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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. And we still don't have Bloodborne for PC... Sony can get bent until they stop ignoring the game.
  2. I'm curious if they really actually planned a coup or if they just liked to talk about it. In any case, those people are absolute top of their class nutjobs. Everyone who ever had to deal with those Reichsbürger can attest to that. Worst is, their following gets bigger every year. Government agencies even have special instructions on how to handle them, because they are so delusional.
  3. Damn, this is really bad. Crazy that nobody wants to see this. Guess they really need a big catastrophe first, else nobody will care.
  4. Still makes no sense to me. Like others said before, there could be at least some explosive warhead, not just nothing. Just jeeting missiles like that into ukraine feels weird.
  5. I mean, you can never have enough long range ammo.
  6. Space Wreck early access is out now: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1063540/Space_Wreck/ It's pretty cool, played the demo a couple times before.
  7. Was this really Dio's idea tho? Still, hope they will continue with Steel Ball Run now, even though it's probably going to have no connections to anything at all(?).
  8. Oh god, don't remind me of that trailer... it's probably the worst game trailer music choice I've ever seen...
  9. Just finished Stone Ocean. Was good again. Better than Golden Wind, imo. Still sad there was so little Jotaro.
  10. Metaverse is just Second Life all over again. Remember when every company had their own plot of land and some person employed to idle there all day long? Hilarious.
  11. Wasn't Wheel of Time only 3 episodes in the first week? So I guess lots of people checked it out ... but how many kept watching it? I didn't.
  12. Temple of Doom was the movie with the least nazis in it, right? I liked the movie with the most nazis in it. /Edit: And the one thing I liked even more than the movies was The Fate of Atlantis. Man I really should replay that game.
  13. Also Realms of Arkana. Still love how it looks and stuff. Played it a lot back then.
  14. I bet they rushed it out to get that pre-christmas release date.
  15. Or maybe removing it is what makes the game playable.
  16. I don't watch football and sure as hell will not watch this one.
  17. Ancient egypt game looks pretty nice, but I'm 100% sure I wouldn't enjoy that gameplay for longer than an hour.
  18. What's super annoying is that the trailers always look kinda great but then you see the movie and it's like, man, I could have just went to bed instead of sleeping on the couch.
  19. I just kept playing the main story and got a cool bike for free.
  20. Bikes are still the best, simply because they have +100 cool modifier.
  21. The problem now is... how to make it believable. Sure they can be shown as evil guys, but can you actually believe them taking over the world? This is like a Pinky and the Brain situation.
  22. SC2 release stuff was such a disappointment to me, I have never played SC again ever since.
  23. How can it be worse if Shannara was already peak terrible.
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