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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. My gaming magazine actually teased us with a "big surprise" for their latest issue. Then the Editor in Chief of the magazine said that the surprise wasn't so "big" after all. It turns out they were talking about the next Brian Fargo game, and were quite surprised to see a dungeon crawler instead of the awaited Wasteland 2 The Editor in Chief nearly cried
  2. The Codex isn't even aware that there is a video walkthrough from GDC
  3. Communication difficulties, I heard. The art assets were made by a russian developer, and there were big problems to coordinate the whole thing.
  4. They aren't hired muscle, but they play the same exact role There is the big horde of relatively human-sized monsters, and the rarer big and strong ones thay use for extra muscle. But as far as the gamer is concerned, it doesn't make a big difference : they're still a horde of undifferentiated mooks that he has to exterminate before they exterminate all traces of civilization. This makes the threat no different than the King of Shadows' undead horde, or the generic orcs' horde that threaten to destroy all civilization in a part of the world.
  5. I will probably pre-order it as soon as I know where I will be on May 28th Not before.
  6. I think you may have missed a reference to NWN 2 there... and to the legions of epic level gnolls in MotB. Some people were upset about that. And yes, Darkspawn are basically orcs/lizardmen/gnolls/goblins/kobolds, well you know, the regular evil horde of doom With their hired muscle giants/ogres.
  7. And you're still under NDA, right? That sucks And it's not stopping! How many interviews this week does this make??? Three? Four? Still, the two Matts, MacLean and Rorie (they should throw Hickman in the mix sometime, if only to give a headache to the interviewer ) answer question over at Hooked! Gamers, and I think we learn some new and interesting things, especially on gadget use, stealth, story construction : http://www.hookedgamers.com/features/2010/...protocol-2.html Kudos to Matt (MacLean) for his jokes about "so it's okay in the end", they made me smile
  8. The Noble opening is really, really bad. Nothing interesting happens, the characters are bland, the consequences on the later game are even less than for the other origins, except the Dalish one.
  9. There is no way we "have" to kill him, at any rate I wonder what would happen in that mission if you go the stealthy route, do you think the fight against the stryker could change accordingly? Another thing, do you think Mr Hickman actually played the full-martial arts, stealthy, non-lethal road? The way he describes it, its like he was talking from experience when he said that it was really difficult.
  10. About that : I'm not the only one who thinks that the guy falling to his death is not directly after the throat-chop, right? His position isn't right for the transition...
  11. When did you play the game, awsomeness? Matthew Hickman is interviewed about the game : http://g4tv.com/videos/44739/GDC-2010-Alph...iew/?quality=hd I swear I'm going to associate this guy with the game about as much as I associate the Obsidian crew
  12. Try to read about Operation Fortitude. I'm sure THAT is the reason they chose WW2 for this game. Probably the best scam ever by the British counter-intelligence. I mean, the one who were scammed never realised they had been tricked
  13. The Lieutenant is probably not "killable" outright : you bring him at zero HP, and then there is cutscene where you decide of his fate, kinda like Sis. There was obviously some dialogue cut in that playthrough, probably after the Lieutenant was defeated and after we have Shaheed on the other side of our gun. If we don't kill Shaheed, I wonder what Darcy would say... unless we fake killing him perhaps? New preview : http://www.justpushstart.com/2010/03/12/gd...col-impression/ Those bits make the flashback/flashforward thing weirder and weirder, and seriously makes me wonder why they never talked about it before : Also, dialogue :
  14. There is that report from one of the fans who went to the GDC event :
  15. I don't know, I find this so corny, it's almost awesome
  16. Is there an english version of Germinal, by Emile Zola? Nihilism in that one is quite scary. And dangerous. Merely a lone terrorist with no attach taking any chance he has to bring disarray into society. Including having an entire coal mine collapse, with a full shaft of miners in it. Beside the horror, I always thought that guy was quite badass to pull this one off...
  17. Thanks, funcroc (after how many times saying the same exact thing can we start to wonder who is the mystery guy giving us all those bits of intel ) Some nice things in that preview, although not much. Really liked this : Alright, I really didn't expect the second part! I thought they were going to show Mike being more aggressive and rude to the "intruder", but in fact no, she beats him up the moment he gets into the room !
  18. He doesn't review a lot of games, and the reviews are always negative He gave Prince of Persia an "extremely tentative recommendation", I don't know if it counts as positive or not...
  19. What of the horloge ticking at the top right of the screen when you use it?
  20. They ignore their child for a virtual one, and they were bad parents at that. Didn't the child get bad treatments too???
  21. KOTOR 2 feels more dark for the desperate-ness you can find in some of the characters, that is lacking in the first one. The methods of Revan to turn Jedi into Sith were also quite horrible. There is also the issue of the main SIth in the game. Usually, they are conquerors with mad light saber/Force skills, they are amongst the smartest characters of the story, and they just breath "impressive". Not so much for Sion and Nihilus. Those two brought the thirst of power of the Sith to extremes than no other Sith would be willing to reach because they are just too costly. Sion is just a broken corpse living in total agony, kept alive only by the power he takes from his pain, and whose only objective is to destroy things, not even trying to rule. Nihilus is even worse : his power is unprecedented, but his hunger for the Force sensitives is the only thing that drives him, to the point that he is controlled by it. Those Sith aren't "cool" like Revan, Malak or Vader are. They are more pathetic than anything.
  22. But I somehow doubt that Bioware would "give away" one of their license so soon... and especially more skeptical that EA wouldn't try to keep the development of that spin-off in a studio they own.
  23. I admit, if there aren't two bears involved in one of the answers, it would be disappointing
  24. What's funny with that quest is that even though no one is innocent, one of the sides is so definitely evil and beyond redemption that you can't possibly side with it if you have some sort of conscience And . The other moral choices in the games aren't as defined though, and all are actually "good". Dragon Age, on the other hand, you can reach an almost "perfect" ending on all hubs :
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