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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Agreed, I can't see how exactly this "destroyed the rings of power" - total clickbait.
  2. They were even less about a year ago. Those movements usually start small and then suddenly there is a problem. Same thing as with the regular right wingers who slow but steadily increase in numbers.
  3. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/protest-berlin-over-arming-ukraine-against-russia-draws-thousands-2023-02-25/ Those people piss me off so hard.
  4. Maybe it survives coz ya'll keep hate watching this garbage and that drives up the statistics.
  5. Happy(?) 1 year anniversary, or.. something? That chinese plan is kinda reasonable, can't argue against it, however we all know it's pretty much just fantasy. There are also points that you simply can't avoid - for example let's take point 10 "Stopping unilateral sanctions" and 11 "Keeping industrial and supply chains stable".. yeah, I agree, but if Russia attacks and will not back down, and keeps going against points 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11... then what else are we supposed to do? Bent over, saying, oh well, not much we can do here? Sanctions are probably the best way to force an end, since the alternative would be to send soldiers. Now *that* would be an escalation that really nobody wants.
  6. The Last of Us is way too fast. They are skipping so much stuff, and there are only 3 episodes left. The show could easily do +3 more episodes.
  7. You just have to take a peek at the wiki article to know that sometimes it can be good not to trust your government.
  8. All I know is that the german Kaiser (same as the russian Tzar) is a derivation of Caesar, so for me the Kaesar seems pretty normal and intuitive.
  9. You mean to tell me that after the terrible STD, and the terrible s1 and s2 of Picard, the new s3 is also bad?! This can't be true! Funny, the only nutrek that I kind of enjoy is the lower decks. I'm probably having way different expectations for it, which is why I'm fine with lots of the stuff they do. On the other hand, the lower decks also has a lot less stupid stuff in the first place.
  10. Not caused by the strike, but it's the result of neglect with the train/rail network. Instead of maintaining the system, cost are cuts, people are overworked, everything needs to happen fast, etc. etc. the usual thing. The reason for the strike are those issues, which are still being ignored. Meanwhile the company heads pay each other a nice salary, and use the rest of the money for stock buybacks. Such is life, I guess. /Edit: Heh, apparently some track it back to Trump. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-blame-ohio-train-derailment-1781163?amp=1
  11. Aerial photo of Ohio looks like Mordor. I wonder if Biden already regrets having bent over the rail workers the way he did some weeks ago.
  12. Imagine someone makes a tv show based on a video game and it is actually good. That's The Last of Us. Really hate having to wait a week between each episode. Probably would sit through the whole night if I were able to.
  13. I guess it's some sort of balancing-out? If the west doesn't fund them, someone else will, so we try to out-fund them? No clue if that's what is going on, but would make sense to me.
  14. His german dubbed voice is very good, which is why he is very memorable to me. He is instantly recognized everywhere. Probably also helps that I loved his old movies. Postman, Waterworld, Perfect World, etc. Was a huge star back then.
  15. The internet is arguing that russias new offensive has now started. But it's kinda failing. Also apparently the first confirmed Terminator-kill: https://twitter.com/WhereisRussia/status/1623620579646402562
  16. Funny, I remember at least one doctor in germany who secretly gave sodium chloride to the people instead of the vaccine, because he didn't want anyone to take it. I'm actually almost sure it was more, including some some drug stores, but I'm too lazy to look up more details about it now.
  17. Loved the movie, watched it a couple times. Have the 4+ hours special something-something edition. I always hated when the movie ended, because I wanted to know how the story continues.
  18. Question is, imagine Zelenskyy would have fled Ukraine, would Russia have kept him alive or still tried to murder him anyways? If it's the later, then you might as well just stay and fight. It's probably safer in the middle of the military and secret service, than in your little house somewhere in another country.
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