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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. I didn't destroy the Heart of Nagog, and gave the mansion to Leona. Very funny ending slide about that one, but does she really hope to fit all her people in that mansion? Sure it's big, but not that big! I spared Rajani and she went back to Jeyne. She and her people ended up pledging their loyalty to Anjali in the ending slides. I freed the Krug and he stayed in Stonebridge. Barrenbaron and Hans had to share their land. I sided with the Cyclopses, who created a new working union and were allowed to leave the Foundry for the first time in a century. I particularly liked the images for that one, like the one with the Cyclop coming outside and shielding his eye from the sun's light. I gave the Gent to the Stonebridge authorities. He was hanged and his body disappeared the following night. Wulf became Mayor (although I still don't understand what power does the Mayor have in Stonebridge), I hope his successor as Chief Constable will mix up the ranks with humans and automatons. In Glitterdelve, I showed loyalty to the Crown at every turn, and accepted to spare Jeyne's life when asked. I spared Jeyne in the end and asked her to help me rebuild. The ending slide indicates that she was declared apostate for asking the people to stop fighting the Legion... which makes me think that the Azunite Church wasn't simply following their Saint, but actually wanted power over all Ehb. No ending slide for Phineas makes me think that he may have a bigger role to play in possible extensions or DLCs. After all, he too has a lot to rebuild, starting with the Glitterdelve and the knowledge of Geomancy. Basically, I tried to play an idealistic, very close to the Legion's ideals, Lucas. That's why I gave the Gent to Stonebridge and why I spared Jeyne and asked her to help us rebuild. Also, Hugh Montbarron was an ass for trying to exploit that kind of thing from someone. Very nice, mister!
  2. DS isn't such a well-known and loved franchise. You don't see people fawning over the gameplay or story, most people are just happy that it enables for an Ultima 5 remake. It's known enough that SE picked it up from Gas Powered Games, but it's not a super-popular franchise. Some documents seen before said that the SE management was expecting one million and more sales, not multi-millions right from the bat.
  3. If it's 'same chance', then I think the advantage of Fire and Lightning is in the items you find : high-level fire/lightning items can easily have a 50+ effect, a lot less for Poison. Basically, it means that the Fire and Lightning effect have a higher chance to happen than the Poison effect.
  4. You mean the one that is completely smashed in Gunderic's Manor? It just leads in the Causeway, and it's linked to the other Causeways. In one of his diaries, Stephan Gunderic explains that he destroyed it so that he wouldn't be tempted to visit his wife's grave, again and again.
  5. Sannom


    Well, there was pretty much a blog for NWN2 when Rob was around, and there was also a small blog for Alpha Protocol at some point. Maybe this is just the extension of those ideas?
  6. Yeah, mostly for UI and perhaps the spell effects, I think. This really looks like a game made entirely in 2D.
  7. Not all Dakkenweyrs are bosses or mini-bosses, it doesn't mean that they're not tough as nails and deadly though. That lunge attack followed by a massive claw swipe took me by surprise fairly often, and generally took 1200+ damages out of me. And those Dakkenweyrs are subject to Shield Pummel. And yes, when fighting one alone, it pretty much locks him completely and makes him unable to attack.
  8. It's not 'off', it just counts weirdly. It pauses when the menus are up, and apparently it doesn't count reloads. Meaning that if you defeated a boss in 10 minutes but spent 35 minutes reloading to try and figure out how to beat him, the game would only count ten minutes.
  9. Dunno, I hear the team responsible for the Uncharted games is pretty much in agreement with Carmack. From what I hear, they're probably the team that managed to get the most out of the PS3's power, and they increase it for each game.
  10. Speaking of influence, anyone else was like " " to Katarina's comment when accepting the bribe from the in Stonebridge? I mean, what could have led us to think that she had a passion for ponies?
  11. What's funny is that maybe us player should have guessed there was that room somewhere. I mean, Stephan Gunderic in his diary made perfectly clear that his wife was buried here, we could have seeked it out .
  12. I find them to be decent personally. Didn't have too much trouble getting the hang of it. Mayve it's because I've never touched a controller in my life and have been forced to play games with controls even less adapted to the K & M.
  13. Really? On my game, it was dropped by Drakomyr in the Crypt of Heroes. It made sense to me that he dropped it, seeing as how the sword is kinda 'focused on' during the fight : Drakomyr often drags it upon the floor after a particularly heavy hit, and you can hear the sound of the metal on the stone.
  14. I would just like to point out three bugs that I just discovered. I'm playing as Lucas, on hardcore difficulty. Here are my problems : - Reinhart's (so the fourth companion) 'Equip' screen is extremely bugged : it shows the characteristics of the equipped item on the left, it also shows the +/- when compared to the select equipment, but the characteristics of the selected item are bugged, they're not aligned to the equipped item and they only show the effects that the equipped item doesn't have! - It seems that the Empowered version of Lucas' 'Heroic Charge' is bugged and doesn't have the effects advertised. Most notably, the damages aren't augmented. - Katarina often walks when coming to resurrect me! I don't think I ever had that problem with Anjali! - The savepoint just before the
  15. I'm not sure if that's a good idea, the Knock-Down effect has the same ragdoll animation than the deaths, and the body still being there is the best indicator that the enemy is still alive.
  16. Yep. And we explained to them, over and over, how it worked. And apparently some still bought the game and now complain about the thing we warned them about. Hypocrits.
  17. I would like to see the ones for the others characters too, but this offering is still pretty swell! And beautiful! I especially like the 'magic chart', I must say I was in awe when I fought at the effect of her column of fire. You could really say that were hand-painted.
  18. Alright, why didn't we have this as the manual?
  19. My personal problem is that I don't find the mapping to be optimal. The key for empowered abilities is especially hard to attain, and I've often launched my '1' ability when trying to switch stances. There is a comment in one of the reviews I read (Canard PC, France) that is actually really weird. They put out their review on their 06/17 issue of the magazine, but they say that they could have written it for the 06/01 issue, except that SE called them and said them that the PC controls were not complete and were going to get patched. They never were, and the mapping they have seems to be the same we have now. My impression that the current system was merely a stand-holder seems to be kind of correct, as in they intended to put out a better designed mapping of the keys, but in the end scratched those plans and decided to go directly for user-defined mappings. Which asks for more work because the mapping had to be tested, and the menu created.
  20. Don't exaggerate, we've not reached TW2-fans' level yet. We're not going on Bio-boards, and we're not referencing DA2 in every thread. Perhaps, if they could just fix that camera. Seriously, that's the main reason I couldn't bring myself to complete the demo!
  21. What were Square's expectations for the title, by the way? We had a number a while ago I think.
  22. By "action-RPG", they mean "combat-heavy RPG". But since you were certainly sarcastic, you probably already know that.
  23. The first one has its fans. The second one is universally loathed.
  24. I know you're not involved in that argument, but thanks . But they did good, didn't they ? I suppose I don't mind the lack of ambition in story/reactivity because it has the best combat of all Obsidian games, and... well, it's their third game to be released in one year. I think I can forgive a lack of ambition. Let's now hope that the game will sell and Square Enix will green-light DLC or an expansion.
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