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Everything posted by dlux

  1. Kindess for 8$ a person. That was OUR IDEA. Not Obsidian's.
  2. We welcome our newest member: JWestfall, Beer Taster of the Obsidian Order !! I see an $8 pledge in there! Welcome to the Obsidian Order of Eternity! Please brother, choose a title! Choose a title, developers at Obsidian are always welcome to join our Order! :D
  3. Welcome to our cause! Industrial Scribe, Cheesecake of the Obsidian Order Syraxis, Arrow Fodder of the Obsidian Order Virtual Maestro, Maestro of the Obsidian Order Malcador, Sigilite of the Obsidian Order You will receive your title on the next update
  4. Welcome Syraxis, Arrow Fodder of the Obsidian Order! You will be added to the members list and receive your title soon.
  5. Anybody missing their title should receive one now. The member list will also be update. phew! This exploded really fast and I kind of lost track of everybody. Any mistakes will now be corrected (I hope). ^^ If your title is missing or if there is a typo, please send me a PM. I am the caretaker of the member list at the moment.
  6. Okay, next update is coming up. Be patient. Anybody missing their title will receive one soon.
  7. Some of the forum names are not correct I think. We'll have to fix that on the next update. Its not me editing the individual poster titles. They are probably just copying whatever you give me to update so be sure its correct. There is certainly a mistake or two in there. We'll fix it on the next update - I'll send the list to the global mod.
  8. Some of the forum names are not correct I think. We'll have to fix that on the next update.
  9. Awesome! The members list can be found on the 1st page of this thread.
  10. Welcome new members! Virsalus, Sorcerer of the Obsidian Order Daz23, Daydreamer of the Obsidian Order Torgo, Innkeeper of the Obsidian Order Jalister, Eternal Champion of the Obsidian Order ShadySands, The Guy on the Couch of the Obsidian Order# You will be added to the membership list on the next update! Don't forget your $8 membership fee!
  11. The membership list is updated. Remember: New members should post in this thread, I will then add you to the list on the next update. Don't forget to pledge your $8 membership fee! If you find a typo or if I forgot to add you to the list, then send me a PM - it will be fixed on the next update!
  12. The next membership list update is on it's way! Check it out.
  13. Can I reserve one for when I get to it? Is The Scout still free? I'll get back to you on that. I am in the process of updating the member list. I need help from a mod, I can't edit my original post anymore. ^^
  14. I would like to welcome our newest members! Soulsource, Crystalmancer of the Obsidian Order Ancoron, Spellslinger of the Obsidian Order Merin, Grey Storyteller of the Obsidian Order and Seez, Snarkmaster of the Obsidian Order :D
  15. Welcome all new members! :D @Merin: You must choose a title in order to join our cause!
  16. Awesome! Thanks Obsidian :D I'm thinking about adding a page to Wiki, where everbody can add his name if they like. What do you guys think? I'd clear that with Ausir first. Seems to community for a wiki. Anyway, can't contribute till next week at least. But when I do I'll join. I didn't see the post from "The Guildmaster" when I wrote that. We are getting titles soon. I am waiting for more info. :D
  17. Hold my last thought - we are getting customized forum titles. :D
  18. Awesome! Thanks Obsidian :D I'm thinking about adding a page to Wiki, where everbody can add his name if they like. What do you guys think?
  19. Welcome all new members! Don't forget your $8 membership fee! :D
  20. Welcome O.DOGG, Outcast of the Obsidian Order. :D Welcome Brother Dragoon! I will be adding your names to the main list soon.
  21. Welcome to the Order R.P. - Sword Sharpener of the Obsidian Order! I would also like to welcome: Nephente, Mad Scientist of the Obsidian Order to our cause!
  22. If the game does have voice acting, then it MUST be done professionally, otherwise it will sound like utter crap - and that is not cheap. Either do it right, or don't do it at all.
  23. Welcome Nephilim, Crash Test Dummy of the Obsidian Order!
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