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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Russians and their homophobia. Not too long ago, a russian user on a different forum called me "Fritz" as derogatory slang (because germany) and said my added features in Fallout 1in2 were "homosexual" - makes me think that the socialist fraternal kiss between Leonid Brezhnev and Erich Honecker must have caused a real generational trauma to them.
  2. Damn. I thought The Orville s3 has an 11th episode. Now I found out it ended last week with the 10th and that it originally was supposed to have 11 episodes, but due to pandemic, one had to be scrapped. Sadness. However, I checked the wiki page again and saw the box with the season ratings and thought it was hilarious. ... Season 1, critics: 30% .... season 2 and 3, critics: both 100%. Real funny stuff how back then all those "professional critics" were praising NuTrek and crapping on the Orville, but user reviews were the exact reverse. And now here we are. Seems they are trying to get a season 4 done with Disney. Not sure how to feel about it, but we'll see I guess. Would be sad if it stops now. I'm simply not going back to NuTrek, that ship has sailed for me.
  3. I find it funny how much you are blowing up that small comment. This is not the first time that Trump and his goons are in trouble. He is dodging prison for years already, why should it be different this time. I'm sure he'll be fine, don't worry.
  4. Sure why not, I don't care. Bruh, he is getting **** for years already and nothing is happening for one reason or the other. That said, I am fine with whatever makes america less of a ****hole country. Yes, completely useless as nothing has changed for him. They just pretend it never happened and move on.
  5. Man, if I'll ever visit that place, I'd be the rudest and most "don't give a ****"-person in all of s. korea probably. How do they handle us brute westerners?
  6. Funny, in the episode I just saw, the male main lead is driving the female main lead to the hospital, because she twisted her ankle. /Edit: It's still a good show so far, but it makes me furious when characters are ice cold into each others faces and then behind the back they actually think something completely different, but they have to act like that because... I have no idea, some weird morale? Does korea also have "face" (honor) like japan / china?
  7. Half the time when I'm looking up those actors, it turns out they were in "bands" before (usually just large groups of people who dance in sync... not my cup of tea, tbh). I like the kind of drama and cuteness of some of those shows, but the story twists are often hilariously bad. Like in Twenty-Five Twenty-One where they already establish in the first two episodes that apparently every single character with more than two lines of dialog is in some way connected to each other. I dunno if this is because koreans like stuff related to faith, but to me it's just unbelievable and lol.
  8. I just finally want to see Trump and all his other cult goons in jail. Why is this such a hard thing to do..
  9. Man, people sure love to nitpick that movie. On the plus side, I guess that means generally people really liked it, because if they wouldn't, they wouldn't be talking about it for so long.
  10. It's a known thing to get +1 month bonus time. I did the same back then. I've also tried to play the game on PS4 for lolz but quit after like 20 minutes. The interface and everything is just terrible. PC Master Race forever.
  11. I started watching Twenty-Five Twenty-One and ... it's cute. : x There's so many garbage k-tv shows, where I can't even get through the first episode, but then suddenly it hits you again with something that you just have to keep watching. For me, this is one of those shows. That said, inside of me I'm very torn on those shows. Like.. I see it and it's cute and I like the people and man, do they (sometimes) look good. But then I have to think about the kind of entertainment industry that s.k has and how most of those people are probably from some entertainment factory where they are training their whole life already and aren't doing anything else... It's kinda dystopian to me. What's also funny is that when looking up "real" photos of those actors, I almost never recognize them. They seem to look completely different in the tv shows. In the shows they feel like humans to me, on those pictures on the internet they are like fake puppets with fake hair and all that makeup and photoshop.
  12. To remain a tolerant society, you can't tolerate everything. It's a paradox, but necessary.
  13. I love the movie Stardust. Just rewatched it earlier this year out of boredom. It's just nice.
  14. Maybe they mean the power transformers? Wouldn't be surprised if those people don't know what they are talking about.
  15. It's also supported by the scenes that show the predator hunting himself "up the food chain" starting with a snake, to a wolf, etc. He is pretty much doing the same as the girl.
  16. Well, people have **** opinions, especially on the internet, so whatever. Only thing I noticed is that the CGI was a bit bleh at times. Didn't really bother me, though, as it wasn't necessary to carry the movie.
  17. I've also just watched Prey. Liked it a lot. At least as good, or as others said, maybe even better than the first movie.
  18. Funny, hadn't seen the latest episode yet, but I was just thinking about this today while biking. Would a post-scarcity society really be like Star Trek? I don't feel like it would. If material needs are gone, and you can have whatever you want at any time ... I do not believe that humans will be happy with that. We either become high on apathy, or people will get bored and start doing anything to get entertained. There's lots of evil that can be done, just for fun. Other than that, of course some people will want to become powerful instead. They will want to have control over other people in whatever way. I'm really not sure if we would be able to overcome such things. I like to think that humans would philosophically evolve to "trying to better themselves" instead of following materials needs ... but guess I have too little faith in that.
  19. Today I've learned that apparently you can legally lie in america to influence votes. America could be a great country, but crap like this keeps pulling it down into the sewers.
  20. I made it to ep3 of Terminal List. I kinda want to keep watching it, but at the same time, I can't see ****. Even in bright daylight scenes, everything has a dark haze over it. I'll have to close all the window shutters to be able to see anything, and I just can't really be arsed to do this. This is probably the darkest tv show I have seen to date. Might as well treat it as an audio book.
  21. This jump always looked very weird and fake. Now we know it absolutely is!
  22. I usually always have notepad open, so I'll just paste it in there first as well. : > If it's short text, I'll just paste it into the url input box without pressing enter.
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