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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. If if is the same system as the EA one for Red Alert 3, no it isn't automatic, and you of course need an internet connection. But if it is the same system, you don't need to uninstall the game to free an activation, you can simply unregister the game, it will ask you to register again when you launch it. The main problem with this is that you have to remember to deactivate the game when you uninstall it. I've no problem for that kind of DRM in a game like AP. I can see less problems than with Red Alert 3 or Spore, who have a strong multiplayer element.
  2. The latest one had a lot of "interviews" that weren't new, but a good share of it was never shown before. The new PR agency must be using stuff that wasn't used before to create some of the new things.
  3. Interesting bits, thanks Funcroc. Matt still has his beard? What is the meaning of this? So the footage with him in that developper diary wasn't new? Weird that they didn't use it before if that's the case!
  4. There is a little interview of Nathan Davis on a french website : http://www.jeuxactu.com/article-44229-alph...7-a-prague.html Skip directly to 6:27 for the interview and some footage (some of it new), the bits before a little "game" by the journalist while he walks in Prague (quite funny sometimes, especially when he's stuck between two cameras ).
  5. Does he not say it would need a very persistent (and savvy) gamer to pull this off? It could also refers to active abilities. There is also the "toughness" problem to evaluate, a stealth character would probably be so fragile you wouldn't hold long in a firefight!
  6. Is there a correlation between your numerous (relatively) posts these last few days and your position as Lead Designer on another project, Nathaniel? Any hints on what it is?
  7. Does he have a cold or something? His voice sounded different...
  8. If memory serves, the guy who tried those didn't stop there, I think he tried a lot more things, some even crazier. I think his work also involved improving and "mixing" vegetables at some point. Stalin used him and his crazy research (which never worked) for propaganda. The guy entered history as one of the biggest mad scientist and charlatans ever.
  9. The bit about the "coolest thing" was hilarious, and sadly the most interesting bit of the interview Don't take me wrong, I think the questions were good and the interviewer very professional, but we didn't really learn anything new in it. Still, thanks for bringing this to us!
  10. The half-project is most likely the Wheel of Time project, since Obsidian is mostly giving their expertise with their engine.
  11. I doubt the secret project, on which Feargus is admittedly working, is a sequel to Alpha Protocol, it had been in the work for too long
  12. Wow, it's even longer than in the "Swag of the Gods" pictures on the AP blog
  13. I would like to say "obviously" This system is really particular, and restricts possibilities. It offers a really cinematic experience and makes computing reaction to the player easier, but it has also its limits.
  14. The dust thing was hilarious I hope he will make a review of Alpha Protocol, that should be fun, especially with "inside" knowledge (hearing his review after playing the game). Of course, he has to make a comment about how he was among the first to receive the game, for once
  15. Do you have "inside" knowledge about the daughter thing ? Because I don't remember Sis being described as Albatross' daughter in the previews and interviews I read, just that she was his bodyguard... but still, putting teenagers on the battlefield is still something I find really reprehensible, I wonder what's Albatross' take on morality and what are his motivations. And thanks for the report, by the way!
  16. I have a question for a dev : is it me or does Mina use a different object to smash Mike into submission at each different demonstration??? Some talked about a taser to the chest, others said she hits us with a (non-mobile) phone and some say she hits us with a statue!
  17. You can't recognize Brian Menze in that "name" ? I have already commented from me on those pictures on Deviantart, in fact
  18. After the minarets, this... come on, Switzerland !
  19. I didn't feel that it was negative, really... not completely convinced, but it had less retarded moments than the Eurogamer one! And it is very reassuring overall, for people who's been following the game for a long time...
  20. Same here : many of the things they mention in that preview are good news for me and probably for other people who still had some reservations about the game. For example, I feared that the run-and-gun way of playing would always be a good and easy way of doing things, but apparently it isn't. But the previewer makes them sound as bad things, and that is not good! Not even, like LoF said. Avellone and his team, and many people at Obsidian, have already said that they thought story should be weaved as part of the game design and around gameplay and level design, not as the center of a game.
  21. So Eurogamer is the first one since a long time to have the chance to play a hand-on version of the game? And yet they say non-sense such as the thing WorstUsernameEver quoted. I mean, that's the point of a RPG, and many people were afraid that the run-and-gun scenario would become the default option because of unbalance, that is that going gun-blazing no matter your stats would be a viable scenario. It apparently isn't, and I'm glad for it!
  22. I'm not sure MCA was being serious about NV, it was more like "Not the point if this interview, please move on!" After all, we know what is title on NV is : Senior Designer.
  23. I think that with Sega now in full PR gear, they asked MCA to stop the twit. Something he must have welcomed in a way since he must be pretty busy on NV right now!
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