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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. I agree, they really should have killed some of the main cast and give new people a chance to shine. Now we have some character stories that will repeat at infinity.
  2. The thing is, though, that Russia isn't using Iranian drones in the Ukraine. They are using the drones in official "Russian territory" to "defend" / attack areas "occupied" by Ukraine terrorist soldiers.
  3. Sounds good to me. It's painful if someone takes your brainchild away. That said, kinda sucks that his book isn't available in english.
  4. I'm pretty sure Stranger Things is considered horror. Especially s1, which is still the best one. The thing with horror is, though, that you usually get desensitized fast, which makes it feel less like horror in later seasons. However, I do think the last season made me feel a bit more again in that direction, so...
  5. Haven't watched live tv in probably 10 years now. Usually I'm trying to prevent everything with ads as much as possible. But it's getting really annoying lately that Amazon Prime is showing stuff in front of every movie now. And worst is that it's always the same trailers. Saw the LotR tv show trailer probably 50 times and I got so fed up with it, it made me not want to ever check it out.
  6. Tested this new amazon freevee thingy because there was a show I wanted to see and was like, meh, whatever. First things first: Having 3 blocks of adverts in a 20 minute episode is an absolute pain in the butt, even if those blocks are only 1 1/2 minute. After a while those feel like 5 minutes and I just wanted to die. Especially since I always saw the exact same ads. However, seems there is some sort of timeout or limit for how often a spot plays, because after like 3 or 4 hours I stopped getting adverts. So I swapped over to Bosch: Legacy and in 3 50 minute episodes I had 1 advert break of 30 seconds. Yay, I guess.
  7. Quotes got so bad they had to bring back the best Doc? The problem is just that the issue wasn't really the actors, but the dogpoop writing.
  8. Funny, I never found her attractive ever since I saw that stuff. It was like a 110% turn off for me.
  9. Heh, I played Train Simulator for quite a while. But it does get kinda dull after a while.
  10. He is not wrong. Personally I also feel a need to play low-anxiety games, and from my past experience that means we might be up to something soon.
  11. ****ing hell, our government wants to sell parts of our harbor in Hamburg to China. I can't believe this crap. They have learned NOTHING at all. https://www-tagesschau-de.translate.goog/investigativ/ndr/kanzleramt-china-hamburg-hafen-101.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  12. More cut subsea cables: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/technology/internet-connectivity-worldwide-impacted-by-severed-eu-subsea-cables/ This is hardly a coincidence.
  13. Some interesting things: Now 7 Russian drone pilots in Norway of which at least one is clearly an operative for their government: https://dronedj.com/2022/10/19/norway-russian-drone-pilot-arrest/ Sweden has lost more than 100(!) speeding cameras since August. Someone takes them down and steals them. Suspicions are aimed at Russia but nothing proven. Question is: Who else needs 100 very special cameras suitable for drones and restricted from buying, in a short period of time? https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/KzExwy/fartkameror-stulna-och-forstorda Shetland lost its SECOND underwater cable to mainland UK. One cable is possible to lose to fishing and such, but two in a week is....let's say unlikely.https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-63326102?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Stolen from reddit.
  14. "to live as we once lived in the Soviet Union" ... no thanks. : x
  15. In defense, I also don't know the names of male voice actors, with the exception of David Hayter.
  16. There was a Wing Commander TV series?? /Edit: Ah yes, did a google search.
  17. Well, I didn't read about any of that. Only the 4k payment. Also had no clue who Jennifer Hale is. Never played Fem Shepard.
  18. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-18/bayonetta-3-voice-actor-s-pay-dispute-overshadows-nintendo-game Apparently they offered her up to $20k and not $4k ... Something ain't right here. Looks like it was $4k per session and 5 sessions in total... that completely changes the narrative.
  19. Unless your name is Boeing and you want some more of that sweet government money.
  20. I absolutely hate the new app. Before I always used the app to quickly check if there are any new comments on my mods on the workshop before heading to bed. Now the interface is so complicated and shows the shop and all other stuff... but I can't figure out how to get to my workshop files. Really don't need remote downloads on my phone. I can wait the minutes till I'm home to start downloading something.
  21. Yeah, my issue was the pacing as well. Especially near the end when they were showing the same flashback scenes again, that was when I wanted to die a little. 15-20 minutes less would probably have elevated it a lot more for me. Nonetheless it was a fun watch and I wouldn't mind seeing the movie again. Every movie that makes me want to watch it again is a good movie. I'm curious why Netflix didn't had the original language for you. I watched it in Hindi 1 or 2 months ago.
  22. Maybe people have too high expectations? I mean, the original movies are pretty much timeless at this point. I've seen them again last year and it honestly still feels like a movie from "today" and not 21 years ago. It's pretty crazy actually. How the hell are you supposed to compete with that.
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