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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. Yeah, we get it, having a character with 4-months hair and no hairbrush (remember when Lucas was called 'emo'?), as well as making them look 'nice', is JRPG .
  2. No, Lucas has pauldrons, boots, plate and gauntlets, no helmet. Anjali has head-gear, but apparently only the latest tier are actual helmets.
  3. Me too. Considering the style of the game, new playable characters might make for a nice DLC. As someone said in another topic, some concept art seemed to point at a discarded character (apparently an elven archer... original, I know), maybe they could use him?
  4. Jeyne herself is well-conserved for a 50 years old woman I think. Her armor is nice too!
  5. Agility increases the chance of performing a criticial hit, I think.
  6. With more diversity in enemies and tactics though. The Deep Roads consisted in fighting the same creatures we had already fought before. Diversity is the DA's franchise main weak point for me when compared to old IE games. Newcomers are so innocent .
  7. Dunno. Omar Boulon said that for Alpha Protocol, he ended up branching up his PC to his TV and wiping out the X-Box controller, for more comfort I think. They seem pretty much open on that front. With what little I know of their work ethics, I wouldn't be surprised if they did something like taking off one point but clearly mentioning it in their review. But truth be told, I'm anxious about their review .
  8. I dunno, I just hope I'm being honest with myself here. I always trusted reviewers, I'm just extremely suspicious of some special cases, and I think this started with PC Gamer's review of DA2. Something was off with that thing, and the scores by my usual sources, 4/10 by Canard PC and 68/100 by PC Jeux (the French version of PC Gamer) just fortified my opinion. By the end of the week, I should know what they have to say about DS3.
  9. You remind me of the clerk of the store at which I reserved (not the same as pre-ordered) the game. Told me one advantage of reservation was that maybe I could have the game one or two days early. I thought, 'great!'. Only hours later did I thing 'Wait, the game uses Steam Cloud, what good would that do to me when the game will surely be Steam-locked?' .
  10. Herrr, no. The party system alone makes DS1 a lot closer to DA2 than DS3 ever will be.
  11. Yeah, but the only review you've put as an example is the one example of a review that nobody took seriously because it aired one month before release, when many previews from other magazines and websites were being circumspect about the game. Other reviews were a lot less glowing than this one. In general, you can easily smell a pre-release review that is less than 'objective' : - it's often an exclusive, so only one website or magazine can post/print it. In the case of DS3, we first heard of two German reviews, followed by two French reviews and now English ones. - the website or magazine in question is often high-profile in English-speaking countries. The first DS3 reviews came from relatively high-profile German magazines. - the game received a massive hype campaign. Although Square Enix apparently did a good job advertising DS3, I wouldn't call DS3 'massively hyped' on the level that Bethesda or Bioware games always are. - the mark is always really high and glowing. DS3 received the highest score of 87/100, with the first review scores being 80/100, 85/100 (German magazines) and 14/20, 14/20 (French magazines).
  12. Please ask those people what RPGs other than DA2 they have played please. Thinking that those two games are similar in any way is scary!
  13. No, you can cast Heal with 4, and you don't need to enter the Defensive Stance, so I wondered if the other skills of the stance had their own button, or if it was specific to the Heal skill (for very obvious reasons).
  14. Speaking of heal, does someone know if the other Defense Stance abilities are tied to individual buttons on the PC?
  15. Opinions seem to vary wildly from people on the Steam fora and people on the Something Awful fora, for example. A discussion on the latter seems to imply that some bosses are a lot more difficult when playing coop.
  16. You don't need super-reflexes to avoid walking on glowing purple zones on the ground or get the hell away from Vera when she invokes her damaging aura. She has a very nasty damaging aura spell, so staying close to her is very dangerous when she uses it, but I couldn't tell you if it also involves Retribution : I didn't take Lucas' bolt of energy attack to attack her from a distance.
  17. Only one guy and you don't have control of her/his actions. A game with a party, for me, is something akin to BG/NWN2/DA with total control of the companions' advancement, equipment and actions in combat.
  18. No. Again, DS3 is closer to Dark Alliance and Champions of Norrath than Dragon Age or Baldur's Gate. There is no party and the gameplay is turned more toward action than point & click. On Gas Powered Games boards, perhaps? It's not like it was made by Obsidian.
  19. Your tastes are horrible and therefore your opinion is invalid for everyone here . Size of the UI. You can't fit four of that thing on the screen and maintain a good visibility.
  20. Lucas has a 4-swing combo when in 1H-mode. For your roll problem, I think this happens when the cursor is not far enough from the character.
  21. You do realize that out of five games made by Obsidian, only one was a PC-exclusive, right?
  22. No matter : you don't trust pirates. You don't give opinions out of a pirated copies, bar exceptional cases. You don't trust people who may be didn't go farther than the demo and yet claim they played the entire game.
  23. I don't really know much, I just read that old article on The Escapist : http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/...About-Iron-Lore
  24. You can't trust pirates. Not after the Titan Quest debacle. Most complains of that sort aren't about people writing off the game, but more about them judging it and spreading the word as if they had played the full game .
  25. What are the websites or magazines you would trust with their review, just by curiosity ?
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