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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. I'm still not sure why exactly russia would do this, though. Just to be able to blame Ukraine later?
  2. Looks like that story is quickly falling apart now. Stuff doesn't add up, it's also suspicious that the boat was returned, not cleaned, and they apparently found explosive residue on a table inside. How convenient. Oh, and apparently that big sailing(?) boat was docked in a harbor with only like 1m of water depth.
  3. Kept watching s3 of Stargate SG-1. I completely forgot that every other planet is covered in canadian forest.
  4. 8 1/2 years is pretty crazy. There's murderers who get less time.
  5. I wasn't able to make it through the first season. I just can't with those people, they infuriate me. It's a shame, because some of the episodes are absolutely epic.
  6. I don't want to get too deep into this anymore, so I'll try to keep it short. (edit: I failed) Defund the police does not mean abolishment of the police. It's meant to stop militarizing them. They don't need assault rifles and tanks (ok, maybe in the US they do, since everyone and their dog owns an AR-15), that's usually where a smaller group of special police forces exist. Defunding the police means reallocating funds to public serves that actively work on preventing issues from happening in the first place, such as better healthcare, etc. etc. Usually it is cheaper to try to prevent a catastrophe from happening than trying to fix it once it already happened. Look at stuff like Uvalde, where the police budget was like 70% (I actually don't remember the number right now, just know it was very high) of the whole towns resources, and when it came to little kids getting shot to mincemeat, it didn't help anything at all. I don't see how this can be considered a radical left ideology. Not super familiar with the minute-to-minute details of american politics, but I'm almost sure they do not want to have less controlled borders, but stopping stuff that effectively has no impact on anything at all, such as Trumps great wall, which doesn't work and is nothing but a money sink. Again, I don't see how this can be considered a radical left ideology. We have people here in germany who want to have 100% open borders. Those people are idiots, and luckily their voices have no power at all, so again.. they aren't a threat to us right now in 2023. I don't know if the US was founded on racism, but they sure lived it out for 200 years (and still do if you consider prisoners working for cents as pretty much slavery with extra steps). Is it really a radical left ideology to not want to enslave people? Personally I love my capitalism. I like to have money (I'm not poor hurr durr), however, I absolutely hate when unchecked capitalism rolls over innocent people and ruins their lives, such as when penny pinching industries turn the environment into toxic wastelands. I'm not saying we never had left wing terror issues. The RAF in germany was terrible and it was a real crappy time, but it's long gone and not a todays-issue anymore. Now we have to deal with stuff like secret right wing terror groups supported by the local police, who are getting away with murdering people for 20 years and for mysterious reasons it seems to be impossible to get everyone involved into jail.
  7. More like joke much, since I always have to laugh when anyone suggests the USA have an actual left wing that has any saying at all.
  8. It's not even about the generic people out on the street. Our dear leaders do not care what you think or say, they will do whatever makes the money in their pockets grow. This is the core issue here, imo. They are the ones who keep firing up those conflicts to keep on grifting. The way I see it, shoot them into the sun, and the issue should resolve itself over time. And if we can not shoot them into the sun, who else can we? Elon Musk?!
  9. Bro, I would agree with you if it were possible to talk to the other side. It was tried, for years, and now I'm very tired of it. As I said earlier, you give a little finger, they take the whole hand. So at this point, yeah, into the sun they go. Also I'm not even talking about americans, this is a problem around here as well.
  10. Yeah, it's stupid and actually quite annoying. But as I said earlier, we currently do not have a left-wing extremism problem here in the west. It's the right side we have to worry about and, imo, the time to let it slide is over. You give them a finger and they'll take your hand and then the whole arm, probably even more. The thing is, they do not give a **** about us lowly peasants at all. It's all about filling their own pockets for as long as possible in one way or the other. From a more cynical perspective, though, I find it quite funny how they make bank with corruption by distracting you with wild stories about hating jews and gay people. Also, just realized this is the completely wrong thread for that stuff, oh well. In other news, a new russian war crime video has been released and is currently making the rounds all over the internet. Reminded me of our very own left wing Sahra Wagenknecht, who wants the Ukraine to lay down the weapons and bent over "for peace" - we should shoot her and her people into the sun as well.
  11. Thought this episode was better than the last 2 or 3, though the last 2 or 3 ofc were also good. What's funny is, that while watching the new episode I was constantly like "I remember this", but couldn't pin it to anything definitive.. until the last chapter started and I finally remembered that boss fight.
  12. Ok, you are right. Nazis are left wing and were the problem all along. We should shoot the left into the sun.
  13. Yeah, but nazis actually weren't left-wing. Just because they call themselves that, doesn't mean they are. Just ask the Democratic People's Republic of Korea how democratic they are.
  14. Saying right wingers are free market people and nothing else made me really laugh right now, thanks for that. That said, I don't think it really matters what I write next, since I will open myself up for something somewhere, which will likely give you an easy gotcha, and I really can't be arsed to write a lawyer-esque secure reply right now (not that I ever can, this is the internet after all ). I mean, jeez, just look at the american right on Fox News and Co., and tell me that all those people want is a free market. Now to keep Gromnir chill: I'm just throwing that our as a captain obvious example, I know that every other western country also has active right wing nutjobs grifting on right now. /Edit: And with right wing nutjobs I don't mean people who love the free market (which by the way also doesn't work, but that's another story entirely).
  15. Yeah, or you can use it to derail a discussion and undermine the point, which is that right wingers should all be fired into the sun. This reminds me of a few years ago, where someone I knew had to point out that nazis aren't alive anymore, the people today are neo-nazis. "It's not the same!" - yeah, right, you know pretty well what is being talked about.
  16. We probably use different definitions of what nazis are. That said, this feels like arguing semantics. Does it make a difference if the right wingers are jew-hating nazis or rather hate some other minority? At the end of the day, they are all the same garbage that belongs into the trash.
  17. I mean, yes. Nazis aren't necessarily antisemitic. There's more than enough ultra-right wing jews.
  18. Watched Free Guy. Surprisingly not that bad. The last few Ryan Reynolds movies I've watched were kinda boring, but this one kept me awake till the end.
  19. Sure, but we have a right-wing problem, not a left-wing problem. Everyone who thinks our governments are going to fall into left-wing extremism in the next 10 years is a moron.
  20. Right-wingers right-winging, I'm shocked (not really). This is why you can never make any concessions to nazis.
  21. I started watching Stargate SG-1 from s3 on again. It still holds up surprisingly well. Feels weird to not know anything about the episodes anymore but at the same time remembering everything again when I see it. Must be 10+ years now since I last saw the show.
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