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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Only problem is, you're a couple years too late for that criticism. Like, 36 years too late.
  2. That moment when people compare Aliens with a movie where planes shoot at each other.
  3. Meh, whatever they say. I still remember when everyone said he was dead.
  4. I can't find the list right now, but just head over to the White House twitter for now and bathe in the hypocrisy: Yes, how else to get out of this? Sure they could also pay every american 10k, why not, but then even more people will crap their pants. In germany, you will not go out of your student days with 100k in depth. This is not a thing here. If I had to imagine starting my worklife with that amount of baggage, I'd probably give up right away, since chances are very high that I am paying that off for the next 30 years. Forget about ever owning a house, too, since that crap on top of the student loan will have you pay off depth for 60+ years. /Edit: And now get into an accident and pay another 100k in medical depth. America really wants you to be poor. I think it really needs their slaves to keep the system running. Just wondering when's the point where it will all blow up.
  5. What about the rich americans who also got their loans forgiven, sometimes even 10x the amount. There is lots of hypocrisies going on here. Of course nothing else is to be expected from the political right. Sure, if you just paid off your loan, it kinda sucks for you, but is that really a reason to not to this? Why do you want other people to suffer the way you did? That's very selfish. Also, this way it becomes a circle which you can't break out from, it will just keep going and going, since nobody wants the ones after them to not suffer the same.
  6. Apparently there is rumors about tactical nukes being transported to crimea. How much truth is in it, who knows.
  7. Watching The Raid 2 right now and .... to be honest, it's rather boring. Way too long for its own good.
  8. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/08/26/7364870/ "Armed Forces of Ukraine destroy base of Russian army in Kadiivka, killing two hundred Russian Airborne troops – head of Luhansk RMA" Jeez, 200 people down in one attack. /Edit: Apparently this is yet unverified, though.
  9. It caters to old fans, so horse armor joke seems appropriate. : >
  10. Eh, I would say this looks more like Bloodborne than Dishonored.
  11. Might as well put Bruce Willis' Last Man Standing on the pile too. It's pretty much the same movie as well.
  12. Not sure what to think of the Sandman. Finished it yesterday. The storytelling was interesting and I liked it, but at the same time it felt a bit.. uh.. slow and boring? I dunno.
  13. The way I understood it, his daughter is also in on the whole pro-Putin extremist propaganda stuff. So don't be sexist and feel pity, she probably deserved this at least as much as her father.
  14. I thought it was ok, but nothing special. Someone compared it to fantasy Die Hard and that's pretty fitting. Guess it's worth a watch because of that.
  15. People seem to say this is about adoption / selling babes for money. Dunno how much truth is in there, but considering recent history, I wouldn't doubt that this is all about someones money. Apparently that 16 year old girl is in an orphanage herself, so she'd never get to see the baby anyways - it gets pushed right into the system.
  16. Is this the building that got hit because a journalist accidentally doxed them with showing a road sign in photos?
  17. I've heard about this already a few weeks ago. The problem is not that the vehicles are bad, it's that their barrels can only shoot like 100 rounds per day. Ukraine however is using them way more than that, which ofc means they are breaking down faster.
  18. Heh, you should check out Paddington (and Paddington 2, which is even better) if you haven't yet. I saw someone comment on it once "it's like a Wes Anderson movie, but without the pretentiousness" - I think that fits quite well.
  19. They will be playable on console and that's it, I guess. : x I really hate how there is no range in those combat scenes. Everything takes place in a 10x10 grid.
  20. About Gothic remake... if it's anything like the demo from a while ago.. no thanks. About JA3 ... I'm highly skeptical. The biome looks interesting, but ugh, yet another nu-xcom combat system. I dunno man.
  21. Alara being written out was weird as well. And her comment about it is cryptic too "It wasn’t about a choice. It was what was best for the show at the time." The hell is that supposed to mean
  22. Usually those 100% scores only happen because of a very limited amount of reviews, so generally it's pretty useless, imo. I've seen enough 90+% movies that made me fall asleep in the middle. What I find more interesting about The Orville is that critics slammed it at first, and later did a 180 on it.
  23. "A man drove his car into a barricade near the U.S. Capitol early Sunday and then began firing gunshots in the air before fatally shooting himself" Makes it sound as if he accidentally shot himself. Hope that was the case, would be hilarious.
  24. It's a step in the right direction. Can also lock up Hillary Clinton next, fine by me.
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