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About dogukan

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. mate, sorry for the late reply. I'm glad you find it useful. the thing is, I don't know why can't you se nSISReputation parameter. have you encountered her before? the save file only keeps record of the characters you've encountered and/or spoke before. cheerio, -dogukan.
  2. I've seen Obsidian make mistakes before, but holy f****.
  3. greetings, I appreciate your help greatly. you can fill in any details that I lack in knowledge. Although I currently don't have AP installed, I can get it soon. perhaps you could work something out with my reputation hack? like a hack compilation or something, I don't know. by the way, right now I use HXD Hex editor, it's free and has no limitations, plus it has the same features with HHD.
  4. >implying agent will be a RPG >implying free roam makes games RPGs >implying oblivion, a game with "freedom", respawning enemies, character development and questing had core RPG values
  5. well, I realized that lots of things are based on those "dots" right now. skills use them too, aswell as perks. I wish we could reverse engineer the game, so we would have a total definition of what a parameter is good for. I thought this reputation hack was a real breakthrough, but now I realize it's only a small step. there are people that actually have an idea about reverse engineering / programming, I think they should take a look into the savegames. I mean, if the greedy bastards in the CH can release a save editor, so can we. plus, this is a tradition for obsidian games. every obsidian game has a save editor - why not AP?
  6. if you finish the game in recruit mode, you can replay the game in the veteran mode. although you don't exactly carry over items in veteran mode, you have extra dialouge options, more money and more skills in the beginning. there's no western propaganda in this game at all.
  7. yes, I've tried that. but changing the value anything else than 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 makes the dot change to the correspondant number, and I haven't tried if that works.
  8. honestly, I have no idea. I think my project fell a little short there.
  9. Alpha Protocol Reputation Hack // Sept. 3 2010 05:26 (GMT+3) Okay, here's the thing; I played this game a lot and I said some wrong things. In life, there's no turning back from saying wrong things, but in games we got HEX editors, therefore we can change things as we wish. I wanted to change reputation points, so I went looking for a save editor. The only save editor that was released was the CheatHappens save editor, and it was "sold", not released to public. At that point, I gave the middle finger to them, refusing paying money for cheats, and started thinking of my own reputation hack. I've came up with this; 1- You open any xxxxx.sav file with your HEX editor. I personally use HEX Editor Neo's free version. 2- Now we search for the desired character's Engine name. The engine name is the name of a character that has been appointed to it by the developers. Enginenames are like this; "nMinaTangReputation" now, the bolded things, the "n" and the "Reputation" thingy are absolutes for an engine name. Another enginename example would be nAlbatrossReputation or nSIEReputation. 3- So, when you search for that value, you'll come up with something like "nMinaTangReputation........." Let's have a closer look to those dots. As you can see, there are nine dots. The fifth dot and the nineth dot have values, the other dots are valued 00 hexadecimally, therefore useless. But their uselessness are protected by the engine, so if you try to change those values, you **** your savegame up. Let's say the Reputation value of Mina Tang is 9. This means she's "Trusted". In your hex editor, it will look like this; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | The number of dots . . . . . . . . . | the dots 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 12 | the hexadecimal meaning of the dots The fifth dot is hexadecimally your reputation amount. The last dot is always valued at 12. I don't know what 12 means, but it's always like that, I guess that's about the engine itself. Anyway, you can edit the fifth dot's hexadecimal value to your desired amount of reputation. 1-9 go straight and appear straight in game, but when you write 10 in the hexadecimal meaning box, it appears as 16 in game. The person you've written 10 in his/her box has the reputation value "Friendship" with you, the maximum level in the game. BUG TESTS AND MUMBO JUMBO During the test, I used the savegame of a Safehouse save just before the last mission, "Infiltrating the Alpha Protocol". Now, before editing, SIE's reputation was 0. Like I said, I've said wrong things. So I edited this to be 9. I used the safehouse door to get to the last mission, chose SIE as my handler, and voila. Everything went normal, I've got the "Size Matters II" perk in the beginning of the level, and I've seen SIE's famous "Savage Love" scene. So, this is working as desired. PROOF Legal ****: I've tested this many times, but I can't guarantee your savegame's safety entirely, due to you. So if you do something wrong, please don't come here and swear at me.
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