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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. Nah. For all the people who decided to cancel their pre-order, there are also people who decided to buy the game thanks to the demo. In both cases, it's the purpose of a demo. It will perhaps teach people not to pre-order as much as they do right now, which is always a good thing in my book.
  2. Do you live in Europe or in the U.S? The PS3 demo is normally already available for U.S-based players, but it will only be available in Europe on June 22nd.
  3. It was moved in another thread to centralize all complains about PC controls.
  4. A number of people had the demo crash on them on launch. The patch is probably aimed at them.
  5. Speaking of lore, I'm starting to wonder about the importance of 'bloodlines' in the game's world. Odo wants to rebuild the Legion out of Legion blood, and according to the lore, the Lescanzi take much care into expanding their 'blood' and lineage, choosing mates from other cultures and people, to the point that Lescanzi blood is probably present everywhere and in almost all families. They're like a mix od the Quarians and Asari!
  6. I agree with your assessment, but I disagree with your proposed solution, for much the same reasons as Oner. I think we just need the abilities on keys that are closer to the WASD keys, so that we can have all the commands without moving the hand. I find using the empowered abilities especially difficult with the present implementation of the control scheme.
  7. An interesting feedback coming from the Something Awful boards :
  8. I think I know : in the help section, it's explained that as enemies become stronger, you will need to increase your ability scores to keep the same chance of inflicting effects. Of course, how he came to the conclusion that this meant that the enemies were level-scaled is anyone's guess .
  9. Do some research, if you're so skeptical. One of those I managed to find as a PDF file. You can, too. Apparently, Game Informer and PC Gamer also did reviews recently, I think the game is scored 8/10 and 85/100, respectively.
  10. The thing about DS3 is that the story is all told by a guy who is deeply involved in the events of the game. He's completely biased, and I think what we think is simply narration is going to become something almost like a framed narrative. And isn't Diablo 2's story about 'You're the best of your kind and you must save the world from the Forces of Darkness.'? Granted, I liked reading the lore from the manual, it was neat, but the story in the game itself isn't that much to talk about.
  11. (1) There are plenty of games who are successful without any multiplayer component, I don't understand why DS3 needs to have it to be successful. (2) Slam Dunk projects use existing technology and focus on adding content without changing the gameplay too much. Think Fallout 2, Knights of the Old Republic 2 and New Vegas. DS3 does neither of those, it's not a Slam Dunk. You should quiet down, too. Some of the bashers are really annoying, but you're not doing us a favor here!
  12. EDIT : a very interesting interview indeed. Apparently, there really is something about the story and Odo and Jeyne and the Queen. Also, it looks like Nathaniel wasn't lying when he talked about epic boss fights. I think he said somewhere that it was a phone interview? What is the stuff that feels contradictory to you?
  13. I think he meant on the E3 floor, one could hope for a more fleshed out playable version there .
  14. It has both, and it must takes the two into account I think.
  15. Click Escape and Help, there is a description of each characteristic, including the various Chaos effects. And I'm not sure that block is as telling as you think, given the block system .
  16. I think you're forgetting something here : local coop. The screen already feels crowded with two of those UIs on screen, I'm not sure we can put two of yours on one screen. Also, I must say I'm skeptical of the need to see all the abilities on the screen. If we had more than three abilities by stance and the stance system was a console-specific hotbar system, I could see the use though. Whoever said that putting the life and mana bar around the character's portrait would be a good idea : I agree with you.
  17. I don't think so, at least not when in combat. We could use one for the description of the statistics though.
  18. K&M are controllers too. You control things with it. Hence the name.
  19. In fact, you've been blinding yourself ever since you came here. Story is something that Obsidian added to the game, but they always said that they didn't want story to get in the way of combat and gameplay, so they always added a 'quick route out' for the dialogs. People who wants to see it, see it. Others get out.
  20. Finally managed to play it. Played with Lucas in Hardcore. I liked it, here are some of the things that 'hit' me : - how the heck am I going to beat Vera in the retail game? I died 6 or 7 times! Better learn not to trigger her skeleton trap. Her attacks were varied, I liked her as a boss. Too many lights though. - good variety of enemies, especially among the Lescanzi. Regular grunts, armored guys with swords, guys with two blades and the witches. - whoever designed the key-binding was probably stoned. I can't hold Shift to launch the enhanced versions of the abilities. I really hope we can change the binding in the retail version, I think the M&K controls are relatively good except for that particular point. My middle finger isn't going to like the game though, keeping the button pressed down like that can't be good at long use. - anyone else found the 'Ancient Shield of the Legion' for Lucas and thought 'What is that thing?' ? The contrast with the normal round shield was impressive. - only french version, but Katarina and Leona not only have an accent, but it sounds like they struggle with the language, talking rather slowly. Really weird. I think I prefer Anjali's voice to what I've heard of the english version. - I hope the bug where the character is facing the camera while in dialog will be solved.
  21. Well, no. Feargus said he hoped he would be able to say more at E3, he never said he will show something at E3.
  22. I suppose you are the same UkrainianDM who is on the Steam forum? Otherwise, you should go there, there is a thread where someone is gathering information to try and resolve the bug.
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