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Everything posted by Luckmann

  1. Unless they've been insanely good at hiding them, to the point of absurdity... no.
  2. Some of those are already in, but not all of them. But they should be, by release (if he didn't scrap any of them for some reason).
  3. Yeah, the Enchanting UI is notoriously bad and enchanting being confusing has been a pretty big issue, so I'm really happy to see that.
  4. In addition to the ones shown in the vid above, I expect there to be at least a few more on release. Maybe not many, but a few, at least. I would be surprised if Kaz isn't hard at work.
  5. I don't think they've actually said. There's another priest now, Durance, who is also a Priest of Magran, and also sports an Arquebus, but seems based on what very little we know (a picture, really) to be considerably more unhinged and rough. He seems awesome, really, but I still miss Cadegund, even if she was never fleshed out to us either. But in the end, we don't know.
  6. I don't think we actually know much about what her paladin order believes in. She might be totally down with causal cruelty. My cruelty will not be casual, in fact I'm pretty disappointed in the Celebrated/Condemned behaviours (if they're still the same) of Bleak Walkers, Aggressive/Cruel as Celebrated, Diplomatic/Benevolent as Condemned. They seem to have sorta made them into blackguards after all, which is the one thing I was hoping they wouldn't do, based on what we've been told about them before. I was expecting Rational/Aggressive or Rational/Cruel as Celebrated, and Passionate/Benevolent or Diplomatic/Passionate as Condemned. Very matter-of-fact, do-what-must-be-done, as-efficient-as-possible kind of thing. Not just raarrgh, nice bad, eat kitten, yum. As for Pellagina, I'm expecting her to be a goody-two-shoes with a hardon for the Vailian Republics. Her order is supposed to be based entirely around the protection of the Vailian Republics and whatnot.
  7. I think that was me (either that or I posted in the thread about it). /Sawyerism Sensuki, we've talked about this! There goes another puppy! D:
  8. I foresee some... friction... between Pellagina and myself. I'm not sure how well she'll get along with my Deathlike, Bleak Walker Paladin self...
  9. I personally feel that it is incredibly offensive, too, not because it insults console players, but because there are a great many great racists throughout history, whether we're talking Mahatma Gandhi or Vlad Tepes, that do not deserve such injustice. Console players are much, much worse.
  10. Have you checked the Divinity forums for the outcry over what's obviously a huge improvement (Dark Rot/Tenebrium now now influencing damage but weapon skill, not nullifying all weapon skills once Tenebrium comes in game)... Gamers have difficulty with changes... over-thinking, calculating, plotting RPG-players even less. "They ruined my OP munchkin build... I hate you, I'll never buy a game of you again, I will spread dirt about you to all my friends...!" Well first, saying that there is a "large outcry" is a bit over the top. The Larian D:OS forums are practically dead. Second, there are some really solid issues with that particular change, even if it's overall for the better. I think what he was referring to was the more tumultuous upcoming changes that will rebalance arms and armour in Wasteland 2, and add things like dual-wielding to D:OS. Neither which will change pre-existing key character functionalities, as far as I know.
  11. Yeah, personally, I don't like the aumaua overall, but Kana Rua really takes the cake in looking like a complete buffoon. He feels like a mix between Anomen and Minsc. Note that I actually have no idea how he actually is, as very little is known, but damn that's the impression I get. I would've preferred a chanter modeled after Eldoth or Garrick, really. That's just ridiculous, everyone knows that race is an illusion. There is no such thing as racial traits and attributes. Everyone is created equal and to even suggest anything else is just downright raicist!
  12. I would say no, but it certainly couldn't hurt. My issue with that would be that it wouldn't make sense, though; why would specifically ranger pets be immune to a mechanic that affects each and everyone else? I'd say if you needed a "real life" reason, it'd be because animals are faster than men. Or, if that wasn't sufficient (maybe because you're thinking: hey what about enemy bears?), you could say it is the result of the speed of the animal AND the spirit bond of the ranger, which allows for them to guide each other in combat. Way back, I argued a bit about that, that animals shouldn't be subject to Engagement rules, and to a degree I still think that today, but I find it quite hard to excuse specifically ranger animal companions. I'd rather see animal companions get legit ways to avoid Engagement, whether it's Escape or Invisibility or whatever, at that point.
  13. For many, maybe, but not for me. I just want there to be a semblance of balance. Yes, this overlaps somewhat with a min/max-ing perspective, but honestly, I don't think anyone can reasonable argue that Godlikes shouldn't be awarded something if they expressly lose something else. The racials and the attribute bonuses are simply not worth losing the headgear for, whether you min/max or not. Right, so you'd be min-maxing by not selecting a god-like specifically because you perceive it isn't quite as good stats-wise as some other race. Not because it isn't fun to play, but because it is 'weaker' in some pretty minor fashion. Not necessarily. I'm probably going to play a godlike regardless. This in no way invalidates the criticism about it being unbalanced, and nor does it change the feeling that you've been cheated or made a bad decision - knowingly, no less, not by mistake.
  14. Detection and Disarm are both based on Mechanics, but you need to be in Scouting Mode to detect, yes.
  15. I would say no, but it certainly couldn't hurt. My issue with that would be that it wouldn't make sense, though; why would specifically ranger pets be immune to a mechanic that affects each and everyone else?
  16. I think it comes down to what you want to make, rather than the knowledge of how to make one. I personally do not consider Paladins very underpowered or anything, just somewhat lacking and mechanically boring, missing in conceptual focus. But they're not super-terrible or anything. At least not so far (we'll have to see how the nerfs turn out).
  17. How dare you?! That is not a shiv! It is a traditional Polish blueberry-pierogi-cutter handed down over generations! Kurwa take you, infidel!
  18. Well that is true, but the difference is really getting blurred. What counts as "Professional" today? Should Rock, Paper, Shotgun or Kotaku get a review copies? Many would say yes, but many could quite easily argue that they have the professionalism of a fruit fly. Should TotalBiscuit get a review copy? He says himself that he never does reviews, but he's easily more professional and his WTF is... series and Let's Play-like videos are often more thorough and honest than most reviews. This is not in defence of the people going bananas over nothing, really, because what's been done is completely reasonable (..except arguably letting streams and such go live 3 days before release...) but I'm just saying that the line isn't really that clear, not to the people that have perceived this as some ridiculous slight, nor to the developers or publishers that ultimately have to hand out the review copies. And honestly, I prefer to wait until release day either way. Like BAdler said, there will be a patch and everything. These days, development goes on all the way up until release, and I would not consider the review copy to be any more of the finished game than a beta would be. Well.. maybe a little bit more, because the story content is there, but still, not the full monty.
  19. Like somewhat fishlike, lizardesque qunari, the early years, with a splash of fingerpaint.
  20. While, yeah, sure, the Chanter can probably substitute the role to a degree, compared to a "real" necromancer, I must say that if we are talking thematically, I would never envision a singing, chanting necromancer walking around, stabbing, shooting.
  21. The irony here is that I've pointed this exact thing out myself, before, but the thing is, for all practical intents and purposes, yes, you do.
  22. I must say that I'm a bit annoyed that the embargo is lifted pre-release, because it means that spoilers will start to float everywhere three days before the game is even released, which is actually quite horrifying to someone that, for once, has managed to avoid most (and all big) spoilers. It is also puzzling, because the developers have gone to great lengths to preserve the integrity of the game in the regard, and I feel that they are throwing that away by doing this. I will blame Paradox for this, but ultimately it doesn't actually change anything. But as for the idea that some people have, that they're "giving games away", that's just ridiculous. Review copies is something that goes out in every industry. There's a calculated loss of profit, same as any store calculates that a certain percentage of sales are lost due to shoplifting, and the loss of immediate profit in this case is meant to be outweighed by exposure and popularization. It doesn't matter what it is, books, games, movies, there are always review copies, and it makes perfect sense. I really don't understand the wailing in this regard. Yes, I would like free stuff too, and I've gotten a few books when I've reviewed them, but this is really just marketing 101. It's not even stupid marketing, it's such basic marketing that you don't even have to be a crazy marketing department to think of it. Edit: ****, sorry everyone, accidental double-posting. Was going to edit into previous reply. Forgot. Sorry.
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