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Everything posted by Luckmann

  1. I dare you. I dare you to not mention even once that you dislike disengagement, or even hint at it. Not as much as a large, deep-breath sigh. Anyway, I think a lot of people simply don't know what's going on and chalks it up to difficulty. There's a lot of things going on at once, and as we've seen, not everything is immediately noticeable (such as the movement/recovery penalty) but obviously contributes to the "difficulty" when you don't know about it. Engagement will probably make a lot of people assume that the game is a lot more brutal than it actually is, simply because they don't take it into account or know how to take it into account. I'm really looking forward to seeing it. You said you'd only do the prologue, no? A complete walk-through of the prologue (at least up until the end of the first cave) is exactly something I'd like to see, since it's not super-spoilerish and we've already seen most of it. Do you know what you'll be playing as? Class/Culture/Background, etc. Would be fun to see something that hasn't already been covered by official streams or clips. 10/10 would not even be mad.
  2. I would argue that it need not be blind... but I see your point.
  3. Oh god, the Myth games. I only really played one of them, I think, and it was awesome. They have not aged well, so it's up to how much you can stand super-dated 3D graphics. Personally, I have no troubles playing a pixelized sprite game from 1990, but the second you start showing me the old, early 3D models, I want to hurl. For the longest, longest time, I hated 3D graphics simply because it always looked terrible, even when 3D graphics were new. My brother kept going "Oh they move so realistically" and "Oh, this looks so awesome", while I thought people around me were going ****ing insane. But yes, Sensuki, if you didn't try them at the time, since you are a pretty big fan of the genre, you should definitely look into trying them. I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for the vid, your continued support of PoE is truly admirable and many of your experiences mirror my own (except I didn't have anyone to go LAN IE games with, but I did LAN a lot). It's sad to have seen the LAN culture go down the gutter.
  4. Some people just dislike some classes for no real reason. I personally never liked druids. I can't even explain why. Only once have I almost played a proper druid (discounting Diablo 2) and that was for a Pathfinder game that didn't get off the ground, and my entire concept was "bearomancer". It was entirely centred on bears, turning into a bear, two bear animal companions, and summoning bears. I'm still lamenting the fact that I never got to play it, because I was going to scream BEARS, HOOOOO and have them crashing in from the windows, falling down the chimneys and running down the doors. *sigh* But yeah, it's perfectly valid to say "I just don't like rogues". I can say that Wizards, which I usually like, appeals to me somewhere south of zero for PoE. I can't even put my finger on it.
  5. For many, maybe, but not for me. I just want there to be a semblance of balance. Yes, this overlaps somewhat with a min/max-ing perspective, but honestly, I don't think anyone can reasonable argue that Godlikes shouldn't be awarded something if they expressly lose something else. The racials and the attribute bonuses are simply not worth losing the headgear for, whether you min/max or not. If it was min/maxing, you would want a specific bonus, so you could stack, for example, Might, or Intellect, or something, but as far as I'm concerned, it could be +1 anything. My suggestion is to make it modular (Godlike Race +1, Godlike Type +1, Parent Race +1) but at the end of the day, they just need something. My suggestion is based on what I think would be interesting, I don't give a hoot on whether it's min/max-y or not, the game is already very min/max-y. Edit: I just realized that in the coming days, new people that frequent the forums will probably not press my spoilers. Awww.
  6. There is no straight-up necromancy in the world and there is no necromancer class nor CNPC:s, no. Wizards are very, very bad summoners/necromancers. The closest you're going to get in vanilla PoE is the Chanter, the Bard-esque class, that gets a few in-combat summons, like Diogenes mentioned above. But thematically, there is nothing like a necromancer and it'll be hard to build something that would be thematically similar.
  7. There is one really simple answer. Will the forum be spoiler safe? No. No it will not. "Luckily" (Q_Q) I will probably be going away for Easter, as my gf's mother has paid for a trip to visit them in Germany. This means that come release, I'll probably only be able to play for a day or two, and that still assumes that Bester will be able to push out the IE Mod in a day, which is pretty far from a given, and then I'll come back on the 6th or 7th. I can't complain, since it's at least a week where I won't have to pay for food (yay, povertyyy) but damn I'll miss the launch-y stuff. But yeah. From the 23rd to, like, the 31st, at the very least, this place will not be a safe place to be for spoilers. Even past that it'll be a minefield, especially for the whole first month at least, and even with supposedly "spoiler free" forum sections, no way, no how that they won't spill over with people making allusions to in-game circumstances and so on. I wonder what the plan is to do with the beta sections. I would prefer it if we keep a report forum. A lot of forums have a Technical Issues forum (and we have one too, in a way) but I think we really should continue the "beta" "lifestyle" on the forum. Could any of the mods chime in and tell us what's going to happen to the various sections, are we getting new sections, will the old ones be deleted or just locked, etc?
  8. I think the defining reason is that Sawyer wanted his special snowflake to be speshul. The only other reason I can really see is that they wanted to avoid the potential overlap between Pallegina and the main character in terms of writing, as in, they'd have too much in common that might warrant extra discussion and thus, extra writing. That sounds a bit lazy, though.
  9. It could also get worse. Saying "We don't know" really only settles one thing, we don't know. We can only discuss reality as it stands and reality as we want it to become, everything else is moot. There is no reason to believe that things will magically fix themselves if you leave it up to forces beyond your control, in fact I'd say that there's a lot of anecdotal evidence to the contrary, if anything.
  10. If you lower your CON, yes, you will take -3% Health & Endurance for every point below 10. Whether that hits you hard or not largely depends on your build and what you want to do, but obviously it'll hit the high-Endurance classes harder than the low-Endurance classes. The mid-Endurance classes are probably the ones that benefits/loses the most, but that's pretty arguable. Currently, CON is of questionable value to higher Endurance classes at best, while the lower Endurance classes never should take it, really.
  11. What are you doing in Denmark, PJ? If on Zealand, you're practically in my neck of the woods. But yes, I guess Aalborgs Taffel-Akvavit will have to work, then.
  12. Now see, there's the difference, and why your attempted insult fell flat. When you insinuate that I'm a danish penguin-eater, I think it's hilarious. But if I insinuate that you're a pierogi-eating siberian with a love for Cyrillic, I somehow doubt you'd take it as well. PrimeJunta! What is the distance between you, a bottle of koskenkorva and a knife at this very moment?
  13. It's not that we can't stop, it's that we really, really don't care, and can fully understand that people are making a perfectly understandable and entirely forgiveable mistake without losing our **** over it.
  14. I cannot wait for Obsidian to make an Apache simulator. Representation matters. Arguably, in a pre-industrial society with a lot of room, a largely unexplored world, and ample resources all around you, the very fact that they can't procreate with eachother could be argued as being the defining source of amicable coexistence. Also, it's a fantasy world, so while I'm always arguing for internal consistency and relative realism, many assumptions in this world cannot be taken for granted based on our own factual reality. I remember one person reacting (somewhat jokingly) to the fact that I was romancing Viconia in Baldur's Gate II, saying that she is black. But she's not. She's drow. It's really the same here. For example, for all we know, in the world of PoE, humans are actually created equal (which would be odd, considering the variety exhibited by all the other species, but alright). Vailians aren't sub-saharans, they are Vailians, and they happen to share a resemblance to people in our own world, and so on. I think Sawyer deliberately wanted to get away from the more realistic everyone-hates-eachother approach to fantasy, and I really must say that it's refreshing as all hell to get away from the nonsense half-everything quarter-halfling dracowhatever. Also, think of the potential prostitution! Halfling lasses for everyone!
  15. This is what happens when people don't buy GOG over Steam.
  16. In the context of this thread, we should remember that Flames of Devotion has been nerfed and then made into 2 per Encounter. I absolutely agree that it should get a bonus chance to hit, but only if it did not affect the chance to crit. I am not entirely sure if that is possible. Not class is "intended as [role]". Even assuming so goes against the design goals. Yes, Paladins are good at Support, and can make great tanks, but that is no excuse whatsoever to argue against being able to build them like anything else. It is needlessly and meaninglessly restrictive. This is not an MMO. Ultimately, each class should have any number of different roles or approaches as determined by their builds or the playstyle of the player, without any intended pigeonholing. This is really what it comes down to. There is no inherent reason why Paladins need to be a support class, nor any reason why paladins should be less engaging and interesting than any other class. Using "it's intended as [x]" is merely an excuse and symptomatic of shallow Rock-Paper-Scissor gameplay favoured by MMO:s and new-era FPS:s everywhere. Especially in an RPG, every class should have a wide range of viable builds able to perform admirably if built in those directions, and potentially always be just as interesting, engaging, and reactive as any other class. Anyone excusing bad mechanics with "it's intended" is really just mouthing off cop-outs. I really like the suggestions, and I think that it should definitely be a viable build for the passively inclined, but I vehemently disagree that the paladin class should be a class that deals reactive damage. I think the Paladin as a concept largely fell apart mechanically when they made virtually all Abilities for all classes optional and removed a lot of focus on specific mechanics and key characteristics. I think it would've been better if they had stuck to core abilities and then allowed the choice of abilities from a pool, although that would obviously necessitate a lot more abilities than are currently available, potentially grossly extending development time. Would have give the Paladin (and other classes) the chance to stick to a core concept and then branch out in accordance to the player's chosen direction. As it is now, the Paladin "works" from a balance perspective, but suffers conceptually in that it feels largely passive and somewhat schizophrenic in what it can do, what paths it can take, and the Abilities it is offered. It really feels like they're not sure what to do with it, and from experience, that's a really bad place to be with a Paladin.
  17. Just to be clear: You gain Skill Points every Levelup (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) You gain 1 Talent every even level (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) You gain 1 Ability or equivalent (Spell level, etc) every odd level (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) Skill Levels costs a number of Skill Points equal to the level you attain (1st level costs 1 point, 2nd level costs 2, etc) The bonus to a Skill gained from Class & Background does not (currently) count towards the above cost (i.e. if you have +4 Lore, it costs you 1 Skill Points to raise it to 5, another 2 to raise it to 6, etc).
  18. I've suggested repeatedly that INT should have +Duration while RES gets the +AoE. I really hate how INT is a consolidated caster Attribute that is also powerful for everyone else.
  19. Thing is, yeah, alright, they're not pointless, in so far that it's largely about roleplaying and the difference won't be huge. Fair enough. But at the same time, there's really no.. mechanical incentive to take the Godlike over anyone else. You're just worse off. I'm not much of a min/maxer when push comes to shove, and I'm not the one that will be taking the best race for the best class 9 times out of 10. But if I give something up, I'd at least want something back. A semblance of balance, it doesn't even need to be truly real. And it's just not there. Godlikes gives up their hats, which sounds like a petty nothing, but at the very least, that's +1 Attribute and something else taped on. At the very least, if they feel they can't balance the racials properly and discounting whatever else a helmet can confer, Godlikes should have a +1 Attribute above the other races. And I still propose that it be split up between the Godlike race, the Godlike types, and the Parent race. Like so: All Godlikes: +1 Resolve (or Con, or Per) Heritage: Human: +1 Resolve. Elf: +1 Dexterity. Dwarf: +1 Constitution. Orlan: +1 Perception. Aumaua: +1 Might. Type: Deathlike: +1 Resolve. Firelike: +1 Perception. Moonlike: +1 Intellect. Naturelike: +1 Constitution. (Avianlike: +1 Perception.)
  20. And remember that Stealth is not used to detect traps, Mechanics is! At least as of BBv480. It is a bit counter-intuitive, but it is what it is. So to recap: There's no Rogue CNPC in the game (Edér... Q_Q) Anyone can take Mechanics, it's a Skill, and characters choose freely amongst Skills. You need to enter Scouting Mode (Stealth) to Detect Traps. Mechanics is the Skill for finding and disarming traps. Not Stealth. Lockpicks can be used to lower the Mechanics requirement for lockpicking. They are not necessary to perform the act. When you enter Scouting Mode, your entire group starts sneaking. When combat starts, Scouting Mode ends for everyone. No Stealthing in combat. Not all of that had been discussed yet, but I felt that all of it related enough to the topic to warrant mention due to how it works in PoE. Note that there has been some much-warranted bellyaching about Mechanics being used to spot traps as well as disarm them, because it requires a good scouter to invest heavily in both those skills at once, and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense that Mechanics would help you spot hidden objects, so it might change, but it's doubtful. There are other issues but none of that will change before release so it's not worth discussing here. Chanter, Cipher and Wizard all get +1 to Mechanics, so I would choose any of them. Your Attributes has no bearing on Skills, so it's really up to you. I would personally go with the Chanter or the Cipher just for flavour. The Cipher also gets +1 Stealth, so would be a good choice for Mechanics/Stealth, but if you are going for the druid, that option is out, obviously. Note that when it comes to Skill Point Costs for increasing Skill Levels (1st level costs 1 point, second 2 points, etc) the bonus from Class and Background does not count towards the price, potentially making a pretty big difference.
  21. As a person that knows his personal flaws and realizes that he may actually be more belligerent than he actually should be, I honestly prefer it to the alternative. I'll rather see some ****heads roam free than to see the rather arbitrary banhammer come down upon us all.
  22. it is basicly totaly different, czech, slovakian, ukrainina, polish - they're similiar. Russian? not even a bit This is true. To anyone that actually knows the languages. I've seen people mix up Finnish and Swedish. I've seen people saying that they can't hear the difference. I've seen people assume that there's no difference, despite the fact that aside from arguably some slight dialectical intonation, they are utter and completely different languages that do not even share their language stem. Different parts of the proverbial linguistics tree entirely. I have been shocked, I've been flabbergasted, I've been at a loss for words, I've labelled them idiots, I've corrected them, I've asked them what kind of drugs they are on, I've put the languages side to side to show them, I've laughed with my girlfriend at these people. But never once have I reacted with anger or indignation, never once have I pulled out the "I'm offended" card. Mistaking one language for another is a small mistake at best and casual ignorance at worst, but if anyone is offended by it, they're the worst kind of idiot, the crusading one, easily comparable to any bandwagon SJW with an art degree and a chip on his shoulder. It tends to be Russian because Russian is more prevalent. It is not an insidious plot against the Polish. I can't even think of the last time I came across something Ukrainian or Czech or Slovakian that wasn't explicitly confirmed to be from there. But if I did, I could very well assume it was russian "or something". For better or worse, let that be unsaid, Russia is "the" iconic slavic country, and to Europeans the most perceptively culturally significant one (whether that is actually true or not is incredibly debatable, but the impact on the social conciousness is undeniable). It "must be" Russian because it's the default assumption if one faces an unknown slavic language without the language being of enough actual relevance to warrant investigation.
  23. I guess the common stereotype is to assume all foreign language as Russian. Its actually Polish. I am very sorry to my untrained ear it sounds very similar to Russian. 1) Do you see Azbuka in title and description? No? It's no Russian. 2) If you dont want seriously insult any west slavic nation, use word "Russian" for description only when you are REALY sure. Btw this is Adventurer Edition. Probably CE only. Same as Wasteland last year. Meanwhile, on planet Reasonable, the entire population proceeds to chill out and not see insults and imagined slights in every nook and cranny.
  24. ...or, you could walk around with a dead cat in your inventory--just in case it might come in handy. This. This is Adventuring 101.
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