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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Our content update has been released today: https://steamcommunity.com/games/arma3/announcements/detail/3312983836394268762
  2. "Relatives of men mobilized into the "Donetsk People's Republic Army" complained to Pushylin that their soldiers were raped by Kadyrov's Chechens." https://nitter.net/JayinKyiv/status/1574661232971358209#m
  3. But why would Russia do it in this case? Aren't those exact pipes for the transport between Germany and Russia? How would sabotaging benefit them here? Or are we still on the "Gazprom pretends there are real issues for not delivering gas"-stage?
  4. I've heard two versions about it now: 1. It was America, because they don't want Germany to drop the sanctions in the future, and 2. It was Russia, because Germany wanted to re-purpose the pipelines for gas trade with the nordic countries (Norway etc). My personal opinion on the matter is ... I have no idea.
  5. I don't mind that stuff at all. Issue is the actual people that don't talk like people. Primarily the player character. There's often lines where I'm like... this would sound so much better with personal pronouns included.
  6. Have to vent. Gotta address this now. No other choice. Why is everyone speaking so weird? Is there no "I" and "you" in this universe? Not sure how the male voice holds up, but female V can't even deliver the lines well more often than I'd like to. That's not the fault of the VO, it's just that every other dialog is so pretentiously written. Maybe it works with a grump old dude as a character, but my female V just feels off. This is not how people speak.
  7. Well, he is right. But he is not using it to deflect blame from russia, which is what Z did.
  8. Depending on your setup can still cause noticeable latency.
  9. And on the other side there is a video of an ukrainian soldier who tries to save his wounded buddy and then both get killed. He likely would have survived if he just ran away like the russians do, but he didn't.
  10. That's Johnny's gun, right? It's indeed super cool, but I'm not sure if I can give up that fat revolver. PS: I got that double jump implant. Totally worth it.
  11. The weapon item system is kinda annoying. Gives me serious Mass Effect 1 flashbacks, where you would swap your weapon every 10 minutes for a new gun that deals +1 more DPS. I've upgraded a couple of my weapons, but what's the point if I soon find some random weapon from a thug that deals at least as much or even more damage. That said, I just found a super fat revolver and now that's what I'm going to use. Revolver + Katana, makes sense to me. Slash slash, boom boom.
  12. Personally I always prefer to not kill people in games if I can avoid it. Basically, whenever I'm playing Deus Ex, I'm pretty much a ghost. Now that I'm a bit higher level and can do more stuff, stealth seems to become more viable. Made it through a couple missions without having to kill anyone, and with not getting spotted unless it was a scripted sequence. That said, I'm not really sure what to focus on ... I like the katana stuff, but I also love revolvers ... and I like the look of that one assault rifle ... Because of that I pretty much run a jack of all trades build now... This will probably f- me over at some point, since I don't really excel at anything.
  13. You're getting issues with your computer <-> monitor data connection. If the HDMI cable gets too long, you'll introduce annoying latency. I speak from experience. @Keyrock says he can't see how DisplayPort 2.0 does even matter right now - that's probably one of those situation where it does. At least I would love to be able to pump more data, faster, from the PC to the TV in my living room. That would be awesome. (I am currently running a super thick, 8m, gold coated HDMI cable and while some games work fine at 1920px, other games get a noticeable input lag ... and playing at 4K resolution is simply impossible with anything) That said, I would ****ing love a separate room just for the PC hardware. This could solve many issues. If it just wouldn't cause other issues in return...
  14. I heard the corpo intro mission was buggy and they just cut it out. Dunno if that's true, though. Noticed a few small glitches as well, but nothing serious. A part of me wonders if the hardware plays a role in that too - for example, I'm playing with everything on Ultra and it looks and feels like a completely different game to when I tried it on my old hardware last year (or maybe they just fixed a lot, dunno). The most funny glitch was when I was driving in a van in a cutscene. You have the ability to skip long drives where nothing happens ... so I did that, and when the screen faded back from black, the whole van was completely trashed. All doors missing, the hood was missing, scratches everywhere, etc... that was hilarious. Shortly before the screen faded from black, I've heard a loud crash noise. My guess is the vehicle clipped into the ground after teleport and that's what damaged it to almost-destruction. Oh, I just remember one issues that I feel is kinda serious ... if you reload in hostile areas, sometimes the same thing happens. The player spawns and lands loudly on the floor, which can alert nearby enemies. Sometimes I had to reload 2 or 3 times until enemies in my area would not spot me instantly after reload. The thing is, I'm not sure how important stealth actually is in the game ... is it like in Deus Ex where it gets tracked and stuff happens? Or can I just run&gun and nobody cares? If not, then ... stealth is kinda not very enjoyable. It's really damn hard to pull off well without triggering any alarm.
  15. The thing is, at first I thought it was designed for console... but even if you play with gamepad, the interface controls feel completely random. Some actions are different depending on in what menu you currently are, some buttons you have to hold, some you don't, etc... I have no idea how they were able to design it to be this complicated.
  16. I realized my computer was about 6 years old already, so I finally invested into new hardware. Not gonna lie, a part of that was influenced because I finally wanted to play Cyberpunk 2077 and just recently watched the anime ... Man, did I realize how much my old hardware SUCKED already. Crazy how different games feel when you pump your hardware. Anyways ... So I'm playing Cyberpunk now and to be honest, I'm digging it a lot so far. The beginning was a bit slow and completely overwhelming with the HUD and all the crap going on, but by now I got used to it. The city looks damn great. Not sure what to think of the writing - some dialog is a bit weird if you don't click through it in the order it was apparently written. Also not sure if the female V characters voice fits at all times - there's some lines every once in a while that feel very disconnected to me. I also like how it kinda feels a bit like a bigger / more open world Deus Ex game. Will see if it stays like that or not. For now, gonna go back into the game.
  17. But are they even checking that? So far what I've heard is that people basically get loaded onto buses and driven to wherever. Is there any medical examination at all? Look at the photos and videos of the people that are being drafted ... this is not "normal" (whatever that is, though). The way I see it, 300k is probably their end goal, but to get to that number, they have to actually draft even more people, since they expect a lot to not make it. Like, what's the point of drafting people who can't even walk.. you don't want those in your army.
  18. tbh the videos I've seen of those protests were very .... lousy. Hell, yearly May 1st protests in Berlin look more impressive than the current twitter videos. It's like those people are at least as badly organized as their military is. Why aren't they forming a wall? Why not interlocking their arms? Why everyone is just standing around alone, waiting to get carried away by the police? This is a really sad display and still tells me that most russians are fine with mass mobilization.
  19. If it were that easy, everyone would just announce "x is now my territory!" There would be no wars anymore, anyone could do that. I still don't believe russia would use nukes... guess we will find out soonish.
  20. In defense, I also struggled with the exact meaning, since the post can be read in at least two ways.
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