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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. I remember I saw a small news in my gaming mag, and the speech made me think "Great, this sounds like Torment!". Years later, after forgetting about the game, I saw a preview in the same mag of The Witcher, and I thought "Isn't that the game that caught up my attention a while back?" .
  2. Didn't dual-wielding have some nice powers for hurting multiple opponents too?
  3. Greatswords are now used to hurt multiple opponents, as they should be, so yeah, I think they're pretty much useful now.
  4. That gameplay vid reminds me of Dungeon Siege 3, with less flashy things . Good to see that two-handed weapons are made for crowd damage this time. It looks like dual-wielding is now specific to the rogues? I didn't see it in the list of skills. (1) Same here. (2) The player is definitely smashing buttons or clicking in rhythm, for what I've seen. The dwarf sounded fine. But Woman!Hawke has an Orlesian accent. That's not good.
  5. I trust Buck to ask good question, and the only one I would like him to ask is AP-related and hence off-topic.
  6. Apparently, the patch is available through Steam now, anybody here could confirm that?
  7. Are World in Conflict and Act of War so bad? I know Act of War isn't although I never played it online, so maybe I missed a lot of stuff.
  8. (1) Just curious, how would you write the description of the Arrow of Slaying in a way that can be easily modified for every other power? (2) I can't see it. They already did it with the Lockpicking skill, that only the rogues could take and I thought was obviously done so that people would consider playing rogues. Second, the skill that enabled Rogues to use cunning as their damage modifier made them into the absolute damage dealer, warriors could never hope to live up to that!
  9. I agree that putting the math directly in the GUI would be dumb, but why can't we have a 'detailed' description of the power/secondary characteristic in an optional window that gives us the math behind it? Kinda like how we would get the history of our items in DA:O by opening a different window. That information should also be in the manual, the fact that it wasn't made DA:0's manual one of the most useless ever. As a gamer, I still have the terrible, terrible description of the Arrow of Death skill stuck in my throat. Why do you think it's called the Dark Age in english?
  10. There is a woman wielding two pistols apparently. No way to know if one of her stances is a close quarter combat with dual swords.
  11. Oh no, it has been announced already, the pre-order bonus on Steam will be the first two games for free .
  12. Seriously ? High enough level mage buffs himself to make himself indestructible and then mops the floor with his enemies!
  13. You've never played enough of Baldur's Gate 2 and Neverwinter Nights 2
  14. (1) We know that the inventory is shared by all the players, and after seeing the latest videos, I'm pretty sure that gold is collected by walking on it. (2) I'm pretty sure that very early interviews about the game mentioned that the player can press a button and see the value in gold of the loot directly from the ground, and that it was something introduced in the game to make loot management easier for consoles.
  15. Oh, I'm sure you're not the only one wondering about the crows . They probably represent something, but what?
  16. The french version of the trailer gives some sort of light russian accent to Anjali, it's funny
  17. I think Awesome Bear appears briefly in the latest trailer, at the end :
  18. Can someone remind me what is Rich Taylor's background? Programming, right? Or is he the artist among the project directors? I always compared it to The Witcher, personally. A somewhat fixed character, big role-playing in dialogs and (especially) choices, an emphasis on 'twitchy' combat. The combat gameplays are of course really different, and their loot philosophy are completely opposed however.
  19. I just want the enemies to actually attack our character, that's all . Especially the melee ones.
  20. I laughed at the ragdoll effect Especially the part where Lucas sends some sort of bolt of energy and the poor guy at the receiving end just flies off I must say, the two-handed stance really looks good, but the one-handed stance seems kinda... boring, and unpractical, considering the mass of enemies that come at you. A.I. needs a lot of work too, I'm sure I saw some enemies surrounding Lucas, but starting to swing only after he escaped. I didn't feel like the player was ever in danger.
  21. There is actually one thing that kinda makes me wish to see romances in the party in DS3 : you will apparently always play with the same party, and a character that was just a companion in one play-through can become your main character in another. How weird (and fun) would it be that you could play the romance from both sides of the fence ?
  22. Speaking of the thread's original topic, Chris Avellone made another small addition to his blog about Concentrated Casting : http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?autom...p;showentry=143
  23. Inventory : I think putting the equipped item in the sorted list is not a good idea, it should always be the first one in the list to avoid confusion. Also, are there 'item sets' like in Dragon Age?
  24. Didn't the collector edition of NWN2 have the "Blessed of Waukeen" perk or something? I just now that I'm quite indifferent toward today's 'bonus' items, but that I still am a fervent user of the bonus vendors in Baldur's Gate 2. The power of some of those items is insane, be it the wizard's robe, the slingshot +5 with unlimited ammo or the tower shield that sends back the rays from beholders and such. Those were funny items, lots of easter eggs too.
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