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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. The 4th page of Odo's journal is up : http://dungeonsiege.com/odos-journal.php?i=4 I'm thinking there will be a twist, that Jeyne Kassynder isn't responsible for all the atrocities that befell the Legion after their fall. It's easy to put the blame on someone else when that someone is known for having hunted and destroyed most of the Legion!
  2. The mini-games' difficulty is based on the number of APs you have. And I think it's not the number of AP you've 'spent', but really the number of AP you 'have'. So if you gave yourself more than enough AP to max out every single skill, you're in for a world of hurt !
  3. Oh my, that's hilarious. 'Developed by Obsidian, the studio already responsible for Fallout 3 and Fallout : Vegas'
  4. If you take out the 'physics', I think Katarina's was better constructed and more dynamic.
  5. Yeah, I don't know what happened with that . Either the guy with the photoshop is really, really bad (it's not just boob size here, it's just plain wrong anatomy) or there is some perspective effect because of her position (if the bodice isn't skin-tight). But the former is probably the right answer. Gah Obsidian and Square Enix, this is not good marketing!
  6. Is it CGI or a real-life shot? I can't tell right away. After the modeling tweet a few weeks past and my comment up there, I'm wondering if we're not before a case of 'Angelina Jolie doesn't look like Lara Croft' . It might also explain why she has suspenders for her corset this time . EDIT : also, if Daz Crawford is the model for Reinhard, then that character will probably be one physical kind of wizard . I mean, 6' 5" (1.95 m) tall, ex-military, ex-sportsman (baseball and boxing), and the big vampire guy with the huge hammer in Blade 2? That guy is gonna be worst than Azar Javed in the 'big mage' category!
  7. That's what I said : D&D-inspired japanese animation . Also home to the Louie the Rune Soldier series. Only one elf in that one though.
  8. French gamers do. And probably fans of this kind of games everywhere in the world, since they're like the last games in that genre. Plus, they're published by Ubisoft, I doubt they would publish a game series with no international appeal. In fact, I think you're being delusional and pig-headed for some reason. It's weird.
  9. I believe that's part of the japanese's interpretation of the race.
  10. I believe Starwars' intervention had more to do with the fact that Perlman plays Hellboy.
  11. I'm betting on Bethesda being the 'picky' one, they've got a reputation for being very protective of their IPs, no?
  12. I know I've seen a lot of previews that used the 'Jean Grey as Phoenix' comparison to describe Anjali's look when transformed.
  13. Do you mind explaining your thoughts a little? Because it seems like a big stretch to me. They're not particularly original characters, but specifically Marvel? I don't see it .
  14. I wonder if Katarina will make the same comment than Anjali in the old NYCC video about Lucas' 'metal monstrosity' and how long it takes him to put it on each morning .
  15. Well, a reputation of 7 with her, and she left me alone when I said no. Does Mike's refusal change depending on his history? In my playthrough, he told her he was already in love with someone. Also, I like that if you refuse, you get to know a little more of her personality and how she sees life in the dialog that ensues. That was nice.
  16. For this system to work when the players want to use it, I think the host should only make his choice at the end, when everyone else has already chosen. I know that simply hitting a button isn't that much of a choir, but still, being able to just have one person taking care of this could be nice if nobody is interested in the story and dialogs.
  17. So far, that's exactly how we know it works. Characters exist only in the scope of a single playthrough/savegame, and the player who plays them has complete control on their leveling and equipment. I also hope that Obsidian has thought of putting an off-switch for the other player's ability to give their opinion in dialogs, because this could become tiresome when everyone is only interested in the combat.
  18. I definitely agree about Triss, she's got a great design. Was it a lot different in The Witcher? And well, I still like SIE's design from AP. Especially the concept art : http://brenze.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2fl0ke . She seems shorter in this than she is in the game though.
  19. About the german preview, I wonder why previews of builds that enable to play Katarina come out at such a snail-like pace? IGN was the first to publish a preview in which they played with her, and now that german preview, but nothing more. It's unusual.
  20. Gay romance, okay. But twincest ?!? @ virumor : love it, although the sword is really overkill when you already have a hammer that big!
  21. You do remember for how long Alpha Protocol was delayed, right ? I like Obsidian and its games, and I think that Lucas Arts kinda screwed them and the players over with KOTOR 2, but always blaming the publisher is getting very annoying, not to mention 'harmful' toward Obsidian (I'm sure that every game developer is judged partly based on its fan base). It is just as untrue as all Obsidian's games being buggy mess at their release (only true for NWN2).
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