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Everything posted by Elerond

  1. Killable with childkiller reputation tittle http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Childkiller.
  2. You should read that. Then you maybe can understand that viewpoint is not the only thing that creates immersion. Heavily narrative games like this will be, the narrative immersion is much more important. Also tactical and strategic immersion play large role, but spatial immersion is probably lower than what it would be in fp game, those who loved IE engine games and want game like them, probably don't care so much about spatial immersion than those other immersions.
  3. Souls seems intresting. They give more potential for all classes not just mages. Technology level sounds just right, especially absence of printing press (I really want hear story behind that ). And world sound just amazing.
  4. Inclusion of the LGBT characters: I am fine with them. I often play cRPGs as homosexual female. Inclusion of zoophilia: If it in about same manner what it was in Arcanum, I am okey with that too. Inclusion of pedophilia: That is more tricky, as there is pedophile hunts every were. So including it on any level to game may be more trouble than it is any worth.
  5. What we know is that you can have 0-5 companions with you when you make your journey. Now Obsidian has promised to make 6 companions, and if projects hits 1.8 million then they will make 7 companions and if project hit 2.2 million mark, they will make 8 companions. More may come if project gets more funds.
  6. I have such notion that some one from Obsidian said yesterday that they selected steam for distribution platform in first place because they wanted to give players option for cloud saves.
  7. Quest desing where quest have many solutions and you never or rarely are forced to fight enemies especially you are never locked on some area until you have killed every hostile there. But, I didn't disliked to play IWDs or Tthe Temple of Elemental Evil, or Baldur's Gates, but most fun I had with Fallout, Torment, Darklands and Arcanum.
  8. Like in Fallouts (1&2) when you have high perception you can detect thing and bring them along to conversations. Like in Modoc where you can see that shop keeper is stressed and ask about that and found out that his son is missing.
  9. One think I love when I am DM in P&P RPGs and plan adventure for my friends is to plan different kinds of traps and explanations what players can detect with succesful detection/find/etc. roll. Then when we play the game it's always fun to watch how they try invent ways to disable my traps, can I rise this door from it's hinges and carry it like shield in front of me so that arrows from that trap can't hit me and etc.. And when they go full on MacGyver mode and start to invent all sorts of devices that they can use to disarm or launch trap without danger it can solving one trap take whole game night but be still very fun night, usually much more fun than those which conist mostly about fights.
  10. Traps are good, they stop you run like headless chicken in dungeons, sometimes level desingers make absolute brilliant trap ideas (like Indiana Jones Last Crusade brilliant). So yes I want see traps. But I don't mind if they make better trap detection and laying sytem to Project Eternity than what we have seen in cRPGs previously.
  11. No minigames, unless it is that game from commander keen (PaddleWar!) which I played more than main game itself . Okey I don't think that today I would play Pong clone so much, but when I was young it was fun, I even write couple clones of it with QuickBASIC.
  12. Only I can have one But seriously I don't know. Towers for wizards are classic, but I think if there is Wizards towers they should have some meaningful function like wizards need to see stars for some reason (for rechears/time tracking/magic). I don't think that it is valid reason for wizards to live in towers that they live them in other fantasy worlds.
  13. You could kill Zevran as soon as he showed up though. You didn't have to recruit him. I think that complain is about DA2. Where Fenrirs would be the leather loving gay(or I would say anime) elf in question.
  14. In Fallout 2 I personally liked how they had made some end game dialogs if you continued to play after oil rig. But really in what is most want is good main plot and what comes after that is up to developers. If they have good ideas for continue playing after end then go for it, if they have good ideas for New Game+ then go for it. But if they don't have such ideas then I don't need mediocre implementation, those cases I prefer do make new character and look what new things I can found out from game's plot.
  15. http://www.gamebanshee.com/interviews/109456-project-eternity-interview.html I don't personally care which they use (prerendered or actively rendered backgrounds), because great artist with good engine can make both look absolute fantastic. But what I would like to know is what is that entirely new rendering method that Feargus metioned on his interview with Game Banshee.
  16. In BG 1&2 there was that cursed belt which changed characters gender. It gave many hilarious moments especially with Edwin .
  17. I think if project collects so much money that Obsidian can't use it sensibly to this project. They should add stress goal for expansion or sequel fund. Because if you start add unplanned features on your project and stress your timetable you usually only get a mess on your hands.
  18. I would like see one of these in somewhere in the Project Eternity's world. This is only because I think they look cool . http://en.wikipedia....ki/Ribauldequin
  19. Majority of the backers come from those tires, but only 49,45% of funding comes from those tiers. And to compare about 35% (shipping or add on not included) of the funding comes from funders who have selected reward tier $140 or higher.
  20. You should also considere that it beta distribution will cost money for Obsidian especially if they try to distribute it safely to over 40k people. And usually purpose for end user beta testing is user acceptance testing and to put it differently it is testing where one tries to find those features which causes problems for end users and causes for those problems. And public betas are usually only for promotial or/and stress test purposes. In software projects bug finding happens unit/integration/sytem testing. Of course in complex systems there is always situations/combinations which no one think to test or there is no time to test them and bugs get to be in final product, but often public beta testing don't prevent this due to that fact that you don't usually use newest version of the code in beta version as it is still in testing. Or so things are in traditional software production where I work.
  21. Aerie is far more annoying. She is not as bad if you listen her in spanish But this has caused me so many nightmares that Imoen must die, die I say :D.
  22. In BG I nearly always killed Imoen, because I really hated her one liners. So I want same option in Project Eternity too, if my copanions hit my (character) nerve they may die by fireball thrown in one second rage .
  23. Better question is why money is being spent on Linux version if all steam games will be on Linux? It doesn't work that way, all games that will be available through Steam on Linux/Mac OS X will have to be ported. Now that porting will be more or less work depending on the game in question. Steam is just a platform. All games from steam will be ported and PE is on steam, so it will be on Linux and Mac. PE=Steam=Linux Where does this break down? Valve will port only steam client and its own games to linux. If other developers want their game to be ported on linux they must do that themselves or pay to someone else to do it.
  24. I enjoy difficult fights were preparation and right tactics are the key to victory. But I also some time like cake walk fights when I have feel to only explore world/plot choices/dialogs/etc.. So I would like to see hardcore difficult level where fights take time and effort, but I would also like to see casual difficult level where fights don't have so great focus and you can focus on to take delight in game's writing.
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