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Everything posted by Luckmann

  1. Well from that perspective, well, yeah, Sabres are actually really good. But I'd still prefer him to have Peasant or Soldier; I'm a fluffmuppet and you know it. One of them have Spears, and I know you like spears anyway. And well.. yeah, I'd prefer them to fix that too, because... I'm in the habit of giving my CNPC:s an extra Talent, an underpowered one mostly for feels, and Edér having Rapid Recovery prevents me from giving him something equally useless but decided by me, like Deep Pockets or Fast Runner. It should be fixed either way, anyway.
  2. Yeah, I've had some issues working this out in my head, too. I noticed it yesterday that it just wasn't adding up. Edér shouldn't have Rapid Recovery at lvl 3. That being said, I think it's odd that he has Weapon Focus: Ruffian, considering that he's a farmhand that used to be a soldier. Either WF: Soldier or WF: Peasant would make more sense, I think, especially since he's not a Rogue any more. Also, as for the "solution" of giving him a useless Talent to restore the balance, I'd argue that Rapid Recovery is already pretty damn useless.
  3. I'm 90% sure that's a ChangeClass bug. At least one other person reported it earlier in the thread, and I just got it earlier this morning. Well that's odd, because I loaded, but maybe something broke anyway.. :| Either way, would love to be able to remove the added abilities. It's odd that it doesn't show up right away. Everything was great a few loading screens later. And now Edér's got two Constant Recovery, and Aloth has two Arcane Assault's.
  4. Bester, any chance of a RemoveAbility command? There's none in the base game and for whatever reason, my Aloth's got two Arcane Assaults. =_= At first I thought it was related to the IE Mod and the added ChangeClass command, but nope, reloaded and it still occurs all on it's own.
  5. Doing a ranged rogue would probably be different, yeah, but a melee one? Nuh-uh, no way, no how I'm going to subject myself to that level of punishment. I'm playing with a hired rogue in the party right now, and there's just no way I'll get Edér in there and also have the rogue do a stabby-stab, let alone be able to get out of there alive. Now.. a pistol or something, yeah, I can see that. Still doesn't change the fact that Individual Stealth (and Search) and in-combat Stealth should be pretty darn high on the priorities list for the expansion.
  6. Naming saves is really, really basic PC Gaming 101. Not being able to name saves is some serious consolization bull**** right there.
  7. No individual Stealth. No Stealthing in combat. Everyone Stealths, or no-one Stealths. It's an imperfect world and hopefully they'll fix it one day, because it's one of the reasons I'll never play a Rogue in PoE.
  8. Actually, last patch bumped it to +12. The Two-Weapon Wielder Talent is still 30% Graze-to-Hit. Duelists are still terrible. Yes. If you are using a one-handed weapon and you have your offhand free, you get a +12 Accuracy Bonus.
  9. Anyone know how to use the console to target Recruited Companions? The Player is always "Player", but if you create a character, named her Altáira, and I can't seem to target commands at her. I tried to use "FindCharacter Altáira", and it came up with "Companion_P_Altáira_3" but that's not working either. Edit: Nevermind, I screwed up. Apparently, not only is all talents prefaced by tln_, but some are also ended with _talent. Obsidian must have a Department of Redundancy Department.
  10. Are you talking about the console command that allows you to respec? How exactly can I reproduce this situation? I mean if you use the command "AddTalent fast_runner" you will get the fast runner talent, but on the character sheet it will be listed as an ability. Additionally when levelling up you will still be able to choose Fast runner under utility and spend a point on it, which adds Fast runner under talents giving you two Fast Runner instances(both work as intended). So really its more of a graphical thing and being careful with doubling on talents. As I said its a minor thing that really isnt necessary to fix per se, its just an inquiry if its intended that talents get put under abilities and dont get removed from selectable level up talents. (Used this command thinking I could move faster with fast runner, turns out its combat only, though it can have comical effect if stacked having enemies trying to catch up while you leave them in the dust) This is not related to the mod, but you're using the wrong command. You should be using "AddAbility tln_fast_runner". All Talents are prefaced with "tln_". Otherwise you're trying to add the ability function that the game uses to handle the talent, and it leads to wonkyness.
  11. How.. how do you get stunlocked in the beginning? I'm running a ridiculously underoptimized Paladin on Hard (...I still haven't managed to fix the Attributes, either, I think modding this game is going to be a bitch), and during the entirety of the prologue, I didn't have any problems whatsoever, to the point where I started questioning the difficulty. Since Interrupt was fixed after BBv435, stunlock due to interrupt is almost a theoretical impossibility.
  12. I have contributed nothing. But yes. This was wroth Osvir's pledge.
  13. Because polls are useless and all that counts is arguments?
  14. I actually re-downloaded the Project yesterday just to be sure it wouldn't conflict with my previous PoE stuff (BB v333-480) which I keep in a separate folder, but when I loaded up that project, I didn't have access to the "Pillars of Eternity Editor"-dropdown, so I went back. I didn't give it much thought, so it's odd. That said, I'll just wait for you to up the v1.0.2.508 version, then. Any pointers on where to look to muck with the Attribute Bonuses? Am I right to assume it's CharacterStats.cs, or am I going to have to hunt down multiple files and edit all of them just to move some bonuses around? I know Sensuki wanted to make some changes too, just not the exact same ones.
  15. Well assuming that what I'm looking at (Bester's extracted files) is BBv333 and assuming I have any idea what I'm looking at (which is a hell of an assumption), the Perception +Range never was +Range, or something like that. Either that, or I can't wrap my head around this nugget in CharacterStats.cs. public float StatRangedAttackDistanceMultiplier { get { return GetStatEffectDurationMultiplier(this.Perception); } } Edit: Now, having given up on that for now, I was thinking I was going to start poking some other other files, and opened the companion files with your editor. However, let's say I'm editing companion_eder.unity3d, all of the information I'd probably want to edit are MonoScripts, atlhough I can't make sure, and this is the problem, I can't actually edit them. I tried to extract them with DisUnity, but it either doesn't extract them properly (I assume it's not supported by DisUnity) or extracts them raw as .bin-files, which I'm not sure how to work with either. Is there a way? And yes, sorry, I realize it's a truckload of questions I'm just pushing out here, but I'm in over my head. Edit 2: Actually, DisUnity Extract-TXT managed to get me readable content, but the monoscripts didn't seem to contain anything relevant except a Propertieshash and a reference to Assembly-CSharp.dll. Or maybe it can't extract it properly, no clue, I was expecting Edér's class information in here somewhere.
  16. Would I be correct in assuming that Attribute Bonuses are contained in the CharacterStats.cs? I'm super-confused at the moment, but I can see references in it that leads me to believe it to be so, and if it's not, I'm apparently even more confused. But if so, how would one go about extracting the current CharacterStats.cs? Obviously the project you've shared is outdated by now. (I assumed it was BBv333, but I'm not sure anymore). Or am I looking in the wrong place altogether? Edit: God I miss modding the easy tables of the IE. D:
  17. BOOM, HEADSHOT: https://www.gog.com/account/refresh
  18. Sent a ticket to GOG.com support. Hopefully they'll answer soon. I advise everyone that hasn't gotten their stuff to do the same and see if they feel like speeding up the issue.
  19. Also, check this thread: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71783-whats-the-kickstarter-only-item/ Apparently the Kickstarter Item isn't showing up for everyone on GOG.
  20. Matt Sheets where arth thou? D:
  21. Alright, I can confirm that I can't see whatever it is you're seeing Rosveen, and I've got a Backer GOG version. This is all kinds of ****ing odd.
  22. As Sensuki says, this is not a bug. You already have a Culture when you start making your character. You are simply moving the bonus by taking another Culture.
  23. For some really strange and seemingly arbitrary reason, GOG:s installer versions doesn't follow the game versions. is just their "first" build and then if it's updated it'll become something like I have absolutely no idea why GOG doesn't just list the game versions as according to patch/update of the games themselves. The only way to know for sure what version you have from GOG is to install it and check. Having just downloaded the GOG version and installed it, I can confirm that GOG is v1.0.2.0508. Whether this includes the supposed "Day 1 patch" or not, I have no idea, but I sure bloody hope so, considering how slow GOG usually is with patching otherwise. But if there's a patch coming just tomorrow or something like that, I'd love to hear it ASAP before I start trying to hit the Attributes with a wrench. Can we get some confirmation on this?
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