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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Oh, I completely forgot about that one. Thought "I am not okay with this" looked interesting, then saw the first episode and it turned out to be some super hero stuff again... guess that killed my mood, because I never switched it on ever again since.
  2. The list is getting quite long. Though, of course, all of those deaths are just accidental and in no way connected to the war effort.
  3. Yes, but you see, every time you mention russian crimes, you are by law required to mention crimes of similar value from the west, else your post is invalid. If you don't do this, you automatically absolve the west of all its wrongdoings.
  4. You can easily read the story from the other side as well. "They F'd up so much, I had to try to fix it all the time. Those writers didn't care at all for the source material. etc" ... And did he really disrespect the women or were they just accidentally the ones who did not care for the source material? Also I dont mind less nudity and sex and stuff. The episodes were short enough as is and had so much story crammed into it. There was no time to waste on lame and tame fluff soft porn.
  5. Maybe it will be like Dark, where s1 was great, s2 was making everything unnecessarily complicated, and s3... well I actually never watched s3.
  6. Funny how critics didn't really like s1 and then loved s2, while peasant rating is inverted. Once again a show that kinda shows that opinions of "professional critics" really don't mean much anymore today.
  7. How does it feel to be the only person in the world who thinks that way? : >
  8. If you look at 2:10 you see all the fire raining down on earth. I bet you they caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.
  9. Started watching The Irregular at Magic High School, but not sure how much of that I will be able to bear, since I figured out this is some sort of cringe incest anime.
  10. Not sure what's wrong with it. Was it in the agreement that Ukraine will not build up their defenses? Would be pretty stupid if that's the case.
  11. Watched Guillermo del Toros Pinocchio yesterday. Was not bad, looked nice, but isn't a movie that I would watch again. Didn't really like any of the singing songs, but the war background was a kinda nice touch. Probably doesn't help that I'm not all that much into the Pinocchio story.
  12. I watched his talk, he says it will be a "Menschheitsaufgabe" - a task for humanity is a correct translation, though to me it feels a bit overblown in english. Could probably also translate it as "task for all of mankind" but idk. It's a single sentence in a 20 minutes talk, and before a few months ago they tried to avoid the topic as much as possible, so I wouldn't give much weight to it. I guess they just gave in because they got criticized hard for not doing anything and now they double down on the support. At least in public. However, keep in mind that he also said that talk with russia could resume if they end the war. So basically if russia would retreat now and completely leave ukraine, we would be inclined to act as if nothing ever happened.
  13. If this is how they treat their own people, imagine how they are treating the immigrants that are being forced into the military right now.
  14. Maybe you got lucky, or built-in teleport spell for sorceress makes it naturally easier since you can easily avoid bad situations (never really played sorc, so dunno). My amazon had a terrible time in act3 due to all the lightning res mobs, and similar issues in every other situation with lightning immunities. The situation changed once I got my hands on gear that would break immunity, etc. but it was a long way (not very long in mp, since I was able to trade runes for gear).
  15. The thing with D2 is that if you want to play through Hell difficulty, you have no choice but to - grind like a mofo for special items, which can take you hundreds of hours... maybe your luck is so bad that good stuff never drops, or - you play online and trade with other players. The furthest I was able to advance my character (level 97) was in online mode, since I was able to get good gear that allowed me to survive in Hell difficulty. My sp character that I started first was never able to get out of that hole.
  16. I also wish them to succeed, but news like this are posted so often now, the pessimist in me can't take them serious anymore.
  17. Sometimes it feels to me as if Germany is the only country that self-reflected and tried to change itself after ww2. Kinda curious why that is.
  18. Watched Usagi Drop yesterday. That was a nice, down to earth anime, without any of the usual cringe bs. Shame there are only 11 episodes, I really wouldn't mind more of this.
  19. But only if the pet is the size of a small puppet and floats right behind your character at all times.
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