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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. Questions for the the developers : can we take control of our companions if we're playing solo, or do we play only our character with the rest lead by the IA?
  2. Here is what I think : --- Shadow Operative : keep it, there is no way to make a "unseen" playthrough without it. Just disable it when Mike attacks, stealth take-downs included. --- Chainshot : well, obviously. --- Give the possibility for every weapon to perform critical hits from cover at some point, not just for the pistol and assault rifle. That includes having an indicator to know where we're aiming.
  3. The vanity view is triggered only at some specific places to give you an idea of the landscape and of the path you're going to take. I'm not sure it's something you can activate whenever you want.
  4. If it's beautiful, fun, with good enough characters and a coop mode that works well, it will be a success I think. Of course, with Diablo 3 being released soon, it will be a little rough, but there is potential. Especially on the coop mode : if Diablo 3 is anything like Diablo 2, it will have multiplayer but no "coop".
  5. I don't think this one has been posted (well, it is from today after all), E3 preview from Atomic Gamer : http://www.atomicgamer.com/articles/1069/e...dungeon-siege-3 Confirmation that the game was indeed presented on a PC. Even if I won't play it in coop, I hope too that the drop-in/drop-out system will be enabled on PC.
  6. Bring in Thermodynamic Magic, Obsidian! I'm counting on you
  7. Do something about the Gelato Man mission. I have a **** computer, but the game runs smoothly if I put the details and resolution to a minimum. But this particular mission has extreme freezing problems on my machine, as if it was somehow more demanding than the rest of the game... and I can't see why!
  8. I loved how he "narrated" the Grigori situation Especially his reason for slamming Grigori's head to the table.
  9. Change of direction midway in the project (I think the original vision had a lot less of action and stealth gameplay), change of tone (from Syriana to Bond/Bauer/Bourne), three iterations of the story to get it right, a really powerful but probably too "generic" engine (Obsidian has a history of working on top of engines already designed for RPGs), a Lead Designer that is much less focused on action-y mechanics that Josh or Nathaniel, etc. Really, there is a lot of things that could explain a relatively unpolished gameplay. Wasn't Matt "Awesome Beard" McLean the Lead Systems Designer on Alpha Protocol?
  10. Except when with the Silent Running active ability, it's not possible. And I wouldn't recommend it if there is any enemy in the vicinity that can see you, since standing about makes you completely visible.
  11. After failing I don't know many times at this mission, I did the only thing reasonnable : reloaded my last safe-house, because it was obvious I was ill-equipped, and restarted the mission. My strategy (Pistols, Stealth and Sabotage) was this I think : - first, get out by the main door. I think I used a mix of Shadow Operative and Chain Shot (tranquilizing rounds, head-shots) to take down the nearest enemies. - second, I trapped the gaps between the statue and each of the little garden blocks with shocktraps. My strategy was to keep the enemies from Surkov. I was assured that those that would get past me would be incapacitated by the traps. - third, flashbangs. Nuff' said. Those things have huge radius, I threw two of them on the biggest groups at two separate occasions, ran to them and knocked them all out with takedowns. Really, that mission was frustrating the first time. But with inside knowledge and better preparation, it was actually fun!
  12. For me, getting to Taipei from Moscow was... brutal to say the least I missed almost all the optional content in the Grand Hotel mission, and I spent ten or so minutes to open that first door after you find the informant in the metro station (THAT was frustrating!). The most surprising was the alarm/electronic lock mini-game : it has probably the "best" difficulty curve of the three mini-games. Harder ones have more nodes to activate, less time to open them. It's harder to spot the right one at the right moment, it's harder to see the right path, and the timer is even more stressful. Lockpicking and hacking really just have the timer that evolves with difficulty.
  13. But praised the research made for the Russian characters, including Brayko. Apparently, lot of Russian archetypes and "clich
  14. It seems to be a combination of "style" and various NDAs. Chris Avellone speaks more through his blog account than the forums. And Nathaniel Chapman is much more present now that his game has been announced. Must have been a NDA that he was afraid of breaking by accident Come back Matthew, we love you ! Why not? The organization the game is named after changes name every four or five years anyways!
  15. They used only the "public" modding tools, I think that's what happened.
  16. Yeah, but Project X was known by every SE fan out there, waiting anxiously for the announcement. Heck, you could say that only the people on this forum, thanks to funcroc's steady stream of information, knew that it would probably have nothing to do with SE Japan. That twitter account really clarified some things before the announcement for us.
  17. Guess what, two days after that news, it turned out people didn't understand what Chris Taylor said, because he sent a communique to say that Dungeon Siege 3 wasn't in development
  18. Never played with SMGs, but just look to the damage they do, they're the lowest of all the weapons! I suppose you better take advantage of that critical streak they have...
  19. Any chance that specific line is because Hong Shi looks a lot like his VO, James Hong?
  20. Don't forget that it has one of the nuttiest conspiracy theorist ever The "government wants to buy all the land in America" is the more probable of all. He frankly got the cake when he mentioned strawberries' rise in price as a careful experiment by the global government "to see what happens".
  21. Tranquilizing rounds are f***ing expensive, and impossible to find on the field, so if you want to go a non-lethal route, you will have to buy some, at least every two or three missions! But I agree that as far as "normal" ammunition goes, it could have been unlimited, there wouldn't have been a difference.
  22. Don't be ashamed Krezack, you're not the first one to do it Someone on the AP board did the exact same thing
  23. It seems that the guy running Caesar's Legion also took on the discipline and efficiency that characterized the Roman army for his organization. Seeing a whole cam training reminds me of it at least.
  24. The "save Surkov" mission is brutal when you're not expecting it and don't prepare for it I failed a lot, and finally decided to restart the mission over, this time preparing my gear carefully : --- I bought more tranquilizing rounds to remain true to my non-lethal playthrough --- I bought flashbangs It's those that made a big difference : huge area of effect, I just threw them and then got close to do take-downs on the enemies. Some traps on the way to Surkov's cover place helps too, in case an enemy manages to get to that point.
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