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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. Didn't Feargus say that Obsidian would be in control of the game's development, with Red Eagle playing a producing role, notably in their accordance with the lore?
  2. "ティム・ウィン" is a name, pronounced in the same way as Tim Wynn. And googletrad : "Tim Winn (SMA composer) of the CW TV series" Supernatural "In addition to the" Red Faction: Guerrilla (THQ) "" Command & Conquer (EA) "," Dungeon Siege 3 (Square Enix), etc. music games in charge. "
  3. It's part of the MO at least. I remember a Feargus interview where he said that being independent brought them opportunities for more diverse projects, even if the security brought by being owned wasn't negligible. There is one thing though : all the studios that were bought out by Zenimax recently had solid IPs under their belts, as well as 'original' projects that could be quite big. I don't think that Zenimax would buy Obsidian just to be their second-hand on Fallout or Elder Scroll, Obsidian would have to present them a very 'special' project for that. Probably like WUE said, perhaps that the Wheel of Time project if going somewhere.
  4. This game will remind me of Heart of Darkness at this rate . In the vein of Jedi Academy, probably.
  5. Not dissing on Bethesda as a publisher, they seem more passionate than the average editor (people from marketing asking to play the game? Seriously?), but I like the variety of licenses and gameplays Obsidian produces in its current form. Tale sums it up nicely : Hey, we are on the boards where speculations about Square Enix's next project being an Obsidian game were on based on a Square Enix guy following Feargus Urquhart on twitter . Well, our local supplier was right in that regard, but that doesn't mean we should pay credit to other things!
  6. Yeh, but at least it's competition from outside, not having two of their own titles battling each other
  7. It's most likely London, given that's where Eidos (now Square Enix) HQs were based. Also, I just received this month's issue of 'PC Jeux' (french PC Gamer), and the teaser for the next issue's big subject is about Dungeons Siege 3. So it seems that this magazine will have a good look at it, and probably others too.
  8. What were they thinking when they put a special bounty in that spot anyways? The ones before and after are always in more isolated areas and could be easily avoided. But not that plant!
  9. Could you post the entire changelog? It's as if the people at Obsidian were doing the patch on their off time and that Sega made the minimum as far as distributing it go I mean, no announcement, nothing!
  10. I have my doubts on the efficiency of that policy, though. And aren't fines a government's prerogatives?
  11. Finally I'm done! What do you mean, "the next build is in"?
  12. Ah ah. Really funny. << Look at link >> Oh my god, are they trying to sabotage the efforts of everyone involved in the making of the new game?
  13. Well, that definitely confirms what this press event will be about. From SquareEnixDave's twitter : And it looks like he has lot of things to say about the game too : Is it me or does Dave thinks that funcroc is part of a game magazine or website? Although he could be...
  14. Really? For me, a game has to be actually 'hard' to be harcore. And PS:T was not hard, it was actually quite easy, if long.
  15. Don't forget he works for Square Enix, perhaps that the press event won't have anything to do with Dungeon Siege 3.
  16. In my always optimistic nature, I hope it will be more like what Extra Credits from The Escapist talked about some time ago.
  17. I wonder what he means when he says that it would be an original idea with how they want to go with it? Complete change of gameplay? New mechanics for the story? Personnaly I would love an Alpha Protocol spin-off that is more Commandos-meets-RPG (although it probably already exists, cf. Jagged Alliance). I was somehow happy to see him mention the marketing of New Vegas as a high point of the game's development. I felt Bethesda just didn't get the credit they deserved for that game.
  18. Wonder what he means by that? That he was the one at Square Enix who decided to use that franchise and ask Obsidian for development?
  19. Any news about how New Vegas made in Japan, especially after that advertisement campaign?
  20. I've come across multiple discussions where Obsidian is said to have used the 'we were too ambitious' for each and every of their project (more like they admitted that it was why they screwed up). So far, I never had the impression that they used it for KOTOR 2 and NWN 2, where they said that they got too ambitious and the game suffered a lot because of it, with a lot of content cut, multiple bugs, etc. For New Vegas, they had objectives, and they kept them, they didn't get so ambitious that the game suffered a lot from it. Testing a game like New Vegas certainly seems hard even if they kept everything 'in line'.
  21. You don't need the DVD either ways CD Key isn't tied to a physical copy. After all, that's why they need the CD keys.
  22. A guy on a french forum just reported a weird bug on the PC version : apparently, the quicksaves and autosaves are erased after he exits the game, even if he makes a 'clean' exit. Nobody else got that problem? EDIT : no relation, but he also says that Bethesda should put a lot more effort into the localization of its games. There is no coherency, the meaning of the sentences is sometimes inversed, and there are parts of the time entirely in german (yeah, that one is random). Obsidian probably learned a lot too with that project (completely open-world game? Bethesda surely helped with that!) from Bethesda, so I wouldn't be surprised if it went also the opposite way.
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