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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. Same in a recent french preview. Worrying indeed !
  2. That's Neeshka's grandfather side, correct ?
  3. Nah, not at all, I'm just saying that the colored plate armors just help nailing the point further !
  4. Also, you know your universe isn't supposed to be 'dark and gritty' when characters are walking around with brightly colored plate armors . Seriously, Odo and Marten? Red and blue? I'm slightly surprised at the number of people walking around half-naked in the streets of Stonebridge. Men and women alike. That city must have a really warm weather. Or they're very resilient to the cold. And to end it : DWARF!
  5. Thanks for that one funcroc, and now the third online issue goes live, introducing us to young Reinhart, a street urchin (not really) who really, really likes his explosives : https://digital.darkhorse.com/profile/345.d...ge-iii-issue-3/ Reinhart just went further up on the 'badass' scale for me. Also, it's confirmed that he's older than Lucas by five years, and my theory about him being raised by goblins wasn't so far off .
  6. He's a blond, not white-haired ! Lucas is exactly 29 I think. As for Reinhart, I don't think that he is that much older, the beard just ages him a lot. According to many people, the beard can make me appear five to ten years older for example. From 23 to 30.
  7. You didn't realize that all that discussion about art was because of that article, I presume ?
  8. That origin is ****ing boring, it's more of a chore you go through because you want to become Queen or King, or play a human Warrior or Thief.
  9. WHAT Best reasoning I can think of :
  10. Azumanga Daioh suffers from pace issues in its animated in my opinion. It's hard to go from Yonk
  11. Same as Serrano. Also, it sometimes feel a little bit too much like an interactive movie, some of the puzzles are ridiculously easy and cutscenes are galore. Nice story and universe-building though, but with too much sequel hook and no sequel at the horizon.
  12. (1) The armor she wears at the beginning of the latest video has a too low of a neckline, but it protects her stomach and looks like honest-to-God metal. And you think Olympic athletes never go to malls? (2) There are no genitalia nor any nipples visible on that image, and I'm sure the moderators wouldn't ban this either. Or an image of a 'naked' Barbie or Ken doll.
  13. I wonder if one of the games will use the Man of Light from the comics. With the going on, he will probably try to take a leading role in it. I must say he sparked my interest a little bit.
  14. Funny, I just learned that the french voice of Anjali is the same as Fem!Shepard and Dame Isolde (DA:O). Speaking of VA, did anybody else recognized SIE's voice in Katarina from time to time, or was that just me?
  15. I'm not sure the DS3 parts are the ones which poses a problem. Although at this rate, he will have to cut them out, true. That would be sad and irrespective towards him.
  16. I concur! To any Obsidianite who passes by, could you bug him about it for use please ? So that I can stop bugging Buck about it!
  17. Are you ready to pay 100$ just for that?
  18. Yes, simple and fun. Not really gameplay though. Also, the words 'enchanted ballistics' made me laugh for some reason ! It's too bad that Square apparently won't whip out the CGI for this game, I'm sure one with the four characters fighting back-to-back would be utterly badass!
  19. Don't forget the sexual encounter between Geralt and Triss at the beginning of Act 3. I don't think CD Projekt claimed to offer a game with a mature handling of sexuality, that was more some fans' hobby. The maturity of the title came from the dark, bleak setting, where everyone has an agenda and few choices are completely evident, the two biggest exceptions I remember are how you handle the and situations.
  20. what Look at any cartoon or movie that are aimed at young children : slapstick is a big component of the humor. It's something universal and not limited to Australia or the US though. It's probably rationalized as 'It's his job and his victims are **** anyways'. Some rapes don't involve any kind of physical violence, yet they're still rapes, and killing or letting someone die is sometimes seen as an act of mercy. The man who sleeps with a prostitute still promote a system that is harmful to most of the women in it. It is still not a good thing.
  21. Does anyone else here have the impression that, for the game that is supposed to mark their first foray into Western RPGs, Square Enix is being kind of... cheap ? Still, what Georges said about how they worked was really interesting, and I will make sure to make dialogues last as long as possible and read every lore book I can get my hands on!
  22. Since Bethesda said that it wasn't, I would be surprised if people still 'believed' it. Some may not know however.
  23. 5th page of Odo's journal : http://www.dungeonsiege.com/odos-journal.php?i=5
  24. What do you call Veteran mode then ?
  25. I agree on all counts. I simply can't see how grinding can work with that leveling system.
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