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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. It's not clear for me, but hey I'm perhaps way too much influenced by the D&D rules with their dice throwing After all, there can be a difference between an answer that is so dumb and shows of the player's character's incompetence ("failure" option) and a response that is really convincing but the results can still be influenced by chance!
  2. Late spring means the same as the beginning of summer for me, its too vague to be called a delay We're not even sure that this is what the guys at Sega said, only the guy at MTV said it, and perhaps he got things mixed up or didn't remember what the release window was
  3. I'm asking this on both boards Alright, if Josh could answer that one, I would be really grateful It's again about the dialogue system and the answers linked to a skill check. I understand there is a "failure" and "success" line of dialogue, depending on our score in the corresponding skill. I also understand there is no "make things worse" consequences if we choose to do it with a skill score that is far below what is needed to succeed. So I have two questions : --- what happens if we can use our knowledge in multiple skills for one bit of conversation, but we only have one option that can succeed because we suck at all the other skills, but we still choose an option doomed to fail : does the discussion stop there and we have royally screwed up because the NPC is not about to trust us about anything now, or do we still get to try the other options? Because right now I find the whole thing weird, as in we try all the "failures" options for the flavour text and then finally choose the good option. Of course, there are exemples where I know I shouldn't worry, like the one with the guy ready to cut you up : if you fail once, he won't let you go away with it, I'm sure. But what of skill checks to convince someone of helping you, but where you can impress him with your abilities with a firearm or your knack for explosives, but you suck at pistol, and still choses the pistol option? Do we still get the chance to try the other skill check? --- in case we have the skills to succeed, is it automatic success or is there still a "check" to see if you actually succeed?
  4. Wouldn't it have needed a release date to have been delayed? You too are surprised by the number of websites claiming "Alpha Protocol is delayed again!" ?
  5. @ Syraxis You can click on the "Explosives" or "Science" optional dialogue, but if your skills aren't high enough it will just say "you fail!", not make the nuke you're trying to defuse explode in your face. Coherent with some of Josh's view on gameplay that he defined in some of his blog posts : all options brought by a certain score in a skill or attribute should be displayed as such. But they went a little bit too far here in my opinion... I suppose it is to give the player a hint of the different things he could do with a different build...
  6. Never played any Fallout, but from what I understand the skills were capped to a score of 100 in Fallout 3 when there was a way higher cap in Fallout and Fallout 2. One big problem with that new system is that a character always ended up with a perfect score in each skill by the end of the game, which destroyed the purpose of character's customization. People here were hoping for changes that would make topping all the skills impossible.
  7. And since we should not forget that we're talking about an Obsidian game :
  8. Newsbits from the march (don't ask...) issue of PC Gamer UK : http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.ph...073985&st=0
  9. The comment about the graphics really is in stark contrast with the other preview of the same event that said that the graphics were really good
  10. Wow, you worried me with your "inventory changed", I see that it is not this at all :relieved: So, they did use this time to create new features, that's good! The inventory comparison screen is probably one of the features of Dragon Age that I hope are implemented in every RPG from now on!
  11. Yeah, Hitler learned the hard way that you don't aim at the civilian centers before having destroyed the military structures. Especially if your enemy is british
  12. Did Obsidian get the chance to play the game as soon as they were "tasked" to do NV? That would be an improvement over KOTOR 2!
  13. What if the city was in such a good shape thanks to the NCR and the guy at the end is in fact completely unrelated to the NCR and wants to ransack the new city?
  14. I wonder if there will be achievements for the number of orphans created. With depressing names. Just to make the player feel guilty
  15. And now Bethesda's boards' part that is focused on New Vegas will see the invasion of people with "I'm with Obsidian" written in big letters in their sig
  16. Thanks, funcroc Too bad this article doesn't tell anything new, I hope some other websites and magazines were allowed to have a deeper look! Although I was surprised to hear something about the graphics being gorgeous (is that guy a true professional???), I really liked this quote :
  17. RT @Bethblog: Keep your eyes peeled for new stuff on #FalloutNewVegas tomorrow!
  18. I'm not going to get a localized version of the game? That would be weird...
  19. Can someone reminds me what "rep" means in that context ? And finally Sega seems to move a little bit as far as Alpha Protocol is concerned! Thanks for the update funcroc!
  20. Yeah, the description of Arrow of Slaying (tier 4 power) isn't that much different from Critical Shot (tier 2 power I think) but the effect are really different. Arrow of slaying doubles the base damage, then apply a critical hit on those damages, and then add even more damage depending on the level of the player and the level of the target. In this case, the math could have been useful, or a really "frightening" description. But as far as power description go, I think Sunder Arms and Sunder Armor are the most offending. It tells you that it hinders attack/armor, but fails to inform you that the character strikes two times when using this ability, which makes it an excellent damage dealer (especially Sunder Arms, since it has a really low stamina cost and a really short cooldown) with the bonus of hindering attack or armor.
  21. Another advantage of limited ammo : actually add another mechanic the Systems team can tinker with when designing the skills. One of the shotguns skill has exactly this.
  22. Sorry for that, it was uncalled for Another twitt about Paris : Either a french website is going to get a new trailer soon, or Paris is the last, "hidden" hub of the game
  23. I hope you had some history lessons in your "youth"? Constantinople's history was a good chunk of the Crusades' era when I was in my equivalent of the high school.
  24. I was watching all the videos there is on gametrailers, and I have a question for Rorie or any other involved at the game : in one video, Mike is just wearing what looks like a green pajama, complete with no shoes . Is it something we can take on missions, or is it just a mission where Mike was arrested and hold into a prison cell?
  25. The Sega employee who talked about AP2 is named Constantine, hence Constantinople. The Istanbul reference is there to nail the point that it is NOT a reference to the city, because if so they would have named the operation with the current name of the city. You've never heard that joke? "I've had breakfast in Byzantium, lunch in Constantinople and dinner at Istanbul, and yet I haven't moved all day!"?
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