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Everything posted by Lekian

  1. I also got the mail this afternoon. Shipping from the UK via Royal Mail to Spain. Expected delivery between the 15th-17th April.
  2. I myself have only been able to give the Beta a bash for couple of hours in two different sessions. Yes it is certainly buggy and needs polish, but how would the forums have gone if they had delayed the release after showing it at Gamescom? Although we are not being informed, I am absolutely positive the devs are at it and getting the new build ready, killing some of those painful bugs!! Sorry to hear some of you have not been able to try the Beta!
  3. Yes they are some aspects to improve but ... IMHO, the game looks great for a Beta Build!!!
  4. I had high expectations on trying the Beta tonight. Finally I will call it off until tomorrow. Unfortunately I cannot call my boss tomorrow saying I am ill, as I myself are my boss and have a meeting to attend with some clients. Anyhow, to all of the lucky guys that get to try it tonight, ENJOY IT!!!!!
  5. Going to take the dog out for a long walk! I´ll be leaving my mobile at home, just so I am not constantly checking my email. Hope to have a surprise when I´m back.
  6. I really hope PE is a great success so we can enjoy more "old" "style" RPG games with modern days PC technology! Cannot wait to get my hands on this!! Thank you 1000 times for making Pillars Eternity!
  7. Baldurs Gate all the way! I prefer the artistic portraits from the IE games, than a 3D animated avatar.
  8. Absolutely great update! So glad I peaked the website last night before falling asleep. I fell asleep thinking of what a great game I will playing next year! Please do not rush it when you are getting to the end of production! Keep up the great work!
  9. Absolutely great update! Really enjoyed it, especially the screenshots. I also appreciate the developers being around answering members questions, keep up the great work! Not sure if this has been answered but can we expect the BIG update for two weeks time?
  10. I funded this Kickstarter campaign under the premises that I would receive ... ... an Old-School RPG - Isometric View - Computer exclusive game! For Infinite Engine lovers as myself I have been waiting for a game like this for the last 10 years. And although I did enjoy DAO on my first play through, lets forget that rubbish of "...spiritual successor of Baldur's Gate"
  11. Great Update! Really enjoyed it last night before falling asleep. Pleaseeeee do not make next update 4 weeks to come, even if its just little updates along the way to the BIG ONE!! I am really just so excited about this game, keep up the good job!
  12. Hope Pets and Familiars are well implemented and we get a variety to choose from. Cannot see mounts and its mechanics fitting into PE.
  13. Have not been posting much although I have been up to date with all the updates! All seems to be going fairly well. I am just so happy to have helped towards this Project! Looking forward for update in two weeks time!
  14. This has been my first Kickstarter project and I am absolutely thrilled! My payment went very smooth as only 4 hours after the party over at Obsidian had ended I had already received mail from Kickstarter, Amazon and the money had gone from my account. I think I have never been as happy to see my account being billed! Obsidian try and keep the updates coming when serious development starts, even if its just once/ twice a month!
  15. I personally prefer the Dungeon to be far away from the cities. I would place the Endless Paths probably as ancient civilization city or castle in ruins far from the cities and were most adventurers perish when they enter the first levels of the dungeons!!
  16. My all time favourites are both Baldurs Gate 1 & 2, but what really got me to pledge is that PE will be a Isometric Fixed RPG. I think we all miss these so much. I never got to finish Planescape Torment due to I rented it at a Game Shop back in 1999. Bought it over at GOG a couple of weeks ago, installed all the recommended mods. I have started to play it and just loving it.
  17. I am really expecting puzzles in PE dungeons, chambers... or to open special treasure vaults . I quite miss them in nowadays RPG games, I am not to keen on just hack & slash games, IMO they finally get boring.
  18. Getting some kind of Info on the development once a month would be just fine for me.
  19. Hi everyone! Finally pledged last night for PE. I have been following kickstarter since day one and actually became a member of the forums the day before it started, I could really feel there was something cooking. I have been an active reader but not had the time to post. I will now certainly be around the forums until game is shipped.
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