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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. Most "consequences" in RPGs are flavor text anyways, but in AP, flavor text applies to almost all the lines of a character, so it really feels different. Just discovered today that Parker is really, really defensive about his role as a "custodian", since my Thorton belittling him lead him to talk in much details about his work, which gained me a second bit of Dossier about him that I didn't have in my first play-through.
  2. True only for KOTOR 2, where the publisher really could have given them a few more months to polish things out, and the deadline was already kind of ridiculous. But as far as the other games are concerned, I don't buy it. NWN 2 was as much Obsidian's fault as it was Atari's fault, comments from both Feargus and Josh support it. And after that, Atari let them patch and expand the game. As for Alpha Protocol, we know how "hellish" the development process was, and that big mistakes were made on both sides.
  3. Only one request : being able to take back the traps we set and that we are sure will never explode.
  4. Where, instead of the suave/professional/agressive choice, we would have the choice between Crazy Awesome, Ax Crazy or Obfuscating Stupidity
  5. I doubt we will see a skill-based system in DS3. I think I remember a preview saying that the character classes were designed for uniqueness over flexibility. Meaning that having other characters beside yours will probably be "mandatory" to even finish the game.
  6. I think the problem is that she manipulated you. She didn't save Michael out of the goodness of her heart, she wanted him to put Alpha Protocol and Halbech down. She played her cards so that Michael will stay in contact with her and work toward this goal.
  7. I always thought that "stealth" statistics only had effect when crouched And that the 6 in Sound Dampening of the best Stealth Armor was there so that we could put some enhancements that affects it negatively.
  8. Yeah, I remember wanting to point out that little snippet when the interview first came out : it was good news AND it clarified Obsidian's involvement in that project But it feels there is some room for "disaster" in that deal. Notably the fact that Red Eagle Entertainment doesn't have the funds right now, will they have it when Obsidian finally has the man power to launch another full project? Timing may be an issue there...
  9. Probably, but they can't gain experience on it unless they've worked on it, so with another project on board, it seems fitting that the guys with the most Onyx experience went to the project that uses Onyx. As for what Chris said, I'm not expecting Obsidian to stop doing "slam dunk" projects like KOTOR 2 or New Vegas from time to time...
  10. Feargus talked about a "private, internal product" and he mentioned that only "half a time" is working on it, so I'm guessing it's a relatively small-scale product that is more "personal" than working on someone else's IP, or even than working on an original IP for a publisher. I have my doubts about the "2D" part, an internal product is more ikely to be made with their own technology, Onyx in this case. Probably a "light" version of it, but still...
  11. Interesting interview, although you can feel he is no longer working at Obsidian Also, I thought the game went less serious as time passed by, wtf is that parachute story doing here ???
  12. I generally use cover so that I can have a good view of what's beyond the corner. But I used it a lot more with the pistols since I could score a critical hit without getting exposed.
  13. He did get out of a cell with no lock Not to mention getting the party arrested and sent to an asylum (which was the plan all along) by just being himself. Also, having a hamster as his animal companion. Confusing a genie with his complete incomprehension of an enigm counts too.
  14. They don't just provide comic relief, they "are" the comic relief And of the same kind, too : pure, undiluted craziness with a preference for big weapons, reliance on pure instinct instead of reason, a tendency to ramble incoherent and stupid things, they both love to hype themselves up (Minsc's "Stand aside evil, HERO coming through!" and Heck's strong opinion of himself as a secret agent), etc.I think I can understand why people would liken Heck to Minsc
  15. Well, in both cases they're people whose opinion of your character "matters". And I don't really see that in DA, a really low reputation doesn't have any effect except for one character, and they can attack you only at very specific points.
  16. Well, I can remember three things that made me think "well, here they go ripping off Obsidian again for the DA franchise" : - the fact that your companions disagree with you will have more consequences than simply them leaving your group. Reminds me of the bonus in AP for a negative reputation with some people. - the flash-forward/flash-back thing for telling the story. - the dialogue wheel showing moods and stances instead of a summary of what you're about to say. But then again, this is probably because the few "reports" I heve read about the thing present it as a huge difference. I don't really see it myself. Apparently nothing in my list is in yours...
  17. FFS, number three sounds really, really awful and simplistic. Why? It could be the same system as in Alpha Protocol, where other people hating you grants you another kind of bonus and completely changes the way they treat you. Granted, the last part might be just flavor changes. But I like those.
  18. Yeah, I wanted to get in and point out that if Bioware had made the game, writing wouldn't have been so good, stealth wouldn't have been an option, and SIE would have been 30 and a lot more stingy than she is right now. Come on, it wouldn't have been "better gameplay", it would have been a really different gameplay, probably slickest, but still different! Not wanting to bash Bioware or anything, but I think those two fandoms just don't overlap that much. Bioware fans were probably unaware they were the one doing it, and sonic fans were just disappointed by a game that is not really good. In fact, gamers are lemmings for Bioware when they just do "more of the same" : the gameplay, at its core, is focused on combat, with interesting leveling mechanics, and entertaining plots and characters for the "RPG" part. They wrap it up in pleasant colors, and hop, another big hitter. No matter if they recycle all their characters from game to game, people likes it! That's also how Blizzard functions...
  19. CTG? I'm sure he does it on purpose to mess with our heads I believe "CTG" means "Core Technology Group", so for funcroc, it is not an internate tool because Onyx was never considered as a separate project with a team devoted to it, like Feargus does in this case
  20. Question : when he talks about a private, internal product, does he mean another project made completely by Obsidian with no publisher, or is he talking about a tool that's specifically made for the people at Obsidian? I think I misunderstood this one...
  21. The first page is about New Vegas, here is the part about AP : http://www.gamebanshee.com/interviews/9856...ne.html?start=1 Wow. Development hell doesn't seem to be too strong of a word I wonder if Chris is trying to defend Chris Parker (if it's him) when he talks about the Project Director who saved the project from cancellation. It always makes you wonder what happened exactly... He is right when he says that he would have done things that people would have hated all the same Less realism, an even more over-the-top story and even craziest characters??? I can already hear the screams of some people
  22. Nice pictures, but weird dagger for the skeleton guy. And two of the characters below look kinda... anime-ish? The girl and the guy with the sword? The monster is nice too, he looks really menacing.
  23. Didn't one of the developers "promise" us something soon? And there are still the interviews at Incgamer and Gamebanshee that should arrive soon.
  24. What are we talking about here? What joke? What response? On what website?
  25. (old) PC for me. I experience texture loading with the models for armors in the clearing house and the inventory.
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