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Everything posted by Luckmann

  1. Just to be clear here, today, I broke the bones of a child. I picked him up and hurled him to the ground. After selling him a knife for a secret. I then loaded, redid the dialogue, and told him that his father doesn't love him or his mother (because he frequents a seedy whore-house. I loaded, of course, because I actually feel terrible when I do things like this, even in games, but that's beside the point. And earlier today, I jumped into a pit of literal blood. A pool. Of blood. There was also an altar involved somewhere, but whatever, there was a hole with blood everywhere and jumped in and swam in it. I'm not *opposing* the creation of a mod that removes all the swearing. If you want to do that, I think it's silly, but that's really none of my business. But just to be perfectly clear; this game is not for children. The game has earned that "M for Mature". And it's not because of swearing. I couldn't give less of a **** about the swearing if I had children, in this context, but I would never, ever, let my children play this game before the age of, like, I dunno, an age where they aren't likely to think that this is remotely normal. The game has some heavy **** and it's not suitable for children no matter how much you edit the texts.
  2. During the course of the "Something Secret", if you give the knife to Gordy, and he tells you the secret, you can tell him you already know the secret (which I did, I found it fair and square before the event!). But if you instead lift him up and hurl him to the ground, there's actually no way to tell him that you already know the secret. Quite minor, but worth pointing out, since it's rather inconsistent. As a sidenote, whomever wrote that Quest/Task should have a gold star. At first I was annoyed by the fact that there's like 4 different options that all amount to "This is a bad idea" or "I won't do it" (why no Rational option for accepting it, or something to that effect? Or an Intellect option that he could use it to defend himself? Maybe Dexterity to teach him to use it?) but those options with the Might.. damn. ...that's just dark, man.
  3. Alright, so... I just ran into something.. odd. In Copperlane, at the inn, you can pick up a quest called "His Old Self". During the course of the quest, you pick up a key - it is called a "Rusty Bronze Key" and it's description confirms that it was found at Purnisc's house. Either way, later on, if you enter "Lumdala's House", there is a door there which you can open with said key. Opening it up with the key reveals a passageway into the Catacombs, and a stage on which someone was apparently strangled. Fair enough. After the scene, someone called Lumbdala and a group of her cronies show up. Everything in the dialogue at this point suggests that you are on a quest; Lumdala even starts the conversation with "Well, well. If it isn't our friend from Dunryd Row". I have no idea what Dunryd Row is, I don't think I've ever been there, and I've certainly not met Lumdala before. How this even relates to Purnisc's quest, I have absolutely no clue. Most likely it is a matter of the key being assigned wrongly, and that key is simply not meant to open that door. I would assume that the key was intended to open the door to the room in which Purnisc is tied up in the "His Old Self"-quest, but I opened that door with lockpicking. But I honestly have no bloody clue what's going on. So someone might want to take a look at that. Edit: Double-checked, and everything above checks out and should be correct. It is indeed Rusty Bronze Key, and it was found at Purnisc's house. Apparently there's some serious double-dealing going on between shapeshifting drug-pushers and the actors, assassins and associates (AAA) guild.
  4. I personally wouldn't mind both rest area restrictions and limited supply. I think that the "only 2 camping supplies" on Hard is.. odd, though. You're six people, but you can only carry 2 between the lot of you? Eh.. Heh, if your GM allows you to do it in D&D, you've got a terribad GM.
  5. It is the Obsidian Order cloak, and higher tiers also get the Obsidian Drake Pet. That being said, I'm a bit sad too that the Obsidian Order Cloak got relegated to the Stash so quickly. There's simply a lot of good cloaks and necklaces (that for some reason share a slot...) early on in the game. Compare this to Gaun's Ring, which is bloody amazing early on and there's not that many rings to go around.
  6. Why would anyone ask to have neutral NPC:s with green circles, "to look more ie", when in the IE games, neutral NPC:s had cyan circles? Not having cyan circles for neutral NPC:s has to be the dumbest thing in PoE. There's all kinds of pro:s and con:s to various design decisions, and a lot of things can be argued back and forth, with some merit to various positions, but having everyone that isn't overtly hostile display in a uniform colour has to be the single dumbest thing, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
  7. Stop these hyperbolic statements. No one skill is "used for all". For all really important things like finding traps, opening goody chests and finding hidden stuff that lets you progress or get more goodies (including some cool magical items). Opening chests is decided by mechanics, finding traps and hidden stuff is decided by perception. These are two different skills. No. As has been repeatedly mentioned in the thread, nothing is decided by the Perception Attribute. It's all the Mechanics Skill. Mechanics is used to find secrets, find traps, open doors and containers, and disarm traps. Perception isn't even a Skill, it's an Attribute, and it has no bearing on anything.
  8. Not having Athletics is *annoying*, and that's it. I'd absolutely rank Mechanics the highest, because it results in so many different little things; you detect traps, you open doors and you get loads of loot. Athletics gives you.. less annoyance. I would always take some, but so, I would take Stealth, because not having Stealth (on your tank, no less!) is just means you're a glutton for punishment.
  9. It wouldn't perhaps be the case that it also removes the stacking bonuses from the bug with equipment and saving? as a kind of hard reset? :/ It wouldn't perhaps be the case that it also removes the stacking bonuses from the bug with equipment and saving? as a kind of hard reset? :/ This was my first thought. I checked, it does not fix it. I guess we'll have to wait for an official patch for that.
  10. None that I know of. I wish I had known about The Disappointer. D:
  11. It wouldn't perhaps be the case that it also removes the stacking bonuses from the bug with equipment and saving? as a kind of hard reset? :/ This was my first thought.
  12. If this was truly the logic, there wouldn't be experience for the bestiary and lockpicking/trap disarming. I fully support the logic of your post, but it's clearly not the reason there's no murderhobo experience in the game.
  13. Well maybe, but it doesn't require that high mechanics skill either way. Also, there's already a key down a corridor. You have to fight some mobs for it, though. And the backdoor entrance requires fighting far more than getting the key does. From a design perspective, it really doesn't make sense. The different options should be distinct, imo.
  14. Alright, so, just to be clear (and thank you a lot for pointing this out, Corhakil, I would never have found it out myself) you cannot don the hood before reaching the door (the inner door, past all the mercenaries) to the Temple of Woedica if you are a Godlike. As you approach the door, make sure that you have one of the hoods (I only managed to find 2; one from the initiate that died in the sewers and one from the initiate in the Temple that is practising stuff) in your own inventory or in the Stash. If anyone else is wearing it, you are SOL. Then you will be able to don it. They really should've separated between masks and helmets, and let Godlikes wear masks, but not helmets. This is just stupid. So very, very stupid. Can't wear helmets... except in cutscenes, I guess. Bah. Hope they fix this.
  15. Good point. The most annoying thing about this is that there's no way to know for sure, unless you recalculate the entire character by hand. Goddamn it, how this this go through internal testing... =_= I now have the fear the my Edér is utterly broken. At the very least, he has +1 Per/Res, +10 Will and +5 Deflection too much. And I don't even want to think of what this has done to my other characters that I just haven't noticed.
  16. Wait... there are hidden objects besides traps which can be found only in scouting? O_O Are they important to quests or usually just some bonus items? There's *lots* of stuff. One thing that comes to mind is in Defiance Bay, just left to the big central stage in the first area. There's secrets everywhere. By the statue where you meet Durance, a few in the Temple of Eothas, etc. So I sneak every-bloody-where, with my Machinist (currently Durance, because lollogic), with Edér in front, and left and right covered by me and Pallegina, just so he can detect traps "up front". The game is littered with secrets that you can only discover in Scout Mode, and even so, only with Mechanics. And I think that's rubbish. Stealth should be the skill to discover hidden objects, and you should be able to discover at least non-trap ones outside of Scouting. Mostly you find really small treasure-troves of gems that are otherwise very rare. There are *some* quest-related (but optional) items you can find by Scouting. For example. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I missed it! D: Also, I don't think I've found any really unique items besides the one I mentioned in Defiance Bay.
  17. What annoys the hell out of me is that you have to Scout to look for hidden objects, and effectiveness is determined by Mechanics. I would have preferred it if you could detect at any time, and if it was determined by Stealth. At least Hidden Objects, if not traps.
  18. How fun, so when do I get charged my monthly fee and when are we getting together to raid that epic loot boss guys? That's not entirely fair, honestly. I think I would have preferred an aggro-based system, despite the fact that it's quite far from how it worked in the IE games, when it comes to tanking. There are some really definitive issues with how it works right now, partly because of the polarization, but also because tanks simply can't hold the line when non-tank melee-ers comes into the game. Nevermind the issue of keeping doorways, something that could've been done without Engagement; I hate how when anything in the doorway dies, my tank leaps forward to the next target, and because of Engagement, he can't move back or reposition, and because of the cramped space, none of my other meleers can even get close, so often, me, the rogue I made (and has since ditched), or Pallegina simply cannot get close to the mobs, because Edér is blocking OUR access to the mobs. Ranged really is king. Melee tank, ranged DPS, complete polarization on all fronts. I haven't seen this yet, I think, but how do I detect it? And how do I avoid it? ...Well ****, I definitely have that, then. I Save/Load like crazy. Is there any workaround to fix it? Edit: Strangely, I had not have this happen to Kana Rua, despite definitely loading several times at the Stronghold, but I did have it happen to Edér because of something you can find at the temple. God. Damn. I guess I can live with Edér having +1 Per/Res, because they're abysmal to him anyway, but damn if it's not pissing me off. Luckily it's the only one that I've had it happen to so far.
  19. I'm going to have to double-check this, because I'm also playing on Hard and I'm not feeling the heat, even playing with an utterly rubbish Paladin build (lol @Perception & Resolve).
  20. Thread was locked for length, not because of the board rules. When threads are locked for length, it's usually good form to start a new one. "Maybe if I call it beating a dead horse I can deflect the issue and it'll be dismissed, I'll try!"
  21. The thing is; there's a lot of "few lines of irrelevant text a backer wrote". And the vast majority of those could be removed to improve the game. But if this one is removed, they're not doing it to improve the game, they're doing it to cave to people I disagree with that have turned the act of being offended into a politicized business model.
  22. Last thread locked for length. Original Thread: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/73243-memorials-problem/
  23. Employee is someone that is employed by you. Any company that has an internal structure beyond employer-employee has be be ordganized by superiors and subordinates. You can't just say employee; Sawyer is an employee of Obsidian Entertainment, and as Director, he us the superior of Brennecke, Adler and Gomez. Sawyer is in turn subordinate to Urquhart. There are no negative connotations, unless someone is stupid or actually opposes organized structures (also known as stupid). I would be inclined to agree, but it's simply not true. They create pressure on developers and if we ignore them, we become victims of our own apathy. They're ridiculous, yes, they're not worthy of time, no, but we have to actively disregard them, or else it seems like they have a point by their sheer volume.
  24. There's an equipment bug right now that is probably removing that bonus. What is that bug and how does it work?
  25. When your hover over an owned container, the hand is pink. If it doesn't show in pink and you still lose reputation, that's probably a bug. Also, I've noticed that sometimes, I'm stealthed, but the NPC:s still react by telling me to get out, but I lose no reputation, or at least I'm not told that I'm losing reputation.
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