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Everything posted by Leferd

  1. By sixth, do you mean the seventh? https://www.fig.co/campaigns/deadfire?update=243#updates Or do you really mean the sixth - who hasn't actually been revealed?
  2. Not enough Gaga.
  3. Without knowing any of its details, my hot take is this: How is this a stretch goal??
  4. Clutch coin toss call.
  5. Jones. Edelman.
  6. Gaga killed it.
  7. There ought to be a detective story in the Black Isle.
  8. Best romance in a video game ever. Got everything. Courtship, getting laid, and matrimony.
  9. That was probably the last time I really cared about Earth Day.
  10. Enchantable accessories. Hats/helms/hoods Cloaks/capes I'd add gloves and boots, but they don't really affect appearance as much. I really liked the look of the nasal helm and padded cap, but had to drop them for the sake of increasing my party's survivability.
  11. Probably for the best. Unless we're able to assert our creativity, it'll be a generic party vs party encounter where the pirates are just XP fodder for mediocre loot.
  12. Fair enough. It just seems like it's a little helter skelter. From Let's bring back the Obsidian Order and give an extra $8 -> Pirate Ship -> Obsidian Mauraders -> Random Vulgar name -> What about combing Black Isle with Bastards -> Wait...Black Isle -- Let's get an island! I originally just wanted a boat.
  13. This seems to be a bigger team than Eternity 1. I wonder how much Obsidian is budgeting for this -outside of crowdfunding.
  14. Yes. After the funding period ends on Feb. 24th, Obsidian will put up a backer website and everyone who backed the game will be able to log into the website and enter preferences for Steam or GoG, specify shipping info for any physical goods etc. When the game is released you will get a Steam key (and I will get GoG key because DRM is bad -- but, to each his own). There is a menu item in the Steam app that allows you to redeem the key and have the game added to your library. That's a great answer, Yonjuro.
  15. Part of the issue is that there are too many options being thrown about, rather than focusing on one and coming up with a solidified plan for it. Badge - Pirate Ship - Island. Coming up with names --and are they corresponding or completely separate? How about funding and logistics-who is actually interested and can we together as a group come up with enough scratch? It started up as a sequel to the Obsidian Order. Then, there was an off-hand semi-joke about hey, if we had the same number of people donating $8, we could actually buy a pirate ship. Then the ship idea picks up steam. Then hey, wait -- we need a badge, which is independent of the ship. We come up with a name for the pirate crew and/or group name for the badge - Black Isle Bastards. Then, hey wait...there's option 3 -- let's get an island and name it Black Isle! But..what happened to the Pirate Ship?? I'm not actually upset at all btw. Just a little confused and perplexed.
  16. Feargus stated on Fig that the Paypal option should be up by Wednesday in the backer portal.
  17. Fallout Baldur's Gate 2 Planescape: Torment
  18. "Brave, Brave Sir Garrick; Sir Garrick ran away" "Better part of valour! Better part of valour!"
  19. Didn't they already confirm orchestral music? Did they? I don't recall. If so, groovy.
  20. Will we then also be able to purchase foods and dine in at the inns as well?
  21. I like the goodies in the elite collector's edition except that I have no use for a 10" full body statue of something I don't have a place for - let alone something I want displayed. But I do want the guidebook. So I'll probably drop down a pledge level and add on the guidebook. And the pewter miniatures and a hoodie.
  22. Or they have metrics that explicitly show they have more paying Korean customers than Chinese or Japanese.
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