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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. O. Boulon from Canard PC is chatting with the people on the 'his' forum about the game, answering numerous questions about graphics, gameplay, hardcore mode, strategy, etc. There is too much thing to sum up here, but he just said that what some reviews present as bugged quests (no reward of any sort) are not bugged at all, but simply ways for a player to assert his 'roleplay'. And apparently they have visible repercussions later on. Also, he said that Boone is not really the talkative type, so if you like them chatty, don't take him as your companion. He still said that he is really well written, everything from his past and previous experiences, to how the world responds to him (beggars in some areas insult him because he is part of the NCR, NCR civilians are impressed, NCR soldiers are envious that you got to be his partner).
  2. I believe that the people who talks about a two-weapons stance are either confused or didn't express themselves very well, because the Guardian in the different presentations had a two-handed stance for crowd control, a sword+shield offensive stance for massive one-target damage, and a sword+shield defensive stance for defense.
  3. Was Alvin playing through the presentation, or was it his colleague? We didn't see what he used right? He could have used a mouse and keyboard for all we know... It would be good to have a short synopsis of the Dungeon Siege 3 panel, they talked about stories and characters in there, no?
  4. At about 8:30, after they use the souped-up 'dash' power for the second time : you can see the camera losing its focus on the Guardian and start going in the other direction. Alvin really said "What did you do?"
  5. Yeah, I saw that thing too. The guy probably didn't pay attention to Square Enix's program for that event, the main games were explicitely stated to be Deus Ex 3, Dungeon Siege 3 and Final Fantasy XIV, with only two panels, one for Dungeon Siege 3 and the other for Deus Ex 3. I suppose that guy didn't realize that Square Enix isn't really a developer in the West, but a publisher. What's that DDFF game he was talking about, by the way?
  6. Dunno, the only test I read about that game depicted it as an almost traumatizing experience in its horror. Granted, reviewers in that magazine tend to be quite intense and idiotic on purpose, but he seemed kind of serious...
  7. Japan cannot their own history too, according to some games and other medias Just like the West with their own history actually
  8. When will we get new info on the lore and classes we will play ? PS : and is it your team that got kudos for "three vistas in a rows, one secret area, and one more vista" ?
  9. No, seriously, I'm confused too : is that guy supposed to not have breasts ? Because he really looks like he has them!
  10. Dunno, the alternative is auto-leveling, and I hate that thing! Although if the alternative to auto-leveling is grinding, then that's worse. Baldur's Gate 2 was my favorite in that regard (unless there was auto-leveling in there too?).
  11. I don't really think so, Bethesda is still the one who made 80% of the work, building the base for the enhancements, giving the basics for the mechanics, etc. Modders have different view points, experiences than the devs that helps improving some things according to their taste and other fans that help them.
  12. Alternative theory to the above, some people believes he might be a Malkavian... who can walk in broad daylight... through the power of crazy ?
  13. After reading that preview, can someone tell me if there was a "pacifist" trait in Fallout & Fallout 2? The kind that bumps Speech but decreases weapons skills? He also mentionned that shooting felt better, his character still being good enough with a pistol but completely useless with anything heavier (his character was a wimp with average agility and perception, above average intelligence and excellent charisma).
  14. Apparently, someone broke the build. For the first time.
  15. In the context of the thread it means that there are higher res textures for the PC, and that Obsidian won't do a super-high-res-textures optionnal pack like the one the OP asked.
  16. I believe it's more a reflexion along the line of Yathzee's in that piece : http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/v...le-Protagonists
  17. But at least they wear practical clothes for travel and fight. A sorceress in a "normal" universe would have gone to battle with the same outfit Triss wore at that reception Not to mention how "buff" wizards are in that universe... I mean, dual-wielding morning stars? Or beating Geralt senseless with a lead pipe? That's not proper form for a wizard !
  18. There is for the PC, so I would be really surprised if ther wasn't for the console!
  19. French version of AP installed in English on top of a French Windows 7 32-bits : it doesn't work, the game isn't launched at all.
  20. The question is : spiritual sequel, alright, but to what ? Alpha Protocol? Another of the games that Obsidian did? I could see Obsidian re-use Alpha Protocol's perk system quickly, not so sure about the dialog system (especially in a small project). Mixture of stealth and combat (not action, action isn't a way of playing, it's a "context") would be great, as well as the modern setting.
  21. He even mentioned his source of intel I'm not sure I would have made a news post with only intel gathered from snippets of interviews and a blog post Although that news bit you quoted (and the translation by google trad is really "good" here, I'm shocked) is new.
  22. Yeah, but remember what Ziets' record was before MotB? That's right, MMOs You can't always judge someone's writing from its previous work apparently.
  23. Wow, was Wakfu so much of a money sink that they needed an external publisher ? That game has seen, what, two closed betas and twice as much changes in its formula since it's started development!
  24. I think you're covered for the Russian part of the game. The Taiwanese part might be trickier, but if we didn't hear about it from Chinese players, I don't think it's really that sensitive for them.
  25. 'C' is for '12', 'A' is for '10' It goes like this in hexadecimal : 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F
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