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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. Wasn't the yacht mission in Saint Petersburg? I think it's set in Russia...
  2. Thanks, funcroc ! But... I haven't read it entirely yet, but what a mess ! I have to re-read some things twice to understand it, and I have to guess the meaning of some of the sentences! Sometimes I don't even know if he's talking about the day at Black Isle (nice to know where that name come from, by the way ) or the days at Obsidian! Whoever wrote that article needs to learn some article-writing skills!
  3. I most definetely agree with this definition of Bourne. And as far as specialization goes, I think I would choose Stealth, Martial Arts and Pistols. And mix the rest of the points between Assault Rifles (in which the sniper rifles are) and Toughness. But another question : what would be for you the perfect "pacifist", the kind of guy that tries to dodge all the enemies? Probably a focus on Stealth, Sabotage and Technical Aptitude, with a little flavor of pistols on the side...
  4. No, I haven't But in general, those comments come after a new development around Alpha Protocol or the situation of Obsidian. But here, what could it mean? I can't link it to anything that happened recently, so maybe it's something we don't know about yet?
  5. I have a question, what do you think of the fact that the math in the Dragon Age rule set is so inelegant that they don't dare to show it to the player (I remember Josh saying in one blog post that a developer should show clearly to the player what the different abilities do)? Also, what about the fact that the description of some capacities really makes them sound under-powered while they are in fact extremely powerful (Arrow of Slaying, Sunder Arms and Sunder Armor come to mind)?
  6. The melee combat sure looked a lot more badass Not so sure about the firearms action... I'm really eager to see how the statistics of the different weapons behaves in the game. I needed the "that's what it does but we don't want to bore you with figures so we won't explain you how it works" approach used in Dragon Age to really appreciate a system that says you how your weapons and everything work! That's where you see that the integer approach is way better than the floating number approach...
  7. There are marks on the progression bar, just seeks the one that is marked "Preview Alpha Protocol" and click on it. Not exactly what you're searching, but it's easy enough.
  8. Is he face-palming himself confronted to the interviewer's stupidity, or is he serious? That's the question! Yeah, more walkthrough videos, because this one wasn't really that interesting. Probably because of who was doing the comments. I laughed a little when he talked about "dual-wielding femmes fatales (speaking of french language : in "m
  9. In that "Most anticipated games of 2010" video that is set to arrive thursday?
  10. I have my, let's say, doubts about that thing. This announcement is nearly two years old, at a time The Crossing was still set to be released. Isn't that project the one they shafted for lack of a publisher??? Plus I'm not sure that the two studios, the french and the american one, are independant, they both work on the same thing...
  11. It could also be a Might and Magic, a "real" one Ubisoft is planning to expand itself in RPGs (and sports games, but it's unrelated), and Arkane is a good choice for such a game : their relationship with Ubisoft is good since Dark Messiah and they have the experience with Arx Fatalis.
  12. Nah, the game was intented from the get-go to be linked with the new HoMM universe, which also includes HoMM 5 + Expansions and the puzzle-game Clash of Hearoes. It's HoMM 5, however, which started development before the new universe was finalized and thus lacked a real feeling for the universe, but the expansions were better for this I heard. I don't know where exactly the story of Dark Messiah takes place in it, but I know that the cannon ending is the evil one...
  13. Well, didn't you have your question answered already, I mean, we DO know that Sie will always escape that little fight in the train station!
  14. But he definitely needs to check those "reliable sources" of his, this plus the Game informer "fiasco", I wonder who he's going to trust from now on
  15. Although Deus Ex 3 is a different case : the silence about it could also mean a new direction is taken for the game, different of what they were doing with it until now. And you can really say "We don't know anything". Alpha Protocol is a different case. What really frustrates me is that there is number of features I have a pretty good guess of how it works, but I can't say "That's how it works, they said it", only "I suppose that's how it works from some comments here and there". For example, limited gear for the missions : how many weapons? How many gadgets? Is there a limit on the munitions? Is there an inventory system for the missions and some kind of loot?
  16. Mr Brian Menze, I suppose, posted that concept art for a character of the game, mister Molten Face : http://brenze.deviantart.com/art/Alpha-Pro...Fight-151058405
  17. Can you remind me what he did at Obsidian? Main scenarist for the first draft of NWN 2, perhaps?
  18. RPG-focused websites like Gamebanshee and the Watch usually tells about it. I personnaly bring the news to the french boards I dwell on (even if the news is often already brought by other people) too.
  19. Yeah, that's the first new information we had in a while, and I think it's the first of many Well, I hope. Do you think the Technical Aptitude was presented in details in that interview? Because I've really got the impression that it doesn't have any real utility on its own, it looks like it only complements all the other skills, and a lot of the equipment I thought that it was the skill linked to gadgets and modifications...
  20. Yeah, I know how you gain the perk, but the bonus in game is +5 Endurance, so I ask : what is Endurance in Alpah Protocol?
  21. I don't think I can defend the game on this one : some of the skills enables clearly super-human abilities. I don't have a problem with it, but I can understand that it could worry some people. I'm expecting the Remote Hack to be "magical", in fact. Perharps not completely, as in they say that Mike Thorton as learned some tricks using his usual equipment to make it possible, but I doubt there is a need for actual equipment for lockpicking and hacking (not like in Deus Ex).
  22. As hinted by Chris Avellone's twitter, Gamebanshee has come up with a new interview about Alpha Protocol, featuring Chris Avellone (Lead Designer) and Matt MacLean (System Leads) : http://www.gamebanshee.com/interviews/9645...a-protocol.html An interesting read, especially the second page and the end of the first page. I really liked the details about Sabotage, Technical Aptitude and Stealth. I really like how those three skills can actually be used by very different kind of players, even Stealth can be useful for people who aren't really in the whole stealth mojo. And can someone enlighten me about the orphanage thing? I'm not sure I understood clearly what Chris meant with that paragraph...
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