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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. Obsidian tradition perhaps? From now on, each every two games, Obsidian's products will be released first in Australia, then in Europe, and then finally in the U.S. Seriously, maybe that it's because the 'western' division of Square Enix is actually old Eidos Interactives, and the headquarters of that company are in the UK?
  2. I think he always had that hand partially uncovered. It looks like he has a wooden gauntlet around his hand, I believe he might some kind of techno-wizard.
  3. I didn't even notice the first time, I thought it was a mage character with her hands glowing .
  4. From the announcement : Should we consider this as 'proof' that there will be only four classes/characters in the game, or should we wait for more previews?
  5. I don't think she was in that video. Katarina is the woman with the 'Corset of Holding +2'. In that video, the witch boss is called Vera and the woman we free from her cage is the Archon, Anjali. To which one were you referring? And yeah, that video is nice. We apparently see another power of the two-handed stance (when Lucas strikes the ground and creates a cone of energy before him), but I still can't figure out what those icons on the right of Lucas's portrait are, they seem to change randomly. Also, nice to see the inventory. Apparently, you can't see all you items in one go, they're all separated into distinct categories, which I suppose depend on the class and character. Lucas has one-handed and two-handed swords, shields, breastplates, pauldrons, bracers and boots, and apparently rings and amulets. It seems to be a really clear system, easy to navigate into.
  6. I now have a question for Nathaniel : we were discussing auto-aim for the consoles, and I think it was implied that PC wouldn't need it because of the mouse. But I realize, won't we need it on the mouse & keyboard too? I mean, the gameplay is based on four types of attacks that are easily accessible, but the mouse only has three buttons at most, so I imagine that the abilities will be linked to keyboard keys, and in that case I suppose auto-aim will also be needed?
  7. Thanks for those Dimitri, any art of Anjali around your computer, by any chance? Can't wait to see the rest. The obligatory question : were you at all inspired by Frodo for Lucas? Many people wondered! I suppose he's wearing an armor of the Legion here.
  8. New preview at Game Reactor : http://www.gamereactor.eu/previews/6326/Dungeon+Siege+III/ They hate the main protagonist's name, apparently
  9. Is DS3 distributed by Ubisoft in Australia? First the Ausgamer preview's writer who say that he played at Ubisoft, and now this...
  10. This is the only website that apparently managed to 'see' the amount of research that was put in the Moscow hub, but still I don't know anything about Russia, I can't say what those research are But still, good for AP and Obsidian, since F:NV won 'RPG of the Year'.
  11. For those who read the magazine preview of PC Gamer : is it the same? I'm sure I've already read those comments about the screens somewhere! EDIT : it's definitely the same!
  12. And another one : http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/01/31/dungeon-siege-3-preview-2/
  13. This. Why didn't Black Isle grant access to their avatars to Bioware?
  14. The multiplayer sounds too different for a comparison to Diablo 2/3 to be made. Really, I think it's going to be a lot like Dragon Age 1/2 and the Witcher : main focus in gameplay is combat, the role-playing is only there through the choices and dialogs. The full-stealth or full-diplomatic options aren't there.
  15. It looks like you play characters, each one of them pertaining to a different class. And although the characters are pre-scripted, I don't think the plot will be. It seems that, for each stance, there is the regular attack and the special powers. The powers burn Focus when they're used, and you gain Focus by using you regular attack on enemies. I remember that for each power, there is a powered-up version that uses the entirety of the Focus bar. No, each category of item can only be used by one character, but you loot items of all categories. For example, swords will probably be used only by the Guardian character, but if you play that character, you will find swords, bu staffs that can only be used by the Archon character. That would be a problem if a multiplayer in the vein of Diablo 2's was on the table, but apparently the only multiplayer that will be there is cooperative play of the campaign, and your friends don't use their own characters but the ones that you found during the campaign. Whether or not it's a good idea is another debate entirely. I can already see the arguments about who will play who
  16. Game Informer preview : http://www.gameinformer.com/games/dungeon_...on-preview.aspx The most interesting in it is probably the screens, which seem to showcase a lot of Anjani action.
  17. Another question : more recent previews talk about perks/talents that improves the general performance of our character. Are those perks common to all the classes/characters, or does each character have his own set of perks that he can gain?
  18. From the VideoGamer.com preview : A bit scary that part! Will there be a button to take all the loot in the general area around the character and do the sorting in the inventory? Question for any Obsidian dev or for SED! Looting can get real annoying without that little time-saver! The RPS preview was funny . +2 Corset of Holding . From the Strategy Informer preview :
  19. It looks kinda like a cinematic, no? Not for everyone though, the Archon Adjani is one very covered lady
  20. Indication on the focus of one of Obsidian's upcoming games ?
  21. Dunno. That's what the original press release made you think, but there was an interview of Feargus on Gamebanshee where he said that they would actually be in charge of most of the game. Red Eagle would probably like to play the role of an editor even if they don't really have the history for it.
  22. I didn't really find it THAT interesting, except perhaps for giving us a 'picture' of the mentality of some execs who thinks that they can make 'everything better', something of which Chris Parker was accused of being if memory serves. And I'm still a tad annoyed at Atari getting so much flak. Feargus said that the two companies made mistakes, and at least Atari gave them the resources to put forth patches and two expansions! They didn't completely let go of the game. The ones that were really screwed over by Atari are the people from Ossian, with that DRM business that delayed the game for months even though it was ready to ship.
  23. Same than WUNE, thanks for taking the time to answer those questions . I would like to express a request : could you hold off the PR stuff until you can show more of the other classes and more details about the skills and passive abilities?
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