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Everything posted by Leferd

  1. Am I the only one who read "Fishing and sea-monsters" to mean two separate things? I think the fishing mini-game is for recipes and resting bonuses. The sea-monsters were already in game as possible encounters and this just adds more of them. Nope, you are not the only one. That is exactly how I understood it as well. Fishing for recipes etc. and more sea monsters for (random) encounters. I personally don't care about the fishing part, but I want more sea monsters So wait...the plan is for there to not have kraken tentacle recipes?
  2. I have to disagree. These updates can certainly take some time, but maybe they should spread it out more frequently with smaller updates focusing on the different departments. One update is art related, then design, then something involving lore, then a cool technical programming feature, etc.,... This way, the community can remain engaged and excited over the course and life of the project through updates and regular interaction. Part of the reason many of the regulars on these boards stayed on over the years from the Black Isle days and Obsidian's fan group in general is so passionate was due to the engagement that different developers have partaken with us here in the forums. Crowdfunding presents a unique opportunity in that they don't have a publisher or IP-holder to tell them they can't release this info or that.
  3. Next game probably would be Turn-Based. I'm no big fan of Turn-Based on RPGs but my favorite franchise for TBS is Heroes & Might & Magic. Sadly that franchise is dead too on Ubisoft hand. And the second best TBS game that i love is King's Bounty. I think Obsidian can expand their portfolio with similar games like Heroes of Might & Magic or Might & Magic franchise. Those were my favorites too. I doubt they would use Unreal Engine for a turn-based game. There's been hints that Project Indiana uses UE and as such it most likely won't be turn-based that said, who knows if they release something smaller before that. The new XCOMs use the Unreal Engine.
  4. That's a good question. For Project Eternity, they released a regular flow of updates weekly or every other week for the first few months through pre-production before it slowed to every three weeks. Currently they are past the pre-production stage and are well into production so the principal devs may have less time to provide regular substantial conceptual updates. Hopefully now that they have Aarik and Mikey as dedicated Community and PR managers, we can still see regular (and substantial) updates.
  5. It is far from confirmed and more than a year out from actually starting fundamental work on it if it does get a green light. Sawyer has just been publicly vocal for years in his active lobbying. Unless they go the crowdfunding route -- and it isn't likely to receive anything close to Eternity due to its unorthodox concept -- they'll need a successful pitch to secure appropriate financing.
  6. I am hoping that Sawyer's next project will be the historical turn based game inspired by Darklands and Ars Magica.
  7. I would imagine that a Cain and Boyarsky headed game won't be traditional.
  8. Adding a crew and having interactions play out with them is a cool distraction from the main game, but fishing for sea monsters? Ambivalent about that one.
  9. I'm wondering if fig charges your card in sequential order by backer number.
  10. There will be a Final Save transfer.
  11. Doesn't have to be the 2nd Edition AD&D powerhouse that it was, but it could be a high damage slashing weapon that's weak against heavy armor.
  12. Based on past trends, they may have a shot at $4.5 million, but $4.75 is questionable to doubtful. For Project Eternity, PayPal added approximately $100,000-ish on top of the Kickstarter.
  13. Realistically, adding PayPal funds won't hit the $5 million. But I do like that Xoti will be directly related and relevant to the main plotline surrounding Eothas.
  14. Maybe. Why not? Eora should be as diverse as Earth and the Archipelago isn't "European." Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing Japanese and Chinese inspired arms, clothing, and armor.
  15. Single wield one handed weapons (such as a sword) receive an accuracy bonus in PoE.
  16. Wasn't gladius also slang for ****? Indeed. Makes you wonder what those legionaries were thinking of when they marched off to war... Titus Pullo's favorite cuss words.
  17. PJ's points still stand. It's this type of thoughtful constructive criticism that Obsidian appreciates and can take back to improve their game.
  18. Armchair sea nerd. I get seasick.
  19. As an enthusiast of Patrick O'Brian, C.S. Forester, Sid Meier, and the Age of Sail in general...I care.
  20. Sentient sword and scabbard romance.
  21. Yes. Talking gun. The ennuendo potential alone would be priceless.
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