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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yes, have a fog of war, but the visible area should be a lot bigger (like the full area of the display). BG/IWD was designed for 640x480 / 15 inch screens haha
  2. The controls are terrible (one player at a time in isometric mode, oh yay) The story is crap The combat is boring The game changed soooo far from it's original concept in 2003 it's not funny and it was in no way at all the 'spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate 2' I thought Sten was a cool NPC though.
  3. Another reason the BG/IWD ones were the best is the manner of their delivery and the right post-processing choices.
  4. Couldn't help myself http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0t2YCQ6lqk
  5. I didn't think the post was that bad, but I think it has a lot more to do with the amount of disposable income people have. The people who dropped $10K are probably millionaires or they earn over $100K a year at least, and/or are developers themselves. However I am surprised at the whiplash the OP got, the last time I remember getting agitated at people was when I was expressing my utter disappointment about Game of Thrones Season 2 on winteriscoming haha, that wasn't very well received.
  6. I want it to be slow, but because it's related to quest experience (or so they've said) it might end up being fairly controlled, but not perhaps as controlled as say KotOR II or something like that. I hope there's some room for player improvement, for instance, on your first playthrough you level up slow, but as you replay more and more, you find more optimum ways to power level through trial and error. I have a certain path that I play through Baldur's Gate 1 to get up levels pretty quick, involves rushing Imoen level 2, then going and picking the lock in the Beregost blacksmith to get the Bastard Sword +1 and going and taking out the wolf pack in the Temple Area. That gives most of my party a quick level 2. That said, Baldur's Gate 1 was encompassed over 7-10 class levels, I assume this will be more like 20 ? I don't think that's the type of play they want to encourage though.
  7. most of my parts are 5 years old (Core2Q9550, 4GB DDR2, ATI 4890) runs everything just fine.
  8. Dyr Tyr I geddit. Although I would have said Direwood at first glance as well, being aussie and all. That would probably come out as DYAWOOD though haha
  9. I'm not fussed about either of these classes. No Paladin makes sense due to no alignment, but I think 4th Edition changed Paladins a little bit to be more universal. With the supposed looseness of classes, a martial cleric could end up being quite Paladin-y.
  10. Do we get a digital download with boxed copies of the game as well?
  11. If you pay via PayPal, Obsidian keeps more money than if you donate via Kickstarter yes? (Kickstarter is 10% to kickstarter, paypal's like 3% isnt it ?) I'm thinking of grabbing a Collector's Edition Box alongside my $20 early bird pledge (in hoping that it will be like the old BG1 big box style) but if I paypal you get like $8 more or something I think
  12. DEFINITELY do this again for spell casting The spells probably won't have schools, but it would be cool incantations like these were used in this game. The BG1/IWD ones are the best from any game IMO.
  13. Even the Baldur's Gate NPCs had their own little things that 'bent or broke' the D&D rules or had special items Minsc's Berserker Rage Alora's Lucky Rabbit Foot Edwin's Amulet Imoen's Belt etc etc Something that makes them unique is a good idea, like a dash of Moroccan Spice into the pot
  14. I really love the Paperdoll + Grid style of inventory system that Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale used. However junk items could be just lists on a resources tab or something, rather than in the actual inventory.
  15. You can get a lot out of these types of discussions and arguments if you're the kind of person who listens to reason. It's fine to have a steadfast perspective on a topic, but it's also good to hear other perspectives, which in turn, gives you perspective. There's a lot of people on here who can do this, and a lot of people who can't.
  16. I'm in the I wasn't amazed by the kickstarter campaign music crowd, but I think that doing the soundtrack for the game will really challenge you to produce something great. First major project, and with current level of passion and dedication is foreboding good results.
  17. Here's how to do a senses overload with choir / strings Not the type of overload you would have wanted for the video though, hahah
  18. The more I think about it, the more I'm starting to think that cooldowns (at least for spellcasters) do actually make sense when designing a real time game (rather than a P&P game). However the cooldowns need to be pretty long. For instance, your mage character might have access to 20 spells, but some of them might have cooldowns between 5-60 minutes. Which means they aren't spammable and if you use one of them incorrectly, well you're **** out of luck. Not that the developers will actually do that though because I think they want to try and reduce reloading.
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