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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. I'm going to assume that the U.S are the biggest market for AP and that they're not stupid. Good thing with Internet is that you can read reviews from England-based websites. Not to mention French, German, Polish, every language you can think of, there is at least one person who's going to make a run-down of what the reviews say.
  2. I was (again) amused by Sie's character sheet, notably the "never engage, or if forced, call for reinforcements before" bit Also, it sounds like VCI really is a big, big faction in the game. Sie is one of their top operative, Marburg is their Field Operative Officer and Madison is also working for them.
  3. @ WorstUsernameEver : not your concern, I know, the the Expanded Universe does have of the greatest example of Magnificient Bastard ever
  4. I was thinking more along the lines of the "Christmas tree" thing, but yeah, the Canadian stuff qualifies too
  5. Question : can anyone see in that preview the kind of dialog that Chris was glad to do thanks to the setting ?
  6. I think sniper rifles are one-time weapons that are used for specifics missions. In that case, I think we can assassinate a Taiwanese candidate for the presidency...
  7. That guard's voice is indeed deep Either he's not accustomed to speak english or he's too heavy of a smoker. Or his throat got damaged somehow. I like Mike's VA here, too. He got the snarky and sarcastic thing down at least Professional sounds a little bit... rude. Also, is it me or is there some kind of back-stab thingy in that video? That guard who ran at Mike's location without knowing where he was (let's not focus on the fact that he should have seen him ) was put down with only one punch after what seems to be a contextual action. This video is another good news : it looks like foreign versions of the game will have subtitles in their language, but the voice-over will remain the english version. Good for me!
  8. I've asked for precisions on the Sega boards, because either I'm completely misunderstanding something, or that 5 activations limit is in fact not limited at all I mean, how can that scheme work if it doesn't check the activation each time you launch the game??? You can just install the game, free the slot on the web and still play your game since it doesn't make any check after the installation. Unless they have a non-blocking check each time you launch the game that forces you to re-activate if needs be, but just gets over with the game if it can't reach the internet? That would be counting on the general "I don't care" attitude of most people, which isn't stupid, but wow wouldn't it be unnecessarily sneaky
  9. Not more stupid than a disk check (whose absence is probably the reason for the DRM).
  10. Given how direct she is, this doesn't seem surprising
  11. I'm amused by the contrast Sie poses with the other ladies She's the only outright "action girl" of the lot, she is over 6 feet tall, she is more lust-driven than romance-driven and she is more than ten years older than Mike It's as if Wynne was a romance option in Dragon Age
  12. @ Krezack : I must say that I really don't understand your problem with AP's DRM scheme if you don't have a problem with Steam Either with Steam or Uniloc, you still need to activate the game online after you install it. Uniloc only has the minor setback that if your activation count is full, you need to deactivate one, and like I said, the game takes you through it, and it's easy to do. But it has the advantage that you can lend the game to friends (I have become a Steam-hater after I was unable to play Half-Life 2 because I lent it to a friend before playing it) and that you can resell it.
  13. Nah, you don't even need to do that. When you try to activate the game and all five activations are used up, the game takes you through the process of deactivating one of the other installations. It seems all really intuitive.
  14. The point of my post was really to show that you gain experience both for evasion and destruction Which is a good thing.
  15. I think I already expressed my view on how having the game relatively short was good design when you focused so much on reactivity and replayability.
  16. I'm just going to assume you're the same guy than this guy at Iron Tower, but that Czech guy charged of the official translation in his language seemed to like the game. A lot.
  17. Yeah, I know about the tutorial, I was surprised too. We will see... No mention of the overall difficulty, sorry. But he didn't complain about it. The positive focused on many things : - although he didn't expand on the subject in the preview, he liked the hand-to-hand combat. - because it's nearly impossible to predict what will be the results of our action, the player feels a lot more compelled to play a role, instead of being opportunistic to get the best result. - the writing. He found it it fresh, often humorous, always credible, even when totally clich
  18. New preview at a French magazine (Canard PC, literally "Duck PC". Don't ask), really, really enthusiastic and positive, except where we know the game lacks, notably graphics and animation. It's also interesting because it helps shed some lights on those comment a few months back on "the initial levels were too challenging for the player and that the game didn't feel like a RPG". Apparently, it was all true : the initial level are really, really difficult, almost unfair, to the player not yet accustomed to the game and whose character is completely under-equipped. And the RPG comment apparently stems from the fact that the tutorial is terrible, putting emphasis on useless thing and forget to talk about the important thing, the RPG-ness of the game. No wonder the evaluator has those words...
  19. People don't see what they don't want to. Are you going to end all your posts in Brook's style from now on???
  20. Wasn't expecting that, it's basically a run-down of all the passive and active abilities the Stealth line opens up I like how all those articles have different focuses and styles. Can't wait for the final one.
  21. I was also thinking, perhaps it's the number of AP invested in it...
  22. You mean the +# in front of the skills when they make the demonstration? Either it's just the cool factor, some sort of Fishleg-ism (alright, I saw that movie too much) or the actual level of Michael in that skill (but I doubt it, Fury doesn't need Martial Arts maximized I think). Still, XP gained for defeating enemies : 200, and XP gained for evading enemies : 510? Love it!
  23. New preview at MTV Multiplayer, I think they explain a little better chat the iron sight is about : http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2010/05/03/...t-of-fallout-3/
  24. What's new to me : - the EMP grenades. While I knew they were there, the fact that we can use them to hack computers or disable door alarms if we have enough ranks into Technical Aptitude is new. - the side-effects of the first-aid kit. It reminds me of the potions in The Witcher, take too much of those and you're dead! - the fact that we can use incendiary grenades to block cameras' sight. All in all, a more informative and interesting article than yesterday! A good surprise, I hope tomorrow will be as good!
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