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Everything posted by dlux

  1. Welcome Kennethmk, Ranger of the Obsidian Order, and Knott, Viking of the Obsidian Order!
  2. From the KickStarter page under update 6. Yeah, it will be pre-rendered... just like the original infinity engine games. I would prefer realtime 3D, but pre-rendered 3D is also fine and will look good if it is done right. I just wonder how they are going to solve the scaling problems with 2D backgrounds.... render in different resolutions? Well, we will see. :D
  3. I like it too. It should be in the game.
  4. The thing is, I don't think you can achieve that "painted" look with the 3D game (at least I haven't seen it done yet). Sure you can. You can hand paint textures and stick them onto 3D models if you want. I just haven't seen this done very often.... actually I can't even think of a game that does this off the top of my head. But it can be done.
  5. The pic of Van Buren (the original Fallout 3) on the 1st page was renderend realtime in 3D. Anyway, you could render Stasis in a realtime 3D engine and it would also look better with dynamic lighting, but it would also require a more powerful computer. You can also scale the resolution with a 3D engine very well. Pre-rendering 3D backgrounds and flattening them to 2D does not look better (it still looks good though), and is definitely not the superior technology, it just means that you can run the game on a ****ty computer. ^^ But that is probably not a bad idea. I really don't care, flattened pre-rendered 3D can be good if it is done properly.
  6. So, new members should be getting their titles. Fionavar is working on it.
  7. Well to use the example the OP gave, his mana might run out forcing him to use a melee weapon. In such a situation, I really don't see why his magic skills should benefit at all from the experience. Then use a mana potion. ^^ Anyway, in a system like D&D you actually can improve your weapon skills with a mage - even though a mage only uses it as a last resort, because they suck with a dagger. So if you do receive a little XP from using your dagger, then that is absolutely fine.
  8. And why would a mage use a hammer in a game if he sucks with it and can do nothing other than die when using one?
  9. And where is the option for the Europeans to add EFIGS?
  10. Invalid signature... hmmm, could it be a browser error? I am not sure which browser you are using, but try another one. Firefox/Chrome/IE/Opera
  11. Bethesda makes RPGs for gamers that hate RPGs. Everything is dumbed down so far that the game does everything for you. It is more of a hack & slash than anything else. Obsidian said that they want to make an RPG and not a hack & slash - so don't worry, it will be awesome! :D
  12. I saw it, it will be updated soon. My hands are tied, because only a global mod can change titles... and the one that I know of and work with isn't online atm. Welcome clunkycheme, Archaeologist of the Obsidian Order !
  13. I would like to reuse this quote from the romance thread: lol I personally find having a PC only party rather boring in a story driven game. They cannot interact with each other or the PC like they did in Baldur's Gate for example. This is also supposed to be a story driven game just like BG or PS:T, so I want more story, not less! But if it is included as an OPTION, then that is fine by me. I am not going to whine about it just like the romance haters do for example - I will just not use this feature. If I want to play a PC only game, then I will play "Legend of Grimrock". It makes sense to have only PCs in this game seeing that it is a combat and not a story driven game.
  14. Welcome our newest members! Golgepapaz, The Shadow Priest of the Obsidian Order and Voror, Judge of the Obsidian Order Sure. Up your pledge and choose a title. We have unique titles in this Order - and brewmaster is already taken. But "Elven Brewmaster", for example, is fine.
  15. I Like this idea, it is a bit different from the standard "choose stats before you start" type of game. Why can't you be thrown into the game and choose your class later, similiar to what we saw in Mass Effect 2 for example? From what I understand a players soul is responsible for a large portion of your abilities - so you don't have to really learn or train, you are BORN with these traits. Josh also said that the main character will be a vicitim of circumstance and view a great event... Maybe after this your soul can mutate/change or be unlocked?
  16. I think the rewards are good. Obsidian is still desiging the game and has full control, so don't worry! Anyway, a huge group of individuals can think up a great sum of very original characters - much, much more than a group of designers ever could. And don't underestimate the fans, they can have pretty wild imaginations. ^^ I think it is a great idea and I am certain that it will actually make a better game. Obsidian said the design has to be within reason, so I doubt that they would accept "FiR3HawK3" as a name for a NPC.
  17. As caretaker of the list I welcome our newest brothers and sisters to the Obsidian Order of Eternity! PsychoBlonde, Grand Rhetorist of the Obsidian Order UberHen, Propagandist of the Obsidian Order Redwulf, The Obsidian Orders Royal Pain Holy Cheese, The Holy Hand Grenade of the Obsidian Order Vervain, Warlord Prince of the Order Lexx, Adventurer of the Obsidian Order faeriehunter, Purple Demon of the Obsidian Order Archon Stormraven, The Obsidian Order's Fallen Archon Cardo, Obsidian Order Risk Assessor Arcoss, Legionnaire of the Obsidian Order theFool, Dragon of the Obsidian Order mayfaire, Purseliberator of the Obsidian Order Yaskaleh, Eternal Watcher of the Obsidian Order Moonknight, Moonknight of the Obsidian Order Sosseres, Grunt of the Obsidian Order Bland_Boy, Poet of the Obsidian Order Inyourprime, Coach of the Obsidian Order Jhander, Obsidian Order's Giant Miniature Space Hamster Tanred, Stick of the Obsidian Order Leewelo, Lorekeeper of the Obsidian Order Our fellow brother and mighty moderator Fionavar, The Ol' Green Dragon, will be disributing these titles soon!
  18. Then WELCOME, Riggo, Pickled Liver of the Obsidian Order ! :D
  19. Welcome, Faelen, Assassin of the Obsidian Order! :D Well, what will it be then? ^^
  20. Sorry, Cantousent. You have to wait until tommorow, only a global mod can change it. I just make lists and send them to the mods. ^^
  21. Hmmm, very likely. Yeah, so don't bother. It's O.K. by my side. I misunderstood you. Would you like to have a title for this forum though?
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