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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. I agree about the gameplay, not so much about the story and characters. I thought those were still top material, and the plot was more focused while still being interesting and complex. I especially loved the revelation that two factions that were fighting each other were actually part of the same plot by the same organization, plot aimed at reorganizing human society as quickly as possible. Okay, I admit, I was weirded out when Carth made his declaration to my character in the first Kotor, where I played a female character. So I think I see your point. But I would still probably play it, and try to avoid getting too close to the love interests But I still think the point of the OP to be ridiculous. Alpha Protocol is not like a normal RPG, it is not like what Obsidian does regularly. They tried something different because they wanted to change a little bit, that doesn't mean that all their games will follow that formula from now on!
  2. Another preview by MSXbox-World about Alpha Protocol, based on the version of the Gamescom. Can't wait for more info from PAX, if I remember well, there would be a playable version, right?
  3. They did it with Red Alert 3. I hated it. You have to check on the net to install the game and then PLAY the game even if you have the CD in the drive. When you happen to play in a place with a proxy, it makes the game impossible to play because there is no way to configure a proxy for this kind of software. So I say : first a disc check, and if unsuccessfull, an internet check, like that the people who doesn't need the disc can play without it. When Internet is needed for activation, it becomes the worst kind of DRM ever. I'm accustomed to playing with a disc in the drive, I mean I'm a gamer for ten years now, everyone who played that "short" amount of time is used to have a disc in the drive.
  4. Well, here is what I think (or is it what I would like?) will be a classic. I only list games that I played. Role playing games The Witcher : good universe and story, memorable protagonist, more mature themes than in your average game, developer's dedication to its fans, long-term choices. Neverwinter Nights 2 & add-ons : this is only if Obsidian really expands on what they did in the expansions for their next full-blown classical RPG. Perks linked to your reputations with your allies, overland map, character-focused story, etc. Action & Platform games Prince of Persia : The Sands of Times trilogy : especially the first and third game, the second one is too dark for the overall tone of the story. The first one will be remembered as the revival of the series and because of the gameplay, different than the two others. The third one took the more violent and classical gameplay of the second game, enhanced it, introduced the Dark Prince and gave us kick-ass boss battles. Rayman 3 : funny characters, georgeous art style, great gameplay, and I loved the kate-boarding between the levels. That was a good mini-game. Prototype : mainly remembered for the free-roaming, sensation of power when diriging Alex and general gameplay. Could ensure a place as a classic if a sequel expands and improve the original formula. Adventure games Runaways series : partly because they're good games in their own right and because there is a lack of competion. The art is beautiful, the characters funny and interesting, and the whole thing is a good experience.
  5. I think that one was already posted, can't remember where though... probably in the topic about IGN's preview?
  6. A new preview on Games Radar : http://www.gamesradar.com/ps3/alpha-protoc...313162054421046 Just, I wish people would understand that the dialogues aren't simply finding the right stance for the right character and sticking to it You can be all suave with Sie, it will change how the mission occurs, bring other benefits, but it's not a "bad" choice!
  7. I tried. Got me right to the website of a Swiss life insurance company, the Wikipedia page of a security patch for Linux and of course the Wikipedia page of the "Pax Romana". Plus results for the "PACS", something that is proper to France. Bottom line : I still don't know
  8. Well, from as far as we've seen, Alpha Protocol has too kind of jobs as an espion : James Bond-like missions where he talks in order to get informations or upset the target, and Sam Fisher-like missions where he goes into hostile territory. The two kind of missions don't really seem to blend. But yeah, I think taking a body-armor for meeting Grigori will make immediately suspicious
  9. Given the structure of the game, I have the impression that XP is given only at the end of the current mission, and that you level up only in the safe houses. It that is the case, there should be no problem : the XP from the mission should include all "casualties" plus a nice bonus for every gard untouched.
  10. I really think that there is two things that need to be made perfectly clear because they go against some of the most common rules of RPG, even the ones made by Obsidian, andI'm still surprised to see people think that Alpha Protocol has them : --- no free roaming and taking quests from standing NPC : people contacts Mike for the quests. He is a secret agent, not an adventurer. --- no conversation skills. That would completely destroys the dialogue system they put up.
  11. Something is telling me you don't need weapons outside the embassy, so that's why in the video they were not drawn out. But as soon as you enter, and the action begins, then you will probably get the weapons out.
  12. Try to take Sie with your fists when there is a big hole between you and her
  13. That's what they said here. The girl is violent and mute. The specific quote is this :
  14. And she's mute. Don't forget about the mute part. That should be interesting to see.
  15. Nah, I just took his word and forgot to put it in context. Better said, I forgot about the boss battles and that not everyone in that game is a simple goon. But since the boss battle can be avoided or you can chose to spare them at the end (see Sis), well I consider that the statement that you can pass the game without killing anyone is true and not a play on words. You can pass through the goons without touching them, and you always have the option to avoid the fight with the important characters.
  16. Ah, forgot something important : the "you can actually get through Alpha Protocol without killing anyone" isn't a play of words. Alvin really makes it clear, we can finish the game without ever touching anyone, so without killing them or putting them into a prolonged coma by hitting them on the head.
  17. Ok, definitely NOT the good guy to send to a big event like that Alvin doesn't seem accustomed to interviews, his hesitations can be frustrating. But the excerpts from the game are good, and I warmed up to the graphics. I like Grigori's voice, good old cheesy russian accent
  18. I think the ones who made Onyx were the tech of Obsidian. The game designers probably helped designing it I suppose.
  19. I'm really curious about the Onyx. He was built with RPGs in mind, but what kind of RPG? Party-based? Can it be used for any kind of rules?
  20. I'm not very knowledgeable about P&P RPG, but aren't Pathfinder's rules complicated for a "real time" RPG in the vein of NWN 2? I mean, I've seen the material for the Eldricht Knight, his new power of adding a spell to his critical hits must be pretty hard to implement in a easy-to-use ability for a computer RPG!
  21. Argh, enough with the tease, someone tells us what it is already
  22. I won't say that great minds think alike, because mine isn't that great. But fans do think alike. Especially when they're eager for any news about the most RPG part of the game I prefer to think that : --- a perk named like that with that kind of effect is funny to anyone --- everyone is happy to learn more about things that we knew, but we're never actually shown --- Grigori has received a lot of focus recently, anything more about him is noticeable. Wonder what happens when we threaten him? He laughs in our face?
  23. Since they will probably use mostly Onyx from now on, I don't really see the point And Alpha Protocol is already finished, do you really want to torture them ?
  24. I laughed at the "Rome-ance" perk that gives Michael a +5 Endurance I like the two first pics, menu of the perks and customization of armor. Apparently, we can get a discount on almost anything with Grigori : we knew about the armor one when being nice, the weapon one when being violent, now we know the gadget one when being professional. And I quite like the appearance we can give to Michael in the second pic. Feels natural, especially the hair. Don't all spies have secret identities ? Or maybe I'm confusing with super-heroes...
  25. Yeah, but it is more likely easier for Obsidian to go that road since they have way much more control on when and how the player meets those characters. Alpha Protocol was intended to merge the story and gameplay, and they chose the right restrictions, the right bariers, to make that goal come true. Being a spy RPG kinda makes this easier I think, since the Hub system makes a lot more sense in this kind of setting.
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