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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. Well, like I said in the other thread, not a lot of new things, but at least some new things Notably that the intelligence we can buy includes position of alarms and security cameras, and the possibility of bribing some guards so that they look the other way.
  2. Yeah, you're probably right. But still, why do we "understand" those tweets two weeks later? It's generally sooner than that!
  3. Does someone remember what was Feargus' exact title on that fantasy RPG project they teased us with? I can't remember it...
  4. Yeah, I thought about this too, but I don't see the connection right now... perhaps later it will make sense, but right now I don't see it...
  5. I was thinking "yes", but the more I think about it, the more I think "no". The game will probably use the Onyx Engine, but I don't think it's the one Feargus and George are working on!
  6. Yeah, same here. I'm also surprised that there are only french websites who seem to have received the info. This plus the two different dates, it still sounds a little fishy But it has more credibility than on-line retailers' dates, and it fits with what we know (early summer), so yeah it could be "legit". We will know in one day or two I suppose, when there is some reactions to this...
  7. Those are not merchant websites, by the way, but video games-centered websites who all pushed forth a news (today) with a new release date, that they claim was given by Sega (and, in one case, Obsidian).
  8. Alright, they better get those numbers straight! Now two other websites, still French, say that the game will be released on 3Oth June. The second one even says that Obsidian gave them that date! I mean, what the heck??? Links : http://www.jeuxvideo.com/news/2010/0004060...ha-protocol.htm http://gam3play.fr/news.php?id=7393 PS : where the hell was the EDIT button for my previous post???
  9. A French website is saying that, according to their sources, the game is planned for a 15th June release : http://www.gamekyo.com/newsfr34806_info-gk...ra-en-juin.html
  10. The bits about the kind of intelligence we can buy was new to me. I thought it was simply bits of dossiers about organizations and characters, but it will actually include blueprints of areas with the position of alarms and security cameras, and also the possibility of bribing gards to look the other way when we're sneaking in.
  11. If Red Studios has a really limited team, I wouldn't be surprised to see Obsidian make most of the work within limits set by the Red Studios guys. If this is the famous Fantasy RPG that Feargus is working on, I'm sure there would be opportunities for George Ziets to come up with another MotB-level story!
  12. I wonder when we're going to have intel on who the fourth romanceable lady is... we know there is Mina (beat me for the hub), Sie (Moscow), Scarlet (Saudi Arabia), but we don't even know the name of the blonde woman who seems to be the fourth "option", nor what her activity is.
  13. I think I will try to specialize stealth + technical aptitude + sabotage, with a little spark of pistols just in case. And try to not touch anyone. I wonder if the team included options for a stealthy character to take on the bosses... or if some of the bosses are the stealthy, sneaky kind
  14. He finally forced himself to play it to the end ? He said he would not review it because it was not a game that interested him enough to warrant a long enough playthrough for a review.
  15. A Sega representative said, in a recent PR event in NYC, that the game was planned for an early summer release. So yeah, March is really unlikely!
  16. You're talking of the Dualshockers preview or of the hiphopgamers interview?
  17. Lol at the date they give at the end of the news I suppose they meant thursday February 11th? Apparently, the preview for the PS3 mag won't be the same as the preview for the PC mag, and should include other details! Can't wait!
  18. Sannom


    Should PC-gamers be worried by the lack of a mention of PC in the jobs proposition on the main site?
  19. And yet one website said that the graphics still needed work What's up with that???
  20. I gotta admit the guy seems excited Also, they have either a rather small and quiet "audience" or no fear of the Bioware fanboys to give that title ot their video. "Alpha Protocol Gets Bigger Than Mass Effect 2", really???
  21. A little bit too much enthusiastic for my taste actually
  22. I should have been more specific : by "comments", I meant that it was never presented officially as a feature of the game. Players saw it in the videos, and sometimes a dev would come out and say something about it, but never was the ammo management presented as a feature of the game.
  23. Obsidian never talked about how the ammo was managed in AP. We just saw the evolution from infinite to finite through the screenshots and videos, there was never a comment on this. And pistols were designed as a stealth players' weapon, not around infinite ammo.
  24. Can the PR campaign get any worse??? Go at 19:35 to see the short interview about AP. That is, if you can bear with the interviewer : http://hiphopgamershow.ning.com/profiles/b...cal-gets-bigger Can somebody tell me what's the optional thing? My english isn't good enough to catch it. And oh, time for people to agree on the graphics! People says it's bad and needs work, others say it's gorgeous! Please make up your mind already!
  25. Yeah, I agree that June is summer, but Amazon always gave that date, even for Spring, so it is not really a delay if you consider this particular seller. The official webiste still has a Spring 2010 release window, and some retailers still give a march date...
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