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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. I love the original movie. Will be looking forward to this one. That said, I haven't seen the original in a very long time now and I can't remember if there were tanks in it.
  2. Well, it's not just that. We have lots of social security nets which you can use to prevent living on the street or going hungry. It's why I am paying over 40% in tax after all.
  3. Who are those 32% of western europeans? Prices might hike in germany, but I'm pretty sure nobody will suffer hunger through this.
  4. Yes, the articles are usually badly written. You just instantly know that it wasn't made by people who actually studied the language or writing in general. Of course the target audience would never notice... I'm pretty sure this is also the reason for some of the weird text style choices. Whoever writes that stuff simply doesn't know better and does whatever s/he thinks looks good.
  5. True, but there are certain thinks that are instant red flags. What's interesting to me is that german right wing blogs and "news" websites are almost all in exactly the same style. They have a certain visual "feel" to them that just sticks out. Bigger than average font, or generally non-standard font, big headlines, a very blog-y page feeling, the already mentioned bold elements, big pictures in the middle of the article, lots of blockquote elements, and last but not least of course the usual anti-vax stance or slight jabs at jews. However, even without reading articles like the last two points, it is often possible to identify those websites just because they look a certain way.
  6. Makes sense, since the opposite of left is right. /s I know that america has a boner for right wing stuff, just wish they would chill a bit with the move to fascism for a while. Anyways. That website seemed very suspicious, and the only reason I've looked it up some more now in the first place was because the articles read weird to me.
  7. German wikipedia says zero hedge is an alt-right and libertarian website. Also the news are economically pessimistic especially against wall street, it's conspirative, and anti-establishment. Bloomberg describes it as "extreme" and "pro-russian", also they often present pro-Trump talking points, while continuously presenting the united states as declining. Heh, they were even banned from Twitter in 2020. So yeah, going by that ... Not sure how much merit those articles have. /Edit: lol, back when the BLM stuff was going on, they were posting articles about the CIA and George Soros being behind the movement. Other than that, what's also funny to me is how they mark certain parts of sentences in bold, to make them stick out. I remember we did the same in my first job back in the days, because stupid people wouldn't read a whole article, you had to point out the "facts" to them like that. To me, those style elements feel highly unprofessional.
  8. "It will not be released for PS4/Xbox One because CD Projekt Red is ending new updates for those platforms." Ah, finally giving up on the hardware that couldn't run it well anyways. /Edit: Jeeez, they really sold 18 million copies? That's pretty crazy.
  9. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-05/russia-risks-bigger-longer-sanctions-hit-internal-report-warns "Russia Privately Warns of Deep and Prolonged Economic Damage Confidential document contrasts with upbeat public statements Report says key sectors face sharp drop in output, brain drain" Interesting read.
  10. It was a very good game back in the days, but today there's just too many things that annoy the hell out of me. However, I do plan to play the remake sometime soon, that could be interesting.
  11. Well, I only know that men couldn't leave. I haven't heard reports of men being send back from outside Ukraine.
  12. They'll have to pay me to take it. Game was great back in the days, but if I remember back to all the pain and suffering caused by some of the mission design and the terrible saving (I think it was only once per mission?) no thanks, I'm too old for that.
  13. "in soviet labor camps, they knew your name" - oh, they knew names in german camps as well. We were very good at tracking everything thanks to our need for bureaucracy. The thing with the crimes we also had covered, or does he not know about the differently colored stars?
  14. Finally watched the last season of Better Call Saul. Not sure what to think of it. Generally I feel the show had weird pacing and was a bit boring half the time. It's always been like the writers didn't really know what to do and just went into whatever direction. Now the last season is pretty much just random short scenes from various time periods and it's just jumping back and forth all the time. I think if you haven't seen Breaking Bad, you'd be completely lost with what's going on at all times. The only reason why I've remembered odd bits is because coincidentally I rewatched Breaking Bad a year ago. They did a good job with showing Jimmy as the person he really is. He was always the same character, always the scammer, always trying to make money this way... even though he was very much capable of becoming successful without doing shady stuff. It's underlined when they talk about regrets in various moments of the show and the stuff Jimmy regrets is ... never related to who he is or what he has done to others. He just doesn't see it that way. It's kinda hard to watch, since he is charismatic and you want to root for him and get him out of jail, but on the other hand he caused tremendous harm to many people and he very much deserves to never getting out of jail ever again.
  15. Shortly before winter ofc. They are trying maximum pain. It's not like they have much to lose now anyways I guess. I'm more interested in what our government is going to do now. They need to react fast, but will they? Probably not ... the industry is making fat bank right now.
  16. Watched Day Shift a little bit on the side. It's .... ok I guess. Problem is that I get bored fast by movies like that, and it did feel kinda long in the end.
  17. Oh god. Shannara something-something was so bad. Like, I can't even start. That said, I'm not trusting those reviewers anymore. For all I know it's all just a load of bs. Gotta wait for the opinions of non-critics.
  18. They seem to think they are dealing with an actual government and not with the mafia. You don't criticize the Don like that, it's not healthy.
  19. Apparently he criticized the invasion. In March, Lukoil’s board called for “the soonest termination of the armed conflict,” expressed “sincere empathy for all victims,” and said “we strongly support a lasting ceasefire and a settlement of problems through serious negotiations and diplomacy.”
  20. Truth told, I never liked the original Top Gun, since I wasn't much into jets and it felt just boring to me. Same reason why I didn't like Hot Shots, but Hot Shots 2 was nice, since that one is more based on Rambo.
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