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Everything posted by Luckmann

  1. It's different genres. For different audiences. Aimed at different target markets. For different, mutually exclusive, platforms. There'd be more overlap between PoE and almost anything else. There is probably a greater overlap between PoE and pizza than there is between PoE and Bloodborne.
  2. I'm not disagreeing with your point, quite far from it, actually, and this just adds to my support of +AoE being placed on Resolve, but it is worth noting that the Aura Modals of the Paladin seems to stack with virtually everything. Which is also why Zealous Focus is so much better than Zealous Endurance (DT +5? If tank, cool, otherwise, haha, meh) and Zealous Charge (+Move.Speed in PoE? Aaahahahahaha). That delicious Accuracy bonus that cannot be replicated is just too nice to pass up, by comparison.
  3. That's actually a very good point. I'd forgotten about the NDA and the pre-26th Embargo. Well I did tell them that it was a bad idea to give one to Kotaku, but no-one ever listens...
  4. It's Kotaku. Did you really expect them to read anything? We've all been tricked into paying for Social Justice: The Video Game.
  5. I would've gone with irritating. Or maybe depressing. The opposite of female is male, not default. Oh, no, misogony in programming code! Quick, get to the Tumblrmobile! Bleak Walkers are pretty much Blackguards, so I just feel like deathlikes are more appropriate, but you're not *wrong* with the firelikes, for sure. I wonder if there's any opportunity to set things on fire as the fastest way to end a conflict...
  6. but I know you have troubles understanding simple points. going for irony? *shrug* then again we did mention only a post ago that people is easily distracted and we knew that convincing folks that a tank skill were useful for a tank character would be difficult at this point. HA! Good Fun! ps complete aside, but we were playing with chanters in anticipation o' utilizing kana, and it seems that "thick grew their tongues" is working opposite o' what we expected. 'course interrupt related talents and abilities all seem a bit weird at this point. That's.. I think that's the first time I see a reverse strawman. Is that a thing these days? Is there a term for it?
  7. Rapier and Stiletto is, sadly, a really bad idea, because the Stiletto is Weapon Focus (Ruffian), while the Rapier is Weapon Focus (Noble). You only get 6 talents total throughout the entire game, and that's already two just for Focus, before even considering Specialization. I would prefer to see the Ruffian and Noble switch Stiletto and Dagger around, or to see more different kinds of weapon combinations in more weapon foci, but that's at least how it is right now (BBv480). Whether you want to increase Dexterity or not largely depends on how you want to play. Generally speaking, if you want to be the best, if you are dual-wielding, dump your armour and use only Clothes (that's Clothes, not Robes) and pump your Dexterity for added Action Speed. However, if you've already decided that you're going to use Heavy Armour, Dexterity becomes practically useless. At that point I'd also consider dropping the Constitution and either get more Might or Intellect.
  8. I think it's a blanket -5 Accuracy, but I honestly don't remember.
  9. Man, the pitch still sounds good, and again makes me want to like this piece of broken trash.
  10. Is weird, it's almost as if there's a different form of impact depending on who is engaging who, and who has numeric superiority. Hurrrrrrrrr. There's a difference between the player being engaged and the enemies being engaged. I believe I covered this earlier, but I know you have troubles understanding simple points.
  11. I would think it would be a bigger problem at lower levels, when the impact of small modifiers are greater, than in a sequel, where the potential +Attribute and other modifiers from helmets would have a lesser impact.
  12. Except.. you don't know about it until you press them. And the NPC:s are a bit hard to avoid, they're standing out in the open.
  13. No. Godlikes do not have a helmet equipment slot. Also, we've had access to most of the items in the game through spawning in the console. Although I must say that I do appreciate the idea of a flower on the head of a deathlike.
  14. Of course there's a balance aspect to it. Because while entirely true that the reason they don't have helmets is probably partly because they don't want to make the extra helmets, it also wouldn't make sense that helmets just suddenly morphed to fit whomever wanted to wear them. But the balance aspect is that Godlikes doesn't get helmets - it doesn't matter why - and therefore are explicitly meant to have more powerful racials, yet it doesn't add up at all. That's because you are a terrible person and haven't checked the thread. There are multiple helmets in the game with bonuses, including bonuses to Attributes.
  15. Read up on Engagement and how it works, my office is closed for the day. I'm tired of explaining it, once a day is enough.
  16. Well, that's pretty much what I expected. And honestly, I don't even blame them for that. We got the awesome character trait reputation AND attribute/skill based responses. And those are already plenty (judging from the BB). I don't think it would be fair to blame them if they haven't written extra dialogue for every possible combination of gender/race/skills/attributes/reputation. So, yeah, umm, at least that means I can freely play what I want. But it might be an option for expansions to add when PoE becomes a success. No blame intended, the game will probably be a blast either way, I'm just always wanting more. There's just no pleasing some people. Godlikes are... badly named, if you ask me. But the point I wanted to make was that not all gods are venerated equally, and some are more feared than worshipped. For example, a god that you might often to consider the most-praised one, the God of Light and Redemption, Eothas, is actually banned in the region in which the game takes place (or at least most of the region that we know the game takes place in). Death Godlikes (or "Deathlikes", as I prefer to call them) are often considered an ill omen and many are killed at birth. Meanwhile, Fire Godlikes are venerated by those that favour Magran, the god of War and Fire. In another region (was it Vailia?) Godlikes even lack many basic rights, and are considered genderless because they cannot procreate ( ), which means that they are not subject to a lot of laws and can't get married, and so on. Being a Godlike can be both a blessing and a cursed. They are not called gifted, nor are they called cursed, they are "simply" influenced by forces that the populace traditionally refer to as gods, whatever that means depends on where you are and who you ask. I wonder what a Godlike of Skaen looks like.
  17. This is such a flawed logic. "smartphones should be given away by the manufacturer for free because some jackasses are going to pickpocket them and sell them on the black market anyway" Wespenfresser wants to see her name associated with her work when people are going to google for portraits. That's entirely fine by me. Even though personally I find watermarks intrusive, and take away from the aesthetic value of the work. But this is a philosophical debate and IMO the OP should never have had to justify herself here. ...you're comparing bought smartphones to be pickpocketed, with immaterial non-profit digital redistribution? Out of all the stupid **** I've had to deal with today...
  18. I don't know. I realize it depends a lot on location, but I'd say that direct insults like that were taken more serious, while general exclamations of disfavour or pain were more... colourful. Calling someone's mother a whore today could easily be taken as a general insult directed towards just about anyone, but in medieval northern Europe, you'd probably be shivved for actually calling suggesting that someone's mother was an actual whore, same as being called a liar would have been considered a grave insult, while someone saying you're a foul-smelling c**t-dwelling s**t-farmer would be like "eh, whatever". But polite speech overall, not a huge thing, no, depending on what social level we're talking about.
  19. I think this game has something even better than that. The "enable developer commentary" option in the gameplay menu screen. I've been avoiding these LP streams, so I have no idea if these streamers are actually using it in their games, but I'm assuming that this is what it's there for. To teach the uninitiated. But I could be wrong. They should be taught as we were taught. Through dying. And then dying again. Through blood and sacrifice, we have become god. Stop guys, stop it, stop having fun you guys, you're playing it wrong, these are my toys, you're playing it wrong guise stop it no fun allowed stop it I said stop it THIS PLAYDATE IS OVER I'M TAKING ALL THE BALLS AND I'M GOING HOME YOU'RE ALL DEAD BECAUSE YOU TOUCHED THE LAVA AND I'M GOING TO CALL MY MOM NE NE NE NE NEE NEE If Engagement wouldn't be ridiculously overpowered, the point of Engagement would disappear, and if that point disappears, we have to ask ourselves why there's even Engagement at all, and those are questions Sawyer does not want to ask himself.
  20. Mechanically, race has a small effect and gender unfortunately has none. But as far as roleplaying goes, it does matter once in a while, yes. I would doubt that they'd make either of them matter as much as I would personally think it should (because "boohoo my choices matter and my mary sue is being discriminated against in a make-believe universe bawww") but there are at the very least comments on it at times. Apart from the (usually small, but it can depend a bit on build/class) mechanical benefits, probably not, no. I will be blown away if Obsidian have been brave enough to actually subject female characters to lecherous and despicable man-pigs or select godlikes to brutal racism, but I don't think so, and I haven't heard anything about it. It's hard to tell for sure until we have the full game in our hands, but going by experience, yeah, no, nothing major.
  21. Man, Sensuki, that vid makes me want to play a Firelike Monk, don't do this to me. The only thing that would scare me off would actually be that by level 10, the abilities amounts to 2 Modals and Torment's Reach. But I still think the idea of a fire-monk is hilarious. DSimpson is amazing. His FAQ:s are a one-stop-shop for almost everything IE. Doing a DSimpson Game-FAQ would probably take years. It certainly took years for him to perfect his. But you gotta start somewhere.
  22. Afaik, yes. PoE accepts all kinds of funny symbols so I'd be surprised if it didn't support diacritic marks, given that it's a bit of a staple. Edér is named Edér after all.
  23. Which is just another one of those really odd, counter-intuitive things in PoE. Monk with a (non-fist) weapon? Monk with a shield? Monk with... heavy armour? It's weird but... I kind of prefer it this way. Part of the fun of RPGs is finding new weapons and equipment. If you have a class that uses absolutely nothing, it's kind of boring. Edit: Does the monk still generate enough wounds with heavy armour? I've seen some comments where people say you should keep the armour lighter to maximise wounds but I assume that even with heavy armour, you still take a reasonable amount of damage on the front lines (the enemies can't be that weak...) Oh, I'm not saying that it's necessarily bad - I really like the open-ended approach that they have taken and many of the things that appears to have been ideals throughout development, such as all Attributes being usable by all classes, the lack of weapon restrictions, an armour sharing an overall system rather than being just X, Y or Z depending on class alone. Whether they hit the mark or not is extremely debatable, and there are certainly some very glaring issues, but the goal itself as it seems; amazing. The issue that I have is that as it stands, it's just that while it's cool that you can do these things, it's unintuitive that you'd be so clearly worse off if you do what you'd traditionally do. Hyperintelligent Barbarians, for example; I think it's great that you can make a really good intelligent Barbarian, that's actually really cool. But the fact that it outweighs many other builds that would be more intuitive so clearly, is definitely an issue. Like a Paladin that takes Resolve, which is thematically a mix between what would usually be referred to as Willpower and/or Charisma; a complete trap choice, unless you're specifically building for a tank. Or a monk that thinks, hey, I want to be that traditional punchy monk, and you just can't do that and still perform on the level on which an armed monk would, and if you build for a tanky monk, you will still want to have heavy armour, which is no doubt jarring for those that would expect the monk to capitalize on other defensive modifiers like deflection, dodging and mobility (of which only deflection is a defensive stat, and mobility is actively discouraged). Or a traditional wizard; Might? Yes, Might isn't exactly "Strength", but a lot of things in the game is suggestive of the fact that it has to do with physical stature, whether that was the actual intent or not, so you choose to focus on Perception, it feels wizard-y enough, but which is utter and complete garbage for the low-health clothy backliner that's slinging spells. Is it the end-all, be-all of the system? No, of course not. I appreciate the ideals and goals that have seemingly gone into the system, and lament the fact that while the pieces are there, the shot falls short of the mark by a fair degree. As for your question, it depends on how you build the Monk. If you want to tank, you'll still want the Heavy Armour and you'll still be hit more than enough, especially when there's more enemies, but if you're not a tank, you definitely shouldn't stick to Heavy Armour, you want to feel the pain or you'll have problems generating Wounds. It shouldn't be a major issue. I think that every single post I've seen from you have been a strawman. Are you ever productive, or just tiresome?
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