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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. I think the game you're thinking of is Lionheart. Heard it's great in Barcelona, not so much after.
  2. Horrid Wilting is designed to not hurt your party, I suppose Abi-Dalzim was the kind of man to care about his companions not getting hurt by friendly fire. I remember that I wanted that spell, but there were other 8th-level spells for my sorcerer and Jan couldn't get it due to his specialization. As for the other spells you mentionned, I suppose it's because they're "legendary" spells?
  3. How many stances does the Guardian have anyways??? Some previews say he has One-Handed and Two-Handed, some says he has Two-Handed and Two-Weapons, some says he has One-Handed and Two-Weapons... does that mean he has in fact three stances, but each previewer only sees two in one presentation?
  4. I believe the stance system is applied to all the classes, but it won't be one-handed VS two-handed for all classes. In the screen-shots, we've seen that the Archon was wielding either a traditional wizard staff or some sort of (apparently magic-created) spear on fire : those two weapons are probably indicator of different 'stances' for that class (with the staff, probably the close-combat and fire-kicks, and long-range damage when wielding the spear).
  5. French forum. He didn't seem to be a part of the magazine (it's the Canard PC boards) or of another magazine.
  6. Guy on another forum said that he thought the UI was smart, basically they seem to have included a grid inventory and they use a "trick" to enable the use of multiple abilities even on the limited number of buttons on a console controller. I'm betting the stance system is that "trick".
  7. Heck, I'm curious to hear about that german preview that is supposed to be made by a Dungeon Siege fan. Apparently, those should make room for some disappointment.
  8. I can live with graphics that aren't the best, I just hope gameplay won't suffer because of it and that Onyx can do better for a PC-exclusive title (and that Obsidian will one day do one of those again).
  9. They say the game is more of an action/RPG
  10. I doubt that Obsidian can use the brand of "gory, dark & edgy" that Bioware used to advertise Dragon Age. So yeah, that's near impossible.
  11. That little teaser couldn't have been as big as that, could it???
  12. I think the "mystery fantasy project" was Dungeon Siege 3 all along (as "demonstrated" by the fact that Feargus was the project director on it for a time. Wonder if the change was made when the game entered another phase in production...), this new one is fairly recent I think. As for who's on each project, I think it's like that : - Sawyer and Taylor are on New Vegas and Dungeon Siege 3, that much is known. - Avellone, with all the work from New Vegas, is probably on a project that isn't too far along, I would say Wheel of Time. - Lyon is probably on that "private" project.
  13. Hey, I never thought I would find Dungeon Siege fans that are just as cynical and grumpy as die-hard Fallout fans, yet here they are
  14. Maybe they forgot to put Dungeon Siege 3 in the list? It sure appears in the copyright disclaimer, I don't know if it means anything...
  15. I suppose it means that even if there isn't a top-down view, it won't be a KOTOR/NWN2-without-patch system where the camera is automatically glued to the character that is controlled, instead giving you the opportunity to choose your point of view and then give orders.
  16. So I suppose Nathaniel just received confirmation that he will indeed go to the Gamescom, not that he is actually going to it right now. It doesn't start until two weeks, no?
  17. We should have the bare minimum, according to the previews at the E3 : throwing monsters off cliffs to their death.
  18. There is an aquatic civilization of creatures called "Vodyanoi" in The Witcher, that's probably why many are familiar with the name. I didn't know they were inspired by an actual creature of the slavic folklore however.
  19. The funniest thing the AI did in my playthrough was suddenly turning around and shooting in the direction opposed to mine because he heard a grenade (I'm really bad at aiming those things) go off behind him
  20. Also, is that a Flaming Kick the Archon is doing on the second screen ? Who is she, Viper?
  21. I like the lighting and environment in the first two pictures. Same for colors and art direction for the Guardian's equipment (normal-looking claymore, what's look like a Roman glaive, etc.). Not so thrilled about the third one though...
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