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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. I would be surprised if the narrator isn't The Venerable Odo, the one who kept the children of the Legion out of Jeyne Kassinder's clutches and also the man who called for a meeting of those same children back at the Montbarron's estate. So yeah, I think he's going to be in the game.
  2. New preview at IGN : http://pc.ign.com/articles/115/1158496p1.html I have the sneaking suspicion that Lucas is going to be vital in coop .
  3. Wow, that concept art the archon in its elemental form is beautiful ! For some reason, I can't help but think that the Wahaika warriors have huge legs . It must be that concept art of the Bastrion Hero in the upcoming Heroes of Might & Magic 6.
  4. Yeah pretty much, but WUE has a point, it's not clear. But I think it will become clearer as time and marketing will go buy, some people are going to be turned off, others will be attracted, I think everything will go well in the end.
  5. It's nice . But those knights have some ridiculously detailed helmets, not to mention that they almost look like 'horny vikings'.
  6. That would be nothing short of the apocalypse . You want to leave 'social stalking' altogether? Assuming you're serious, of course It's not the Diablo crowd nor the Dungeon Siege crowd, I think. Too many changes in the formula of the two previous games. As far as multiplayer and gameplay go, I think it's obvious that they're aiming for an audience that is mostly console-oriented.
  7. From the fact that Bethesda has already worked with both Obsidian and Inxile (they're publishing Hunter : The Demon's Forge) .
  8. I'm betting on a human raised by goblins. And as such, he's a fan of explosives and always ends up with his hair a complete mess.
  9. With luck, funcroc was right and Obsidian is going to develop the new Wasteland. More freedom in gameplay for a post-apocalyptic game, and Bethesda as the publisher, it's a win-win!
  10. Well, seek out the box art for the game, he's shown in the state he is at the end, when his shirt has been ripped entirely. There are at least two, if the trailer is to be believed. They're both shown for a split second at the very end of the video. One looks like some sort of chainmail.
  11. Shouldn't you be in bed, C2B? One or two more posts and you will fit that infamous pic of "Aren't you coming to bed? I can't, this is important!" Not to be mean or anything ! Doesn't Kratos' face, always disfigured by a snarl and an angry expression, offsets any of the charms he could have had normally? I don't think it's odd, it just shows that everyone agree that it is ridiculous : nobody's talking or aguing about it! It's the only part of her design that is very impractical, everyone can see it!
  12. I know that the Prince in the Sands of Time ended up bare-chested near the end of the game. After having his shirt slowly destroyed during the course of the game. I think he loses the right sleeve about five minutes into the game. What you're talking about is the very best example of the 'chainmail bikini', male and female characters doing the exact same job with the exact same weapons and protection, but yet the woman shows a lot of skin while the men is perfectly covered. That's not a problem in DS3, since Katarina's outfit isn't meant for defense, and you will never see her with Lucas' or Anjali's armor. Jiggle physics aren't bad, but Taki just went too far .
  13. Ivy's attire is not only ridiculous, but I'm not even sure it's actually wearable. What Katarina has showed until now is realistic, as in "actually exists". And you just reminded me of Taki's jiggle physics from Soul Calibur 2. Thank you for nothing sir, as those were utterly disgusting.
  14. You think so? Katarina isn't the less covered woman of Obsidian, SIE was there before her . I mean, look at her, she's less modest than Katarina (even when she's at her less modest with the corset), and you meet her in Mother Freezing Russia!
  15. I know you're being sarcastic, but dude, that system was already awful in NWN2, and that game's camera could be zoomed out more! And NWN2 perhaps had some encounters that were really ****ty (the bandit camp near Fort Locke for example) but at least the enemies didn't come in waves that made your placement useless on the long term! No, I think Morgoth misunderstood my question. I don't want to rotate the camera around my character on the Y and X axis (I figured that out by myself, every game does that nowadays), I want to translate it on something else than the Y axis (the zoom)! Although I just realized that something I thought was a bug or at least a stupid design decision, could actually be a feature. I was wondering why, if I switched characters, I was still aiming for the ability selected for the previous character. It's probably in order to aim better if you want to throw a fireball in melee!
  16. Question : can I move the camera away from the character that is currently selected? Because right now, I'm reminded of the awful NWN2 camera, and that's not good!
  17. Scratch that question, I just watched those videos again, the woman in those is named Leona, not Katarina. It looks like the clothing and fighting style are a bit of a family thing !
  18. And robots. And grenade launchers. Goblins in that game were all kind of inventive . They probably had to compensate for their size.
  19. Can I say that the Photoshop job is not as good on Katarina as it is on Anjali and Lucas? It's still a beautiful character and I especially love the colors, but there is something in her face that immediately marks that pic as a 3D renderer. Perhaps it's the lips? Still, she looks beautiful. Is it normal that we've never seen that flock of hair on her right shoulder in the few videos that came before her reveal? Another question : what's up with the high heels? Both Anjali and Katarina wear them, and nobody can pass beyond that fact, given that they're not fit for fighting and acrobatics, like those two characters do.
  20. Thank you, but I don't ask in order to better play Diablo 2 (I tried, didn't like it) . I want to have a basic understanding of how the character system works, because I think some people are expecting a similar experience from DS3, and I believe it's a sure road to disappointment. Particularly, some people were talking about "endgame" stuff. How can that work when DS3's character system will lead all players to have the exact same character by level 90 (and all talents by level 50)?
  21. I have a question for Diablo 2 players, if there are some here on the boards : what is the maximum level in that game, what is the maximum score you can put in one ability, and at which theoretical level can you max absolutely everything out?
  22. What? As far as I know, their adaptation of Blood Bowl is a strategy game, complete with turn-based games (if you so choose, if memory serves me right).
  23. So, Dimitri, now that Katarina has been revealed, any chance we can see her concept art too ?
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