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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. How do I put people on the ignore list in this forum? /Edit: Nevermind, found it in the profile settings. Funny, I also had Oby on the ignore list.
  2. I can even go a step further and tell you that Israel did not sign it ... but Russia did. Woops. Also, yes, it is whataboutism since you are defending russia with pointing out that others do it as well. Again, just make your own thread about it, nobody in the west is going to try to silence you. Which is, by the way, one of the perks we have here - you can speak your mind without having to fear to go to the gulag, or re-education camp, or getting drafted to die in a stupid war as cannon fodder.
  3. Yes, using the weapon in itself is not a war crime, but showering a civilian village in flames is. Funny, I was wondering how long it will take till the first whataboutism post shows up. This thread is about ukraine and russia, if you want to talk about Israel then maybe make your own thread, nobody is going to silence you. Else just shove it up your pants, I don't care.
  4. This pinhead is a women? Hollywood ruins everything!
  5. Since they are still trying to recruit people, I fear that special announcement won't be "we are leaving Ukraine." /Edit: Here's more for the war crime list.
  6. Maybe someone will smoke in a no-smoking area and the offices burn down in the next few days, thus delaying the referendum.
  7. I just can't get into Ergo Proxy. Tried it a long time ago, barely finished episode 1. Then few weeks ago I've tried it again since it is free on Amazon Prime again, but only made it to episode 3 ... For some reason I really can't get into it.
  8. I'm actually surprised that he says it like that. Wouldn't have expected that. Maybe they make good money with selling drones now?
  9. I think it's because we tend to forget about it. At least I did for a while, then you see those reports again and everything comes back. It's like with those Kadyrovs ... you forget they are even a thing, then you see in the news that they send civilians into a minefield and laughed about the explosions. We want to be the better people and don't behave like that, but man, after hearing what they constantly do to others, I'm not sure if I could be strong enough to not just shoot them on the spot if I were in that situation. Really have to keep reminding yourself that the war will end sooner if you don't butcher the enemy and thus make them surrender more easily.
  10. So they apparently found more torture chambers in Izyum. Also found more dead soldiers with cut-off balls. Guess there is a reason why surrendering russian soldiers asked if their balls will be cut off.
  11. Oh damn, I didn't realized the new Monkey Island is out already. Didn't expected it to be out already now. Reading reviews on Steam right now. Funny how suddenly people are fine with the art style when before everyone was ****ting on it.
  12. Just finished that Cyberpunk show. Story is simplistic but who cares. Visual and audio was really nice. Generally a good experience for me.
  13. Likely not easy to react against them, since they fly high and suicide into you if they can. There's not much time to take them down unless you already know they are there. So I'm not surprised they "work."
  14. Reminds me of George Clooney in Emergency Room. Shame he left the show later. It kinda dropped the ball then as well.
  15. It should have stayed a 1 season special thing. For me it became bad the moment that good-guy what's-his-name (Daniel?) became the main focus again. It's like... in s1 he didn't really cared, but because it was a bit of a hit and got so popular, they made him big again in s2. I never cared about him, I wanted to see the story around Johnny. He's the interesting bit in the story, not all the other stuff.
  16. Tried to continue watching s3 of Cobra Kai. Suffered through 2 more episodes, cringed hard when they were showing those flashbacks of good-guy with this asian girl. Really don't think I will keep watching this show.
  17. I don't even know what to say about that. Could probably just copy&paste my old posts about the path that America is heading towards. Chances are still pretty good that Trump will be just fine, I guess.
  18. No idea, I have no interest in even watching it. Maybe I'll check it out once all episodes are out. Can't really trust any reviews right now.
  19. Maybe, maybe not. Is Rings of Power good? Is the Wheel of Time good? TV shows ordered by Amazon, to me right now, feel at least as sketchy as the next Netflix show.
  20. Honestly, I think we should just send them the longest range stuff we have and call it a day.
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