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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. Yes they can get those skills, Chanters can get skills to up their accuracy like Weapon Focus too. It isn't a question of "are these talents worth pursuing" it is a question of "how far am I willing to go to make a class that is not well suited for what I want them to do be capable of doing what I want them to do". A Priest will never be as good a tank/melee fighter as a Paladin or even a Chanter if you give them the same or similar skills as the Priest. Why? Because they have better base stats to support that role from ground zero. Just like the Paladin will never be as good as a Priest as a straight caster if you give them the sames talents/skills because the Priest was better at it to begin with. I understand you want to be a priest. I am just letting you know a Goldpact Paladin is basically a 100% match with no need for tweaking on what you said you wanted to play. An off tank melee fighter with casting abilites, buffs, and a look out for number one attitude. You literally described a Goldpact Paladin in your OP.
  2. Chanters are stronger on the front line. The problem with priests is they have average accuracy. Chanters are on par with other front liners like the fighter.
  3. You want to be a goldpact paladin, they are literally an exact match for what you are describing. Priests are casters, they are not worth anything on the front line and can't tank very well at all. Unless you count needing to take a few hits before they have to heal spam as tanking. Paladins are melee with "some" casting ability. PS: Ciphers work best on the front line actually but you can not let them get aggro, they can't tank at all and are a straight DPS.
  4. Duel Wield Rogue will do more damage, no doubt. But they will be higher maintenance in the extreme and will be paper champions. If they get any aggro at all and aren't pulled out super fast they will drop like a rock. So it comes down to one question. Do you want more micro management but slightly better damage with lower room for error. Or do you want slightly lower damage, but less micro and the ability to let your Duel Wielder get a little aggro and take it? Personally I prefer the fighter for duel wielding too, it is too easy from a rogue to drop I like them better at range.
  5. I agree with Doppel, this is a non issue. Weapon focus gives you bonuses with a wide range of weapons no matter which one you pick. So saying "diversity" is a weakness is nonsense, simply by picking weapons focus you have gained a bonus to a "diverse" set of weapons with multiple ranges, speeds, and ideal uses. Now if you need to have weapon focus in10+ different kind of weapons that is your problem and no RPG ever made supports that without sacrificing something. Meanwhile if all you cared about was "2 weapons" well guess what? If you can't pick two weapons in one group it still takes 2 talent choices to do it in Eternity.... just like it would take 2 in DnD 3.5 for example.
  6. If you want you can make your own custom party from the ground up using the adventurers hall. That said there are NPC companions in the game with their own unique stories, quests, and dialog if you want to bring party members with an actual personality like what you would see in Dragon Age. The classes covered by the NPC companions are Fighter, Druid, Priest, Wizard, Ranger, Cipher, Chanter, and Paladin. So yes, it should be very easy to make a balanced party in this game.
  7. 1: No. Maybe create a consumable item you use in combat that "coats arrows in..." to mimic effects like Fire Arrows etc if you must. 2: No, like straight up, no. 3: Good idea, wouldn't mind seeing it in game even if not a huge thing. 4: Yeap, this is needed. 5: We sort of already have plenty of toggles to effect auto pausing etc, I think it is okay where they are. 6: Not possible with Unity, fairly sure. Even if it is I don't consider it a big deal. 7: You can already do this. You just only send one person ahead instead of all of them. That said wouldn't be "against" individual stealth just don't care if they don't do it. 8: Not a big deal, it is fine as is. 9: Agree should include this. I would like to see actual crafting make a comeback myself. Not simply "enchanting" items but actually making new ones like in NWN2 for example. Not that this was really in many of the IE games or anything.
  8. Just as an aside for those still considering who want a spoiler free tip... The only classes with no NPC companion are Monk, Rogue, and Barbarian. So if you feel you need one (or more) of those classes you will need to make at least the MC one of them and possibly add soulless husks to go along.
  9. Given this is it possible to have a non-ego stroking companion? Elerond is forgetting those characters talked about you, but not in the nicest of ways. BG1 Jaheira for example talks about your character ALL THE TIME! Of course by "talk about" I mean bitching about how you are an incompetent leader, how she is better qualified to be in charge, and how you should listen to her instruction. I wouldn't call that an ego stroking. Half the BG characters can also just up and try to kill you if you do too many things they don't like. Dakon on the other hand dedicates his life and soul to you because you threw some highschool introduction to psychology crap at him over a pint at the tavern. So yeah, I would say the Torment characters are just lame ego strokers. The BG characters? Not so much.
  10. That video is hilarious for a number of reasons. I had to admit the funniest part considering this thread is at the end.... where he makes it clear he reviewed it on PC and even tells you the PC version is the one you want to buy if your PC meets the specs. I thought he was a console fanboy?
  11. Clearly you haven't watched his Dragon Age 2 review. I do find it funny how every post you guys make in this thread reminds me why I find it so confusing anyone thinks Torment's story is good, or that the NPC's were interesting and well rounded.
  12. "So now we are at that point where we look at the cars boot, as all cars need good space for storing groceries, sports gear, golf clubs and the like. To test this we will see if we can fit a stuff moose head in the back of the trunk."
  13. Reading it makes me think it was ripped out of a different interview article from a different website to begin with. Which wouldn't really surprise me.
  14. If you don't want details on companion names and what their classes are don't read my response. If I could have a "dream team" at this point I can say it would be Fighter, Paladin, Cipher, Rogue, Priest, and Wizard. The Rogue would probably be mostly ranged though, using firearms of course .
  15. It was a long time ago but you were given the choice in a kickstarter survey thing to specify the name you wanted used for your "thanks" section listing. I told them to just put me as Karkarov since I pretty much feel the same about the real name thing as Lady Crimson.
  16. This isn't the first time Angry Joe has gotten a lot of hate on this forum. Yes he was cursing a lot, no he wasn't super professional in this video. But he sure did sound excited for the game, said it was the best game at the Paradox Con (if he is a console fanboy why is he at the Paradox con again? Oh wait... he isn't a console fanboy), and was complimentary of Josh even if he forgot his last name. You guys may be too good for him, but he has 2 mil subs and if he says the game is good that will equal more sales. Also protip: the guy reviews tons of RPG's. Trust me when I say he may look sort of dumb and goofy, and may have a hard time starting out, but he will figure out the mechanics, and he will be just as good at the game once he has a understanding of them as any average "hard core CRPG" fan is likely to be.
  17. You will notice this is an issue with many threads on the forums, especially ones created by long term backers who have been at the beta hard since the first day it was released.
  18. You will likely loose out on a decent bit of narrative and dialogue and of course the companions personal stories. I would also be stunned if they all didn't have at least one or two quests associated with them. Will there be areas you can never visit? Extremely unlikely. Will there be awesome gear you miss out on, maybe but I would not be surprised if the answer was no. Maybe it is just me but from a design perspective if I were going to give "bad ass loot" as part off a companion quest I would make that loot designed for the companion not the PC.
  19. It sounded pretty accurate to me. High level BG2 combat is in fact basically "counter the mage, the game" and the tactics and skills you use to do that don't really change fight to fight.
  20. Hah he is actually one of my favorite BG1 characters even though his caster spec is possibly the worst you could choose.
  21. We are definitely talking BG1 Jaheira. In BG2 I actually liked her because she finally had some depth and a personality/character growth. It says something when I would rather have a Drow Elf Priest of Shar in my party or an insane gnome than a Half Elf Druid with the same alignment as my character. That was BG1 Jaheira, she wasn't evil, but she was a full on whiny #$@#%@ and I didn't like having her around. Hell Khalid wasn't much better, he was the most wishy washy, cowardly, weakling fighter to ever grace an RPG. When Xan beats you in a manly man contest you know you have problems.
  22. I had to ask about that and the reply I got was "Very unlikely" Maybe the head guys would be willing to release them at a higher resolution but not the original size? Something like 1200x1885 at 72ppi?
  23. Good find Leferd great article too!
  24. Great question. It isn't like no one will post a detailed walkthrough of basically everything on the wiki.
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