltongues attack speed drain is? After looking around on the attack speed calculator I saw I could get quite fast attack speed with Spelltongue + Dragons Maw while still wearing Vambraces and having Vulnerable Attack (in my quest to give up neither defense, burst damage with HoF, or sustained damage), but that's assuming it stacks multiplicatively with Frenzy and Bloodlust like Gauntlets of Swift Action.
  19. I agree with other here that perception is very usefull, especially for any character that does AoE damage with interrupts like a barb or wizard, but Resolve IMO really is just a bad stat, with the exception of solo play where it can be important, due to the wealth of spells available to parties that make base resolve fairly meaningless. Deflection is only stopping damage attacks and having a party go down to just damage is really hard with all the AoE heals and defensive buff you get in this game. When you have Moonwell and Crowns for the Faithful down who cares what your base resolve was?
  20. I did not feel like reading all of it but I'll just comment on this first bit. Boreal Dwarf bonus isn't bad but except for a bounty or two none of the hardest encounters in the game are of either type. No way its to powerfull. I'd rather see the bonus changes back to being against beasts and wilder like it was originally supposed to be though. Pale elf bonus is big but fire and cold damage are really not common enough for even double the current DR against them to be OP. Again how many difficult encounters does Frost/Fire DR actually make a big difference in? Not many. I don't think goldlikes should get their drawback removed, its just that the Death and nature godlike abilties especially are far too weak. IMO if any race should be changed it would be Wood Elf since their racial ability applies all the time and makes them the auto-pick for anything ranged which is kind of boring. OTOH Mountain dwarves +20 vs. poison and disease is weak and very situational. The Coastal Aumaua +20 vs. stun and knockdown is way superior and since both have +2 might (and 20 Con never being a priority) there's never really a reason to make a Mountain Dwarf over a Coastal Aumaua.
  21. You get access to Durgan enhancement at the end of the first expansion, if you havent finished it yet. Whats good about it is that it has got one of the best self-buffs in the game bound to it. With instant activation so you dont have to spend time drinking a potion. You just click the ability and double-tap the pause button and then you're hasted, letting you cast more spells faster. It's not that great before you have Durganised it because of the 20% recovery penalty on the armor but durgan reduces the recovery penalty to only 5%.
  22. For duplicate I think the most useful (but perhaps not most fun) is probably Little Saviour as Boeroer said, or Angio's Gambeson (with Durgan enhancement) so the Druid and the Priest can both have it and they'll both be able to dump all their most powerfull spells really fast in tough fights. I don't think the difference between having the best weapon for your build duplicated in both hands vs. having the best weapon in one hand and the second best in the other is going to be as impactfull as one of your casters getting an extra high level spell of early in a fight thanks the instant Deleterious Alacrity of Motion.
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