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Everything posted by dlux

  1. I dunno if they will ever become obsolete, but they are starting to get some serious competition because of this business model.
  2. Well, you can't blame whoever it was for trying. And I doubt it came from high up, it was probably just some worthless turd at EA/Bethesda/whatever trying to reel in a very one sided business deal to impress his boss. But that is probably the worst business deal offer ever. Only a total idiot would accept a deal like that.
  3. Kraut too, so I'm entitled to insult kinsmen. Ahh, alles klar.
  4. Justin's music in the pitch video is excellent. He should do the music for the game. And Mark Morgan is not the right choice for this game imo. He has more of a steampunk/post apocalyptic style... At least from what I have heard.
  5. The bar is in the other thread, silly Kraut. lol, how in the hell did my post end up in this thread... hmm thanks you silly yank... or whereever you are from. ^^
  6. That is what some of the "gamers" (I use this term very loosely) here want though. They want to explicitly see women get brutally ganged raped in full view so they can watch... This thread makes my stomach churn. The mods should step up and lock it! This is not what Obsidian wants anyway.
  7. Afaik you can't edit the tiers when someone already pledged to it. Would need some fan love to translate this thing. And some tipps for pledging without credit card. I did not mean that the tiers on the kickstarter should be edited. I meant that a simple link could be added to the kickstarter (pointing to the a thread on the forum here for example) where the tiers offered are translated into German. Anyway, it is just an idea. Lets see what Obsidian has planned though.
  8. I can't speak for the other languages, but I can speak for German: If Obsidian adds German localization, then the news about this will pop up on all of the gaming sites in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. There are a lot of gamers in these countries that love RPGs but can only speak basic English.There are about 120 million native German speakers in Europe... So that is something to think about. It would probably also be helpful to translate the contents of the tiers into German, a simple link would suffice. You would also need to add PayPal though, seeing that most Europeans (in Germany at least) do not have (or need) credit cards.
  9. I really don't want to walk around in the game and explicitly see how children are brutally murdered or women are raped, etc. Seeing children screaming for help before they are BRUTALLY slain with blood splashing everywhere and a woman lying in the street crying while the pervert rapist is banging her... No, that is just too much. While something like this could be in the game, I only want it to be implied - if at all. Having something as explicit as this is sick and perverted. Why would someone like to see that in a game? I don't get it. Do you guys want PE to be the most ****ed up game ever created just so it caters to perverted sickos? My god, please NO.
  10. @OP: Somebody already made a thread with congrats for 1,6 million I just want to avoid clutter on the forum. http://forums.obsidi...ached-congrats/
  11. About junk weapons: I would expect an Ogre, for example, to use a very crude club in many circumstances. The reason being that he probably does not have access to superior weapons, or just prefers using it for some reason (lack of intelligence). He will of course still do a lot damage, because of his pure brute strength.
  12. I am a packrat and I like to sell everything that I can find. If I have a few THOUSAND gold coins which are weighing me down AND there is also no possibility to deposit these coins in a bank, then I would find that extremely annoying and tedious. I am indifferent if weight for gold should be included in the game or not, but it might be an interesting mechanic if it is done right and does not become a tedious micromanagement chore. I like to imagine that the gold coins are pretty small and weigh like 3g a piece or something - so no huge pirate dubloons. So, if you have a few hundred coins then they would weigh like 1kg all together. That might work. The only problem is that you would probably need an inventory showing weight in 1/1000kg or in grams. E.g. a gold coin weighs 0,003kg and a sword weighs 4kg. Together they weigh 4,003kg = 4003g.
  13. If it is in the game and you do not enjoy it - then don't pursue it. Never choose a flirt option and that is it. It is actually that simple. The poll that most players enjoy romance in a game if it is well written. If romance is actually included in the game or not is up to Obsidian.
  14. An update from the FEARGUSAURUS. Awesome.
  15. Yes, they tried to circumvent the level scaling by adding areas with higher leveled enemies. While it was of course not perfect (Bethesda was probably breathing down their neck so that they don't make the game too hard for the kiddies, lol ^^) it was a lot better than in Fallout 3, where you could kill a super mutant with a tooth pick at level 1. ^^
  16. It's a neat idea, but I seriously doubt that this will raise pledges substantially. I would be more afraid that the team would be entitled as "dumbasses" for pulling such a pr stunt.
  17. Crafting is fun if done right. With extremely rare ingredients you can make epic weapons or improvements (like runes) or even upgrade legendary weapons. Maybe you can find a legenardy broken item and reforge it. Stuff like that is fun.
  18. The Baldur's Gate games are not level scaled. In certain areas a few more enemies might be added or replaced when you reach a higher level. Like a lich is added to a group of skeltons or something. That is not level scaling.
  19. "1,2 and 3" + "1,2,3 and 4" You can make the poll multiple choice you know.
  20. I'm sure that the game will also have an easy mode... ^^ Miscommunication? I was agreeing you. Doh, sorry. I have to rest my eyes. ^^
  21. I'm sure that the game will also have an easy mode... ^^
  22. I chose "Yes! I LOVE needing to carry 15 different weapons on a single character!" even though you exagerating quite a bit. ^^ a +2 to 5 sword, cold/fire/acid sword and that is about it actually.
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