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Found 3 results

  1. Hello everyone! I was thinking to myself about all the information about Project Eternity. There is constant stream of updates about classes, world, lore, races, religions and many more things. There are however some of us (and there will be more when the game is released) that would like to know it all but instead of having to look around for it, to have it all in one place. Now don't get me wrong. I am fully aware Obsidian does not actually have lots of free time but hear me out. I think it would be great to have some Project Eternity PDF Compendium of sorts. That could get occasionally updated with new games and new information (if there are new games). It would allow many of us to indulge ourselves into lore-nerdinessy . Maybe even make it an online project instead of PDF, or both. I for one would be more than happy to know all the additional bits an' pieces that may not be thoroughly explained in the game. It would help players understand the world of PE better and get more out of the game itself. It would work as an additional background for the game and make it more alive, closer to us. Don't know if this has any chance of ever happening or if something similar was discussed/planned but I'm dropping it here. I am interested in hearing if anyone else would wish to see something like this made. EDIT: Just so you know. It would be a little different from the Wiki. I guess info from it would eventually end up on wiki too though.
  2. Hey everyone, I am just playing through Neverwinter nights 2 right now I am really having a hard time with the Spanish translation (it is laughably bad in terms of the voice acting quality) in contrast to say something like Skyrim, which has a pretty decent localization. So I guess I have two takes on the whole translation thing. Number one, I would suggest using a different company than whatever the publisher used for that title, the acting is just cringe worthy and not worthy of something like Project Eternity. My main question though, is why for Spanish localization does Spanish from Spain always seem to be used? (I noticed the KS translation was Spain Spanish as well). The vast majority of Spanish speakers come from the Americas, and although the Spanish is very diverse over here, it certainly has unifying qualities that set it apart from Spanish from Spain. Generally for TV shows or movies, you get a Latin America and European Spanish version. I am not suggesting that both is done for PE, but is the Latin American market not a much bigger one to hit? (Think of Spains economy these days as well). I would definitely look into hitting the American market (Approx 372 Million people excluding Brasil -wikipedia) ahead of the European one (47 Million - wikipedia).
  3. Finding out about Project Eternity and pledging for the Kickstarter on day one really got me back in the mood to go back and replay the old Infinity engine games. Now, my original 4 CD version of Planescape: Torment was no longer up to the task, but thankfully there's GOG.com. Reinstalling it and the conveniently linked mods to beef up the game's resolution I soon came to a somewhat surprising conclusion: Even though the game is now almost thirteen years old it still looks stunning. Really, get your copy on GOG.com and load it up with the mod for higher resolutions. It's beautiful. Quite frankly, even though so much time has passed and graphics engines are so much powerful today I really wouldn't mind a game that looks like Torment because the art quality is astonishing. All it needs are tweaks to the character models and the inclusion of animations to the 2D background itself: licking flames, curtains moving in the wind, stuff like that. But other than that? Give me game that looks like the 13 year old Torment and I'll be happy!
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