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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. I just kept playing the main story and got a cool bike for free.
  2. Bikes are still the best, simply because they have +100 cool modifier.
  3. The problem now is... how to make it believable. Sure they can be shown as evil guys, but can you actually believe them taking over the world? This is like a Pinky and the Brain situation.
  4. SC2 release stuff was such a disappointment to me, I have never played SC again ever since.
  5. How can it be worse if Shannara was already peak terrible.
  6. At least the point of the misunderstanding makes sense, imo, since a "nazi" in russia is not what we see as a nazi. For us it's right wing authoritarian etc. etc. but for them, a nazi is everyone who is against russia. Basically, west and russia are talking about two completely different things.
  7. Don't think those weapons are free, though. America / Europe is pretty much chaining Ukraine to them now with debt. It will take a long time (or never) to get away from that at this point I guess. Personally I still think this is primarily about the natural resources in the south, which is why Crimea and co. is so important to the Ukraine. If they can't get that, and the west can't get access to the gas and oil... it's all going to come to an end at some point, and nobody will really care about russia (at least america won't).
  8. I don't know, maybe? Since it (probably?) affects russias economy and military, it might affect the war in ukraine, I guess. Not sure how this is related to the what-about arguments, though. My remarks were not about threads being off-topic, by the way. I really don't care about that at all. On every second issue, Z countered with something bad the west has done, that's all that was driving me, nothing else. "Russia shelled a hospital" - "oh, but the west" "Russia shelled a kindergarden" - "oh, but THE WEST" "Russia is shelling the energy grid" - "OH, BUT THE WEST!" Get what I mean? Yes, the west can suck, we know about that. There is no reason to post that after every ukraine war story. If you want to talk about the west so much, put it in another thread or whatever, nobody will be mad, as repeatedly said multiple times now. That said, I'm not going to comment on this again. It's been too annoying already. Do what you must.
  9. Yes, if you start your response with a "what about..."-post you make the Ukraine thing weight less. That's why whataboutism is bad. I know, I know, "whataboutism has a different definition, it's not what I have done" bla bla [insert other excuses about semantics and stuff].
  10. Yup, that's what I meant in the past. There is no reason to throw all that stuff into the ukraine thread, thus attempting to devalue its issues. It can pretty well be its own thread, or the general politic thread if it's recent events. I'm sure nobody around here, from the evil west, would protest or cry about it. Hell, we'd probably chime in with how terrible event x is or was.
  11. Yeah, that might be it. The game feels too big right from the start, while the first game is much more straight forward. Maybe I like these kind of games, but I don't really like them all that much, thus I never had the motivation to get back into it.
  12. I'm so confused, why do people here compare Legends of Grimrock with Icewind Dale? Those games are nothing alike. Funny, same here. I bought it back on release day but have not played for more than half an hour. Wasn't really in the mood then, and for some reason have never been in the mood ever since. Played the first game a lot, though.
  13. The last one I remember was Sword Art Online. It had the same "children becoming parents"-thing and it was super cringe there as well.
  14. Watched Elfen Lied. First things first, it can't be that bad, since I watched all 13 episodes. But ... man... wtf is it with anime and young children adopting younger children so they can play parents? Is this some sort of grooming? Weird as hell to have those constant excuses for nekkid bewbs and bewb-touching as well.
  15. I post here because I'm bored.
  16. Those mothers are actors. They were already identified from other putin videos, shortly after this video released. Weird how they thought nobody would recognize them... or they simply don't care?
  17. Just finished watching Wednesday. Not bad, not great. I've managed to get through all 8 episodes in short time, so it can't be that terrible. Not sure if I like this whole Hogwarts makeup. Also a bit too much teenage romance stuff, but guess I'm simply too old for that target audience. Performance of the main cast was good, imo. I also liked how the rest of the Addams family was shown. Was a bit confused about how much they cared about some random murder, though. That said, I'm not exactly deep into Addams Family lore, so maybe that's just me. /Edit: So funny how they keep doing those inclusive typecasts. Every show is the same nowadays.
  18. Lexx The Dark Zone is absolutely epic, everyone who criticizes it has no idea what they are talking about. It also has one of the best ever musical episodes of any tv show.
  19. Banker and then criminal records? Those are the worst people, you can't trust them ever, at all, no matter their words. Shame they got to such people and now it's all in ruins. Thank god they noticed it and Kurvitz is blocking the sale.
  20. The pedophile horse is absolutely epic. People back then really thought that this is an ok thing to do in a kids tv show.
  21. Doesn't seem to be that big of an update. I'll wait until the DLC is out before I'll jump back into it.
  22. Wednesday is out now. Watched the first episode yesterday. Not sure yet what to think. It does kinda go into the direction that I expected, but I'm not yet fully repulsed. Guess I will watch one or so more episodes and reevaluate.
  23. Seems like russian terror does have an effect tho: https://thenewsglory.com/residents-of-odessa-blocked-the-road-in-protest-due-to-blackouts/
  24. I actually did start watching this now. At first I was like bleh, but after the 3rd episode and waiting a day it kinda opened up for me. Now later episodes are actually kinda interesting enough to carry the show on its own. Though I still kinda want to slap the main character guy even though he does have some valid points at time
  25. Complaining about the size / scope of Outer Worlds is a bit meh to me, since it was never advertised as a huge open world AAAAAA game. They always said it is a lower budget title, and thus ofc you can't have those huge worlds with crapton of NPCs and stuff. My issue with the game was a different one -- it felt very formulaic. For almost every quest I already kind of knew what to expect and which paths I could pick to get through them. Also the game world consistently had those loot crates every few steps, which didn't felt organic at all. About Pentiment, I wanted to be with the autopsy, but thought I had enough time to talk with some other people. So I did that first.. and then suddenly the ingame time skipped to night time. Since there isn't really any savesystem except for that checkpoint thing, I either have to restart or just go along with it. Probably will do the later now, since that seems to be the expected way to play the game, but still sad.
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